Thursday, February 11, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 11 February 2016

Thursday 11 February 2016

^Marvel Comics Characters^

Moon in Aries   ***

Aries does not seem a usually happy position for the moon, but in individuals born with that asterism it gives a freshness and honesty which can be refreshing. One of them is Bernie Sanders and while enjoying a sweet Seattle sunset a friend sent me his horoscope with the supposedly exact birth-time, Scorpio rising, and today the moon in Aries reflects the moon in that sign in his natus. There it is conjoined with Mars, and now in the sky with Uranus. This is Bernie's fighting spirit and his appeal to youth who see him as a Marvel Comics figure taking on the bad guys. He has Venus in Libra. The original Bonnie (of the infamous bank-robbing couple) was Libra and the original Clyde Aries. Bernie the bank-robber reflects their charts in some strange way. His Saturn in Taurus the sign of bankers and the 7th house the sign of open enemies shows his position vis-a-vis "Wall Street" his favorite open enemy. Astrology is utterly amazing and often delightful. Bernie's Mars-Moon conjunction in Aries is in the fifth house, that of children or young people and he is a sort of Pied Piper for them. Wonderful.

My delight in his campaign does not mean I agree with him on everything or would necessarily support him for President. I am waiting and watching the unparalleled democratic process. I feel he is really a needed remedy to the American political process at this point (and maybe even Trump is one although that seems to be in the form of some pathology surfacing in order to be expunged). Well, mentioning Trump gets everyone going, so: His chart has Leo rising with Mars there in the first house. That is indeed a brass band (Trump-et). He says what he thinks: Mars acts first and thinks afterward, especially in Leo where he has utter and supreme confidence. He has the bright yellow hair and red baseball cap, the yellow being Leo and the red Mars. He is a caricature of himself. Uranus in high focus means he jumps into things with cocksureness. The sun in Gemini can at worst be the con artist we really know him to be, who says what makes no sense in a way which makes it almost believable because one wants somehow to believe in it even though one knows it is pure hokum. So much for that particular Marvel creation. 

Pathologies are indeed coming to the surface. Two of my closest neighbors have mental-emotional problems, and both of them have had intense disturbing episodes in the past three weeks and both are now in hospitals. Both were shouting and talking in loud tones to invisible enemies, and I prayed and pray for them but don't know what else to do. They are symptoms of something going on at a deep level. I could trot out the aspects: Mars square the sun in fixed signs, with Mars in Scorpio the sign of crisis; Saturn square Neptune, often drug problems (and prescribed psychological drugs can also be the problem); Jupiter retrograde in Virgo sign of health, suggesting a return to former therapies.

There are also many helpful aspects. Some individuals are awakening to methods of financial or business success despite the stock market's horrid fluctuations and downturns (Capricorn planets trine Jupiter in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio a money sign sextile Jupiter on one side and Venus on the other). But we must not forget we remain in a Dark Hermetic Epoch until the 14th. This colors everything. It makes things slower. Chewing gum on the floor. Of course that can be a good challenge to keep us alert and trying. 

{Thursday} ^Marvel Comics Characters^

Cosmic Piper

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