Friday, December 30, 2016

Forecast for Week of Saturday 31 December through Friday 6 January 2016-17

Week of Saturday 31 December through Friday 6 January 2016-17

~Gradual Preparation of Group Achievement~

One emphasis is financial matters. They can be handled circumspectly and with wisdom, without a major departure into new territory (which would be premature before Mercury goes direct on the 9th).  Probably they are old, established or postponed transactions or deals needing resolution.

Another emphasis is career, with a sense of spiritual fulfillment and pleasure. What you do in the public eye gets approval in more ways than you might have counted on.

Research which leads to or involves communication is flourishing. The tangles within it become untangled slowly.

Pleasures are fresh and interesting, with exploration into things which might please, fulfill, or comfort, whether in the arts, sports, or entertainment.

The T square in cardinal signs combined with Jupiter in high focus means we are trying to win, and to influence people, while also recognizing the value of others' influence whether they are teaching us directly or indirectly. Achievement, even when individual, is somehow a group project of the human race. Such a realization is dawning.

Week of December 31-January 6  ~Gradual Preparation of Group Achievement~

Saturday 31 December 2016
Moon in Aquarius   ***

Sunday 1 January 2017
Moon in Aquarius  ***

Happy New Year!

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Message for Friday 30 December 2016

Friday 30 December 2016

\Opting for a Friendly Focus/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:08a PT | 3:08a ET | 8:08a UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 5:30p PT | 8:30p ET | 1:30a(Sa) UT   ***

Every day can be a good day. In that, I agree with the non-astrologers and anti-astrologers. Yet an experienced astrologer who works with the daily aspects---there aren't many of them---can sense the flavor of a day from the daily chart, and with that knowledge nudge consciousness toward a happier way of experiencing the day. 

With that preparation, I have to say that looking at Friday's chart I have a sinking feeling. It just looks lackluster. So we will have to polish it up somehow. At least it's the Friday before a big holiday weekend, and that helps. 

What I sense in the chart is not tragedy or pain but something like drift. "Duh, what is going on here, and does it matter?" might be the feeling. 

Career matters are not bad but one wonders about them and wishes they could be more definite.

However, there are nice indications in the "field systems" I have developed over the past 40 years. Friendliness or friendship. Fellow-feeling. "We don't know what we're doing but we're together, and that's interesting." There are strong moods, and perhaps a sense of disappointment. People are in their own worlds; the question is whether you can enter into their worlds in a way pleasing to you and them. Expending yourself for someone else could be a key.

Things could pick up after the moon enters Aquarius.

{Friday} /Opting for a Friendly Focus\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Message for Thursday 29 December 2016

Thursday 29 December 2016

\High Hopes Fostered Patiently/

Moon in Capricorn   **

I hope people are noticing how Mercury Retrograde is playing out in world affairs. In short, they are a mess. The U. S.'s refusal to veto criticism of Israel in the U. N. is long overdo---Israel has been led to assume that we approve everything it does, while as a matter of fact extremely ethical and upright Jews and Israelis both in Israel and the U. S., represented by the Jewish Voice for Peace, are very much opposed to the official Israel settlement policies which are frustrating or making impossible any peace plan. Obama and Kerry seem to be saying that they are finally willing to recognize the obvious---months and years too late, in my view, and in the final days of their Administration! This is Mercury Retrograde as "recrimination" and "review" and "repudiation." 

In the Trump domain, everything is focused on his business holdings and how they might or might not be sources of corruption, or corrupt use of power, during his Presidency. Other than that, there is much silence, which might be appropriate since the MR period is always one of reworking things, reorganizing. From a superficial viewpoint it is better that Trump's initial decisions will come after Mercury turns direct on January 8. 

In terms of accidents and terrorism, there have been too much of both. That is typical of MR when people living in a rage-cage jump out of it to wreak havoc on everyone else. 

I notice often at these times that the news seems almost irrelevant, or else concerned with reviewing the past, because current events are indecipherable. Journalists are not just making things up, but they are at a loss for credible, solid stories, so they riff a little bit, and we wonder why we bothered to read the article. We have had much energy devoted to the deaths of George Michael and Carrie Fisher. There is nostalgia during the MR periods. Today someone reported the death of someone who had not really died! It took a few hours for everyone to get the correction. 

At the personal level, you no doubt are rearranging, reorganizing, or reconstructing a lot of things in your life. That is good.

As pointed out in the forecast for this week, and elsewhere, the prevailing good aspects continue to prevail and that is helping us so that superficially many might wonder "Is Mercury really retrograde? Nothing seems much amiss." You have to look deeper to see it. Look at your dreams, for example, and your daily habits, which sometimes seem to have a haze hanging over them because you are pondering what life means, what your life means, where you are going, in a more profound manner than usual Your dreams probably seem more vivid and real. Experiencing them is one thing, and reading them from above them is another. Can we do both? At the same time? If later, will we really remember those dreams? It might be good to try. 

Can we see how our personal lives and affairs also are dreams, or have a dream-quality at least, and that we continue them according to our inner predilections, and that these determine them, just as they determine our night-dreams? Of course that is not entirely true. One test of how sincere you are as a human being might be how much you are willing to enter into others' outer "dreams" when they hare problems, and try to reduce those problems for them, or help them escape bad dreams they keep creating. Of course there is a limit to that also, but good will and good intent mean a lot. We see people wrestling with their demons, the same demons over and over again. How could we help them win some of those wrestling matches, and proceed to other more elevated struggles which would have even happier results?

Today there can be friendliness and fellowship in a place where people get together. Not everyone is upfront about feelings but this does not have to be problematic, just the way it is. There are ambitions which are partly frustrated so one is reticent about one's business, career, job, or project. When people don't get it, why proclaim it? There comes a time for that but today it would have to be in a muted, self-effacing or humble manner. 

Waiting patiently with humility is a key to avoiding sad or repellent happenings or reactions.
At the same time, though seemingly contrary to that, one needs to keep driving oneself to attain the goals one has firmly decided upon in accord with high wisdom. That can be done without expecting any applause at this juncture.

{Thursday}  /High Hopes Fostered Patiently\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Message for Wednesday 28 December 2016

Wednesday 28 December 2016

\Wary Choice/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET | 1:46p UT * / |
Moon enters Capricorn (no longer v-of-c) at 7:13a PT | 10:13a ET | 3:13p UT ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:03p PT | 10:03p ET | 3:03a(Th) UT ***
New Moon of Capricorn occurs at 10:54p PT | 1:54a(Th) ET | 6:54a(Th) UT

Although much of the day gets only two stars, background aspects among the planets remain good (as outlined in recent posts) so things may be on an even keel, although:

The last day before the New Moon is often lazy or lackluster. One feels that things are lagging or that it is hard to carry on with clear sharp momentum. If one can get extra rest, that could help. It looks like a day when one's plans and activities will be largely private or even secretive, or that when in a public role one will be reserved, holding things back.

Whether it is wise to cross the bridge described in the following poem I cannot say. Perhaps in reality there is more than one bridge and you can choose the one which is time-tested and reliable.

He doesn't trust the old bridge ready to crash,
So pauses on the shore. Will he fall into brackish water,
Arms over his head? Rain saturating rotting wood,
Leaden clouds show the bleakness of his choice.

He remembers a butterfly with one strong, one weak wing
Flying uniquely through summer camp across the bridge
While a girl was blowing a bugle seasons ago. 
He dreamt then of fairies, outlook childlike and free. 

Birds had been singing near the tent, establishing comfort
In his thoughts. Then arrows were crossed with a boy wanting
Strife. They chased each other through fields and into
A crop. Bent and broken ears of corn were harvested.

Now it's ethereal food, nourishing his choice to
Clamber over the unsteady bridge successfully.

{Wednesday}  /Wary Choice\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, December 26, 2016

Message for Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tuesday 27 December 2016

^Pleasure's Reluctant Wisdom^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues (until Wednesday evening)   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46p PT | 8:46p ET | 1:46a(W) UT * / |

The sense of constriction with Luna joined to Saturn might mean we have tired of holiday excesses. However, Luna is sextile Venus at the moment of the v-of-c given above, and so the afternoon and evening could still have overtones of holiday cheer with mutual attractions or friendliness.

The cross is formed by darts, each arm sharp and
Dangerous to hearts seeking someone to cling to. 
Dense fog hangs low. The would-be lover is desolate
And jealous. The darts point in every direction he ponders.

Another cross lying on rocks was tossed there by a man
Whose god, he thought, had failed. He folds his arms and
Walks away. One sneaks behind him holding a dagger. 
The hood across his face hides his prophetic stature.

The woman and her boyfriend play together with fruits, 
Flowers and wine. The prophet, his dagger hidden, comes
Upon them; does not judge. Youth has its prerogatives.
His hood feels heavy; he bows and mumbles counsel.

The cross's darts have not yet touched the lovers. 
The prophet's heart is weary of human weaknesses. 

{Tuesday} ^Pleasure's Reluctant Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Message for Monday 26 December 20`6

Monday 26 December 2016

^Service to the Eidolon^

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week continues until late Wednesday   *** |

I usually do not give three stars when we are in a |challenging third of the week|, but this time there are so many good aspects among the planets that the day might even merit ****.

Love of both a mellow, stabilizing sort and, on the other hand, a thrilling, awakening sort is available and wanting us to harbor it.

Mercury's sextile with Neptune, while the former is retrograde, suggests deep spiritual realizations or intimations. At a less exalted level it can be intense and happy dreams. I wish somehow I could both relish and understand my dreams while they are going on---not breaking the spell, yet being above it also so I can understand the dreams' significance or "get" their message more deeply and memorably. This could be an excellent time to attempt that. (I believe that thinking of the dreams as real interactions with real beings is not a mistake.)

Contacts with people at or from a distance is of course not unusual during the holiday season, but the chart does emphasize this and I would have said it anyway. One is not averse to work either (though many have the day off), with a sense that one is fulfilling a mission. Disagreements lurking in the background may be the very factors which keep us thinking and learning. 

People want to parent one another. This can take wonderful, nurturing forms, or perverse forms.

Pleasure, beauty, and companionship are prevalent. Even if one turns away from them for serious purposes, they tend to recur in more subte-lized or sublimated forms. Selfishness and craftiness have not, unfortunately disappeared from the human race, so one may recognize their ugly presence in others or oneself. A happier form of this is simple rivalry, which keeps us on our toes. We want to be thorough in the work which is our proving-ground. 

After that, or during it, there is subtle, gracious devotion, or affection settled upon one object or person no matter what happens---or upon the Deity, in whatever eidolon-form He or She has captured one's heart. 

{Monday} ^Service to the Eidolon^

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  This is the Second Day of Christmas in both the Roman Catholic and Episcopal (and many other denominations') church calendar. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Forecast for Christmas week of Saturday 24 through Friday 30 December 2016

Week of Saturday 24 through Friday 30 December 2016

^Happy Christmas-Tide!^

We have our Christmas holiday this week and everything looks quite nice for it, in terms of planetary aspects. Venus trine Jupiter while sextile Saturn and the latter two also in a close sextile. Venus sextile Uranus while Saturn trines him. This is all good for holiday cheer. Then there is the conjunction of Mars with Neptune sextile the conjunction of Mercury with the sun. Very strong for self-certainty and achievement. This is an unusual number of helpful, positive aspects. 

The hard aspects reduce to one T square, that of the exact Jupiter-Uranus opposition squared to Pluto in Capricorn. We have already discussed this as the "get rich quick" syndrome of the Trump pre-presidency, with a time frame for it given in last week's forecast (posted last Friday). It is a desire to weigh and measure things carefully in order to exploit them, as investments and businesses. There is exaltation in this, among some, and fear among others who see the carelessness of a man assuming power who in recent days carelessly announced he wanted to increase the world's use of nuclear weapons! If anyone is not seriously concerned about this madman assuming power, he or she is just not informed or smart. 

What this will mean will be determined later, of course. It is hard to know what Gemini people, of whom Mr. Trump is one, are thinking or planning or doing while Mercury is retrograde as it is now. Again, the schedule:

Dark Hermetic Epoch began 12/2 . . .(Mercury Retrograde from 12/19 until 1/8/17) . . . DHE shall end 1/27/17

But not just Gemini and Virgo, the Mercury-ruled signs, but all signs and all people are in a different mental space during the period just demarcated. I have tried to outline what that means over and over since this blog began in 1999, and it appears to be useful to rewrite it each time because new insights come always. Here are some hints, based on long experience and observation, as to how to navigate your life during this whole period (or until January 27):

1. You are not losing it! There can be lapses of memory. "What am I doing here?" "I just walked into this room---what for?"  Your computer may seem to have lapses of memory or to do stupid things or just not work in some way or other for a while. All this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Your memory could be off just because your mind is groping around in so many directions that it can't keep track of all of them. You are not going senile or crazy. 

2. There can be more than the usual number of disagreements. They are not all based on misunderstandings, but some of them are. The other real disagreements come up to be dealt with as a factor within your rebirthing of yourself, which is going on now and of which you will probably become aware (if you aren't already). 

3.  Rather than absence of memory, there can be a plethora of unsummoned memories which surge into you at various times. "Why did I think of that incident or person just now?" Your subconscious mind is bringing all kinds of things up from the past, usually for its own good purposes. It is as if we are closer to our dreams, and our dreaming self is closer to our waking self, so we "daydream" more often and more vividly. This can be very healthy for us so long as we are not operating a car or dangerous machine at the moment, etc. 

4.  In reviewing the past, one may sense loss. "Where did she or he go?" There can be deep sentiment or sobbing. We know somehow that the past is still alive, and yet we cannot grasp it, and there is poignance in the memory of those gone from us. This can be sad or beautiful, or both. It is healthy for us to incorporate those memories into our awareness in a different, richer way than ever before. Perhaps they are more than memories, but actual living-again of moments and persons in another real, not illusive, dimension. 

5.  On the negative side, there can be inappropriate words or behaviors. With so much going on in one's mind, one can be impatient with others who don't know what one is experiencing. So one blurts out something which might be embarrassing afterwards. If others do this, be prepared to forgive them with the knowledge you have about this period. Some will be more muted and quiet, preoccupied, seeming to ignore you because they are in a "brown study" internally. 

6.  There are numerous out-of-pattern events. This can be exalting when they are pleasant surprises. The day Mercury turned retrograde I was thrown into contact with a person I considered almost an enemy, and we chatted and found some things in common. Someone unexpectedly gave me a box of candy last night. The night before that a neighbor called on me for a Phillips screwdriver and I found one for him. Surprisingly I bought some bulk raw foods, beans and grains I had never bought before and cooked them and enjoyed the result. These unexpected things are not so much the result of conscious plans (as in the Bright Hermetic Epoch) but of subconscious gropings or realizations, or sheer serendipity. They make life interesting again. It can be a "magical mystery tour." "Fascinating things are happening all around me and now I feel alive!"

7. There can be sentimentality---about lost loves, current loves who are not present, even strangers or acquaintances, deep feelings which surge out of a subconscious core where they were hidden. Perhaps our mind (Mercury) is in a different sort of space where it is more able to heed, recognize and exalt the whisperings of the heart. 

8.  There can be self-criticism. "What is wrong with me? Have I gone totally wrong? Where did I get off the track? Can my future really be any better?" This is the "REcrimination" side of REtrogradation. It is easy to say "Forgive yourself" but the issue is usually deeper than that, which is why people feel they need the Supreme One to forgive them and set them on a better path. Of course we all do need that, and times like this are designed to help us realize how we have failed so we can realize how to do better. 

9.  There are questions of what to drop or leave out, and what to postpone. One may feel like postponing everything, because it can be a "lazy" time or a time when a siesta is needed. Each of us has to figure that out in terms of his or her own life and priorities. One realizes, "I don't have time for all this, and I am slowing down anyway, I don't want to do so much, I have to drop some of it or postpone it." If one were to think "Oh, I'm losing it, falling apart," one could become very depressed. I have said often that these can be suicidal times for those predisposed in that direction. They are times when people "throw in the towel" or resign from some position or quit a job (or a marriage). This time, all that should be easier than in most DHE periods because of the good aspects outlined at the beginning of the report. Still, one feels one needs to reduce one's burdens, and then a judicious selection among routines and schedules is needed. You need not worry that you will never get back on schedule again if you give some wisely adjusted slack to yourself here and there. What is most essential and never to be reduced or postponed is whatever keeps you in touch with the Supreme. 

10. There is the possibility of entering into a "trip" or a fantasy world. Of course at worst this could be through drugs but it can also be through occult seductions. I read a review of a book on how to read the Tarot for oneself a few hours ago, and felt, "Oh, I could get that book and do Tarot readings for myself and everything would get better!"  As if I hadn't tried that multitudinous times in the past! Or one may join an esoteric order, or sign up at a local gym, or for a hatha yoga class, or read things which make one feel one has escaped all problems, or indulge in movies and TV series. Some of this, of course, can be healthy; it's a matter of balance. Total escape into a new world seems to be one temptation in the DHE and especially the Mercury Retrograde period. Rather, one can flirt with these temptations, and learn from them, but not get seduced into something irresponsible or foolish. 

11.  Then there is---would you believe it?---actual self-reformation or self-rebirth through experiment as well as through control. The "experiment" half of it is the right brain (left hand) side of it---accentuated in the DHE. The "control" half of it is the left brain (right hand) side of it---de-emphasized in the DHE but still needed, so one has to rev it up specially sometimes to prevent getting lost in illusions or experiments which go in circles. Let's hope we can do all that this Christmas-tide!

Without losing any of the childlike merriment of the season!

Such blessings are wished upon you now by 

Cosmic Piper


Saturday 24 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta   *** <
until 12:57p PT | 3:57p ET | 8:57p UT   ****

Sunday 25 December 2016

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at [11:23pSa PT] | 2:23a ET | 7:23a UT   ** /
until it enters Sagittarius at 7:20p PT | 10:20p ET | 3:20a(M) UT   ***

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Forecast for Friday 23 December 2016

Friday 23 December 2016

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta (until Saturday evening)   ** <
/moon void-of-course   * / <
until it enters Scorpio at 6:34a PT | 9:34a ET | 2:34p UT   ** <

I hope to write and post a forecast for the coming week on Friday.

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 22 December 2016

Thursday 22 December 2016

Moon in Libra
< moon in Via Combusta ** <
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:33a PT | 2:33p PT | 6:33p UT * / <

The forecast for this week was posted last Friday and is available now on this blog.

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 21 December 2016

Wednesday 21 December 2016

}Acquired Self-Assurance{

Moon in Libra   ****

From Berlin: "On a chaotic day of grief and uncertainty, after 12 people were killed and dozens injured on Monday, . . . "  You have heard the story, the terrorist attack on a Christmas market.

Also on Monday the huge headline story:  

Russian Ambassador to Turkey Is Assassinated in Ankara

Ankara, Berlin, Zurich: A Day of Violence    Headline from the NYTimes, the day in question being Monday. 


Blast at Mexico Fireworks Market Kills at Least 27

I have to mention all this, because as you can see from the forecasts published here, Monday was the first day of Mercury being retrograde, and also it was within the |karmically challenging or sobering third| of this week. "A day of violence" says the NY Times, which is not given to hyperbole (and which rejects astrology). 

I have pointed out repeatedly that these "thirds of the week" are dangerous, often; and that the Mercury Retrograde period is "dangerous" sometimes, when one is around dangerous people. 

In contrast with all this, on Monday evening I went to a wonderful party for a man celebrating his 100th birthday. What made the difference? These terrorist attacks, and other notable "accidents," were precipitated by human error, by those who were either crazy, suffering beyond their endurance and so "acting out" their despair, or in the case of accidents, temporarily incompetent. At the party I attended, those who were there were mature individuals following a spiritual path, namely that of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.  We had a good time. The "difficult third" merely had to do with the fact that we had to go out of our way to be there and honor this wonderful individual. There was some minor stress, suffered by some, but this was in no way a detriment to the celebration. In other words, those who have a more exalted or spiritualized consciousness will suffer less during these times. The Mercury retrograde aspect of the party was the reminiscing, the getting-together of many from around the world who had not seen one another in a long time, and the recollection of the glorious deeds of the man being honored. The Mercury retrograde aspect of the killings and accidents was people retreating within themselves into some kind of inappropriate, malign, or dangerous consciousness. Either extreme is possible at these times. "If G*d is with us, who can be against us?"

Or, more appropriately, "If we are with G*d, . . . "


(The |difficult third| has ended though of course Mercury remains retrograde. This is actually good for many typical holiday activities such as re-connecting with people, reminiscing, rethinking, reestablishing relationships, and the like.)

There is finesse, and the possibility of mastery of intricate problems or issues. The physical and mental combine in social sciences or social versatility.

Quiet, peaceful, somewhat religious tendencies could prevail part of the time. These tend toward worldly success even if that is not the primary objective. Confidence in one's abilities and the cause one has chosen is a stabilizing happy standpoint.

Placidity and indifference are not the same. Someone placid or peaceful may be capable of great force---but mostly in order to offset enemies in order to regain peace of mind. 

There is a need for probity, that is, watchfulness to preserve community standards for one's own sake as well as for the community. Then one feels self-assured and able to demand respect because one knows one is worthy of it. 

There are many diversions, and things may go in circles. If feeling apathetic or tired, it is good not to depend too much upon others' kindness or support; rather to get up and be active as much as possible (after appropriate recuperating rest). Then one can find a happy balance, and re-participate in the endless pleasurable diversions of the season. 

Conquest of the mental and spiritual actually means aptitude for self-government. Then there is also adaptability, so that one can be a connecting link between individuals or differing interest-groups. To be masterful oneself includes being able to harmonize others' relationships. 

{Wednesday}  {Acquired Self-Assurance}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, December 19, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 20 December 2016

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Moon in Virgo-->Libra|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues  ** |(until 4:46a(Wednesday) PT | 7:46a(W) Et | 12:46p(W) UT)

\The Darkest Day Sequesters Light/

Some seem to be alone in this world, while actually living in the future. Their path may be hard because they do not seem to fit in with the current setup of circumstances. 

A moderate pace is good when things seem futile. Difficult and protracted work goes well when done with a sharp, incisive mind and a strong purpose.

It is well to trust one's friends, and those who have proved trustworthy over the years. To whom else would one turn, other than the Supreme? Caution is wise, but not timidity. One can set the conditions for participating in things which are partially doubtful. Then they proceed well, founded on reliable judgment.

The world appreciates those who shine so brightly as to become essential. Some may assume hierarchical roles in organizations, churches, charities or NGOs. They win appreciation through their sacrifices. 

Lofty inspirations lead to scholarly speculations. Ambitions are not wrong when they result in the elevation of mankind. Some can awaken faith in things supernormal while professing  useful arts simply without ostentation. 

Uncertainties may seem to exacerbate a struggle for existence in the midst of tossing change. Yet in the darkest gloom of this darkest day of the year there shines a ray of light from above---for those attempting missions requiring such illumination. Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice and the sun's rebirth as we glide again toward the fullness of a currently hidden yet germinating summer. 

Tuesday 20 December 2016  /The Darkest Day Sequesters Light\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Forecast for Monday 19 December 2016

Monday 19 December 2016

\The Applicability of Truth/

Moon in Virgo
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until late Tuesday)   ** |

Longevity is increasing. There may be information or discussion about this: why it is happening and what it means. There is a sense of well-being and favor.

When people feel they have lost a lot, or that certain plans they had cherished have been wrecked, they may become timid and ineffective. Rather, they should try to live their strongest convictions.

People scan information or propaganda in pamphlets or on the Internet. Reformers try to change minds. This could be in connection with public commerce, foodstuffs or maybe investing and tax reform. 

Someone who is noted and seems essential to the world has earned his or her position through participating honestly in effort to fulfill human needs. 

Documents, or maybe Christmas cards, are useful and come into play. Sometimes one can express in a definite manner inspirations which come from On High.

There can be affluence, and connections with those from foreign shores. There is a practical ability to analyze what succeeds, and benefit from that understanding.

{Monday} /The Applicability of Truth\

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  The report for the whole week was posted on Friday and might merit reconsideration. It explicates longer-term aspects and trends. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Forecast for Week of December 17-23, 2016

Week of Saturday 17 December through Friday 23 December 2016

}Christmas Past Lives Again{

Mercury turns retrograde on Monday the 19th (early in the morning). Most of us know what that means, or some of it, though it is always good to improve our understanding of it through experience and reflection. It is not just "a bad time" although that is the popular conception. It is a good time for deep experiences, dreams, inner life, pondering, meditating, praying. It is not always good for outer activities, or rather, it is both good and bad but often confusing, requiring us to see things in new ways. It is always surprising in some way or other. And all that has been happening already. Again, here is the agenda:

Dark Hermetic Epoch begins 12/2 . . .(Mercury turns Retrograde 12/19 until 1/8/17) . . . DHE ends 1/27/17

The DHE lasts 56 days, the Mercury Retrograde in the middle of it lasts 20 days. 

One of the things I like about the DHE and the MR period within it is the sense of surprise. Things seem oddly new even when they are old. Old memories, family memories, childhood memories, come floating up and seem very real. One can actually travel to the past in consciousness. Dreams seem very real, more so than usual. We enter some other dimension. 

That is why it seems so hard, sometimes, to cope with the ordinary time-and-space three-dimensional world (or fourth dimensional if one takes time as a dimension). We want to go off into la-la land. 

I watched all of President Obama's press conference on Friday. It was almost his goodbye to the press corps. He reviewed his eight years. The RE words are extremely important during the DHE and the MR. Recalling, reviewing, re-analyzing, and even resigning, as the President is doing albeit a forced retirement. Then, before heading off for his annual Christmas vacation in Hawaii, he said "Mele Kalikimaka." Of course he is going back to where he spent his childhood years. All of us may experience a twinge when we hear "I'll be Home for Christmas" knowing we can only do it in our memories. 

Most workers would be glad to have a vacation during this period, so retired people or others unemployed should be glad they are free to experience the DHE and MR in their own free way. However, it is not a free time utterly, because all have a "work load" of some kind or other, even the retired, or especially they if they want to keep themselves alive and alert. 

Yes, there is a danger during this period of slipping off into another world and neglecting duties, or even safety. During one such period a train engineer fell asleep and the result was a train wreck. If one avoids such obvious dangers, one can enjoy and appreciate the "other-worldliness" of the period within oneself while keeping outward things in fair order. 

The out-of-pattern things which happen are not always accidents or problems. Sometimes they are delightful interruptions. A movie of Buster Keaton's is almost an exact paradigm of a Mercury Retrograde experience. Things may come out right in the end but not without endless peculiar or fascinating comedies of error. We need to be prepared for that. Smile through the Little Rascals' nonsense and carry on. 

People are trying to guide others this week. There is an impulse toward being a guide, teacher, or parent. There could be profit through speculation. Venus in Aquarius forms a sextile with Uranus and a trine with Jupiter. This is good fortune, either materially or socially. It can add up to fun and entertainment. 

When it comes to government and politics, it is fascinating that the long-lasting T-square focused on Pluto in Capricorn continues in full force, with the stationary Mercury joining Pluto. This is, in two words, Donald Trump and his presidency. Many do not like it; many despise it; yet there it is. Pluto is the planet of big business, and Trump has put big-business millionaires or billionaires in charge of every branch of his coming government. I myself do not see this as good in any way, but my role here as an astrologer is not to make value judgments so much as to point out the astrological correlations to what is going on. That continues through June 2017, and then the Jupiter square Pluto remains until October. We will find out during that period what this "businessman government" means. As for the Jupiter opposite Uranus through June, Reinhold Ebertin gets it right: "Love of freedom and independence, revolutionary ideas, opposition, tactlessness, exaggeration, exceptional inner tension (which can be released), overhasty acts, passing up good opportunities; philosophical, religious or political conflicts."

There is a "get rich quick" syndrome. Nobody wants to "pass up good opportunities"! We have seen that in the stock market, but that of course is likely to be up and down as always; we will see it in businesses of all kinds. Nevada has passed a law allowing sportsbook betting to go on within entities which work almost like mutual funds directed by those who pick winning teams and bet on them for the sake of the whole group. That is one example of what could be happening.

As for backtracking, reviewing, and recriminating, we are having plenty of that with the recent election, with some wanting the Trump Electors in the Electoral Kindergarten to vote for someone other than Trump. We see it in the email nonsense. Hillary Clinton committed no crime with her emails but millions think she did because of fake news and extremely bad and misleading reporting by the major media, even the New York Times. We wish we could fix that now but we can't. Yes, recrimination can be a MR phenomenon. Then there is the Russian hacking of the Democrats which is now, during the DHE, getting the attention it should have had earlier. During these times we go back and find out what we did wrong. 

On a cheerier note, the sun sextile Mars is strength, vitality, and definiteness in one's goals with determination to attain them. Venus trine Jupiter and sextile Uranus all this week is perfect for the holiday season. It is sincerity, grace, popularity, sociability, gifts, and festivities. It can be surprises, visits, simple joys, and amorous reactions.

{Week of December 17-23}  {Christmas Past Lives Again}

Saturday 17 December 2016Moon in Leo ****

Sunday 18 December 2016Moon in Leo-->Virgo ****/moon goes void-of-course at 8:56a PT | 11:56a ET | 4:56p UT *** /until it enters Virgo at 9:53a PT | 12:53p ET | 5:53p UT ***|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 4:59p PT | 7:59p /ET | 12:59a(M) UT (until late Tuesday evening) ** |

Cosmic Piper