Friday, February 19, 2016

Forecast for Saturday-Sunday 20-21 February 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016

^Awareness Increasing^

Moon in Leo  ***

The Full Moon approaches, with expanded consciousness, and since we are in a Bright Hermetic Epoch you might find that consciousness solving some of your problems or worries if you follow up the clues it hints to you.

Issues of health and of work and of college costs are related to the sign Virgo, wherein Jupiter resides, and he is now retrograde. It is interesting to note that Donald Trump has surprised many with his varying and seemingly contradictory stands on the notion of universal health insurance. He said he opposes the individual mandate on younger people for health insurance, yet has not offered a clear plan otherwise. Meanwhile Bernie Sanders is doing well by insisting on free tuition in public universities. Sanders is sun-sign Virgo. Jupiter in his sign is sextile Mars in Scorpio, sign of public financing ("other people's money" in old astrological lingo). 

Other nations seem to have no trouble just setting up health care for everyone through taxation. Only in the U. S. do we have these contradictory, complex, confusing mish-mashes of state laws, federal laws, insurance companies, and other complexities bewildering everyone and making it so hard for anyone to know how he or she is covered and what the costs and benefits are. In my view the insurance companies are greedy leeches and ought to be eliminated completely through single-payer federal health insurance. Anything else is a tangle of absurdities, or vultures (insurance companies and hospitals and drug companies) fighting over the corpses of Americans. Something is seriously wrong with all this and if Bernie Sanders is the only one with a clear sensible answer maybe we should support him. 

As for Trump, he says one thing one day and one thing another. Hillary says, Keep on with Obamacare but modify it. More tangles, more absurdities controlling other absurdities to the point that we will have to keep rewriting the laws forever. In every other civilized country, if you are ill you go to a government clinic or physician and that is that. 

That is my little Jupiter-in-Virgo sextile Mars-in-Scorpio spiel.

{Saturday} ~Awareness Increasing~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 21 February 2016

^Parks and Recreation^

Moon in Leo   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:18p PT | 8:18p ET | 1:18a(M) UT   ** /

Tim Cook of Apple never had much interest to me. I do not own any of Apple's products. But now he is assuming heroic proportions in my mind, because of his standing up to the Federal government on the issue of individual privacy. I wrote yesterday about the Uranus square Pluto square. Now I see, after reading a lot about Apple's legal battle with the Feds, that this battle is an exact imprint of the Uranus-Pluto square. To put it sharply: Uranus is individual freedom. Pluto is social compulsion through economics, big business or government. Tim Cook is representing Uranus here, the government is representing Pluto the plutocrat who wants to control everything and everyone. I am on Cook's side. I applaud him for his stand and feel I ought to get an iPhone or other Mac product. The conflict between Apple and the govenrment on this issue has been building through a series of interactions over several years, the very years we have had this Uranus-Pluto square (since April 25, 2011 by five degrees). 

On another note entirely, I have been watching the Netflix "Parks and Recreation" comedy for the first time. I had heard of it for years but brushed it off. Now I see why it was so popular. And I think Donald Trump must have watched it! Because he sounds exactly like its heroine, Leslie Knope (the actress Amy Poehler). He says what he thinks, never stops to think if he is contradicting himself or offending anyone, just like Leslie. And she keeps pressing on no matter what anyone thinks, and failing, and winning. Amazing. I believe the secret life of Donald Trump is that he watched every episode of this and is consciously imitating Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler, who was also one of the writers). And it's working for him! Maybe. We shall see perhaps Saturday in South Carolina (I am writing this Friday evening). 

Today, Sunday, is the birthday of The Mother (Mira Alfassa Richard) of the Sri Aurobindo movement. I have been studying her words in the amazing many-volumed Agenda of conversations between her and a student who recorded it all. I am amazed by her spiritual awareness and experience, something incredible. She shows how the sign Pisces at its best can be ahead of all the other signs, although unknown to the world. Even her disciples and those who call themselves "sadhaks" of the Integral Yoga she and Sri Aurobindo founded do not even begin to understand what she said and experienced. 

{Sunday}  ^Parks and Recreation^

Cosmic Piper

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