Monday, November 4, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Fortuna in 2, Possessions

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:49a PT | 11:49a ET | 4:49p UT

He thinks he has the power and the right; he must be It.
She loves with bubbling-over constancy and innocence.
Their arms are linked the better to explore this world of chance
Which can't escape their searching eyes. They quaff its wine.


Much is straightforward and ordinary, which could be a relief. Ordinary work has its satisfactions. We all have to carry our own weight in one way or another. There can be a kind of rebirth through an idealistic attitude toward what you "have to" do, seeing it as part of what "humanity has to do" if we are to survive. The side of you which wants to be indeterminate, unwalled, and disrespectful of convention discovers a certain finesse which is adaptable and diplomatic. So you get the best of both worlds, a carefreeness plus a responsibileness so that all stays on course but without stress.

Comradeship is good. It could be with someone older or else someone young going through a lot of suffering. A liberal frankness is exhilarating. Everyone wants to perfect something about himself or herself, and gets feedback through others' responses. Some get their security through their position, at which they have worked to arrive, and expect recognition for the advantages they have gained.

Leadership cannot be deficient if there is to be steady progress. (Are there elections in your area?) In a democracy power is supposed to derive from the people, and this is actually happening (!) in some places. Other individuals will coast along on whatever is transpiring and amuse themselves. Their path is not useless if it also pleases or amuses others. You may spend time with someone innocent and harmless who is motivated more by the heart than the head. This could be wonderful.

Aptitude and versatility are strong. You could feel sociable and inquisitive. There are alternations of feelings, but the sexes can be linking with one another in interesting ways. Venus and Mars are developing a friendly relation which will happily be with us through the year-end holidays (through December 31). Of course this can also be romance or love within the same sex when that is the predilection. (If you are an astrologer you may wonder at my using a large fifteen-degree orb for this prediction, but I have found it to be effective with the extremely important planets Venus and Mars which are our closest neighbors in the solar system.) There is a question of who has the power--which partner in a relationship or friendship--but this can be finessed without much worry.

{Tuesday} *Mellow*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity-->Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 2, Possessions

/moon void-of-course until it
enters Capricorn at 1:45p PT | 4:45p ET | 9:45p UT

The vane points north while the plane flies south.
Two looming landmarks point the pilot's path.
He almost fell asleep, then saw the temple's dome
And a childhood home beyond the landing strip.

\Commemorating Foundations/

People think about or commemorate whatever is essential to them while Jupiter is stationary in Cancer, a sign of foundations. Whatever has been damaged in something which is moral support for you gets your attention as something to be repaired. You think of an astounding feat someone else or you have accomplished. There can be vacillation and uncertainty as to which direction to go. Procrastination is not helpful unless it gives you a chance to decide what is most important.

Fatalism is a danger while the moon and Venus are in Capricorn--a tendency to assume there is nothing you can do to improve your situation and consequently a fulfillment of that prophecy. Rather, you could listen to the inner song of your aspirations toward perfection along some line most important or most attainable. Protecting something such as a building, your home, an organization or some other foundation which partly supports you and others could be significant.

The spiritual presence of ancestors in your blood is real. It can direct you and yield moral sustenance. Think of a place you lived when a child--an impressive building, whether to everyone or just to yourself because it was your home. It looms large not only in memory but in inspirational value. (More than one may come to mind.) Did you attend a church, synagogue or other spiritually significant place in younger days? That too could be something to summon up as a source of inspiration, guidance and protection. We sometimes drop outward formulas of worship but do not have to lose their inner meaning and essence. 

A supple mental make-up is helpful if you don't let it dissuade you from pursuing success along the line you most value by enticing you in too many directions. Negation and ineptitude will not defeat you if you attend to inner guidance from the soul level. An endowment from your material as well as your spiritual family is something to trust.

{Wednesday} /Commemorating Foundations\

Cosmic Piper

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