Monday, February 15, 2016

Forecast for Fortnight of February 15(Monday) -- March 1(Tuesday) 2016

Forecast for the Fortnight of February 15(Monday)--March 1(Tuesday), 2016

~A Mandate for Fulfilling Orientation and Expression~

This time we use the Sabian symbols, with the same chart for the fortnight.

The first symbol is a striking one: A man bringing down the new law from Sinai. I can say without exaggeration that since the age of ten my life has been a continuous attempt to find that man. I have found two of them, at least: Marc Edmund Jones and Sri Aurobindo. What they have accomplished in their voluminous writings is utterly amazing and yet most people have never heard their names. (Well, at the time of Moses, who knew of him in the big bad world except a few thousand of his followers, a virtually unknown nomadic tribe?)

Others who might be mentioned in this category are Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Mary Baker Eddy (women bringing down the new law), and to them I would add the virtually unknown but incredibly inspirational teacher Emma Curtis Hopkins. You will doubtless have your own candidate or candidates. It is interesting that just as this fortnight began I felt an urge to keep reading a book of Edgar Cayce's teachings, and I find it, again, wonderful. He was indeed a man "bringing down the new law" which was also, basically, the old, but in a wonderful new dress which made it fascinating, including esoteric teachings on reincarnation and astrology. Cayce's total immersion in the Bible gave him a Judaeo-Christian mandate to teach such things despite their seeming foreignness. 

We may be pondering such individuals in this fortnight, and their teachings. 

At another level, it is striking that in terms of human law, President Obama has the task of appointing, or nominating, a new Supreme Court Justice. A new Moses would certainly be welcome (so long as this new one does not recommend stoning people to death as did the ancient one). (But let me add that I believe that very individual, still alive, would no longer recommend anything of the kind but would be opposed to capital punishment. I once had a conversation with him about that.)  

For something completely different, A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude.  This was the same in the last fortnight. Dr. Jones mentions "the human body as a temple of the spirit" in his interpretation of this. Perhaps we are called upon to appreciate our bodies anew and care for them as they deserve. He also interprets the nudity, or taking off one's clothes, which in a sense are protective, as "a successful resort to self-sacrifice or psychological renunciation in order to achieve a new dimension of conscious reality." Who would have thought of nudity as self-sacrifice? Yet one can sense what that means, considering how hard for most of us it is to be nude in a group. This lady does it alone, which is no doubt wise. Enjoy your shower or bathtub, immersing you in purifying liquid and leading you to a new dimension.

An aviator in the clouds continues a rather other-worldly set of symbols. Yet it has the semi-scientific keyword "observation." The signs Aquarius and Pisces, the last two of the zodiac, are perhaps the most other-worldly--Pisces the most, Aquarius somewhat, but with a more intellectual or technological orientation than Pisces. And we are now in those two sections of the zodiac by the placements of Venus, Mercury, the sun and Neptune. Dr. Jones mentions "the endless hypotheses man needs for solving the problems of a modern world." Technology at the time he wrote this was in its infancy compared to now. This can lead to freedom, for when we think we are seeing all of life "steadily and whole," we know what to do, and feel secure in the apprehension that it will lead to our good and the good of all. Dr. Jones: "Man is able to take a perspective superior to any involvement or pattern of limitation, and to examine any . . . complex of human affairs with a consistent thoroughness of over-view." The problem could be that we find it hard to share this vision with others in a practical way. 

An empty hammock was enticing us last fortnight also. Just lie down awhile and dream! The keyword is rumination. You have been in the plane observing the landscape; now you can lie down and gather wool around those memories. Dr. Jones calls the hammock "a balance between extremes," which is something we obviously need to do in choosing a new President for example. In your personal life you can figure out what it means for yourself. If the hammock were not tied to each of the extremes, it would fall. So we need both--but that is rather hard to see if we identify with one or the other. So we might have to go up in that plane again to surveil the whole landscape . . . 

Sea gulls watching a ship reminds me of a thirty-second video I once shared on Facebook : A seagull walking down the street in a coastal town turns in to a convenience store, disappears for a few seconds, and emerges carrying in its beak a sack of potato chips, continuing down the street! It was amazing. I remarked that at one time I used to throw old slices of bread to seagulls at the end of a pier in Florida, but that I had never thrown them a bag of chips. Anyway, this symbol's keyword, alertness, is perfect for the gulls--they know how to grab what they need the minute it is available. A friend told me that one of them dived down and seized a sandwich from his hand. For us, this fortnight, this means we need to be equally alert to where our benefits are and get to them quickly and effectively.

Finally, A girls' basketball team. Why do they play? Here is one answer from Dr. Jones: "The self cannot exist in a vacuum." If others are involved in what we are trying to do, our pleasure in the attempt--and the success (or failure)--is intensified. "Man's fulfillment is primarily a continued participation in common goals." Yet the teamwork also makes possible individual expression, which is the keyword. I'm hot and you're hot, teammate!

{Fortnight of February 15--March 1) ~A Mandate for Fulfilling Orientation and Expression~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Moon in Gemini
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Wednesday evening)
The forecast would be choosing a relevant paragraph or two from the previous forecast for the whole fortnight. 

Cosmic Piper

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