Sunday, November 24, 2013

Forecast: Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 November 2013

Monday 25 November 2013

Sun in Sagittarius, Administration; Moon in Virgo, Purity; Foci in 10, Career and 3, Communication

/moon void-of-course until it 
enters Virgo at 4:12a PT | 7:12a ET | 12:12p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:04a PT | 10:04a ET | 3:04p UT

}Happy Week Begins{

As seen in the above lunar indications, things are smoothing out. I hope you are benefiting by knowing about the |difficult third| of each week. This week that two-to-three day period (coinciding lately with the weekends, gradually getting earlier in the week) corresponded with a two-to-three-day cold which I expect to be over almost precisely when the |period| ends on Monday morning. As I write on Sunday I am in the cold's final stages. Last weekend, the two-to-three-day |Karmically difficult| period corresponded with a friend's flu and fever precisely. He felt himself getting ill on Saturday but went out to party anyway and paid the price. Such things happen, but if you follow these trends carefully you may be spared much pain. Sometimes it is necessary to "pay the price" for an experience one needs. Other times, extra caution pays off. 

Further, even if one cannot escape some "karmic debt" during these two-to-three days, one can "pay" it more cheerfully if one knows about these periods and what they mean. Over and over, for decades, I have found that two-or-three-day illnesses such as colds and flu have come to me during these periods. Usually the experience is more subjective, involving depression or serious thoughtfulness, which of course can be salutary. That is why I use the word "sobering" for it.

Since the Sabbath in ancient Hebrew observance was the Saturn day of the week (Saturday), these weekly periods coinciding with the moon's harsher relation to Saturn are in a sense a weekly "Sabbath" or period of adjustment and recovery, good more for internal than external advancement. It is not that one cannot work; one can do one's necessary work with the sense of catching up or doing what simply must be done, but no more, giving oneself also a chance to recover and readjust spiritually.

I am telling you this now in retrospect of two such weekends, so I hope you will remember it for next weekend. Today, Monday, we are "out of the woods" with this particular cycle. Next week it will cover precisely Saturday and Sunday. It is nice that Thanksgiving is free of it. A new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins on Wednesday, the day before, so we will have something to celebrate for sure.

Monday's lunar aspects are progressive and helpful. Thank G*d it's Monday! There is a will to achieve and also to penetrate deeply into any mystery or conundrum one is trying to solve. One is aware of issues with friends but also of what they mean to one at a deep level of the heart. So there is a willingness to bear with whatever their problems or issues might be, even their seeming slights. Venus trine Mars from November 11 through December 24 (by ten degrees) is a background sustenance of harmony not just between the sexes but among all the "pairs of opposites" within the human family. It is aided now by Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. This should be a happy holiday week.

The sphere of service you care about is not without its disagreements. The strife among viewoints, however, can be made friendly rather than harsh so that all learn something and come to appreciate even those who remain partly opposed. There are deep sentiments among people who feel surprisingly friendly toward one another, and artless, ingenuous expressions of such sentiment. 

{Monday} /Happy Week Begins\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Moon on course

Bright Hermetic Epoch (until January 22) begins tomorrow, Wednesday, at 12:15a PT | 3:15a ET | 8:15a UT

\Impregnable Fortress of True Self/

We continue with solid strength and momentum through this fortunate week. You may feel that you are completely in charge of your career, profession or job and that the projects you most care about are on course with solid comprehension of how to handle them. True, the Bright Hermetic Epoch technically begins tomorrow rather than today, but this is a minor matter since so many lunar and other indications are superb. 

Those who serve in "secondary capacities" are not really secondary. How could the world carry on without those who work for the minimum wage? If they stopped working tomorrow, everything would grind to a halt. You sense the importance of what you do, and appropriately. 

You care about those who are having problems, whether younger or older people, or who seem to lack some ability to carry on for the time being. Your sympathy for them is an aid, even if there is little you can do directly to remove their load of cares. 

People have their place of service, even if they do not consider it service. Even the playboy or malingerer has moments of aiding others, uplifting, pleasing or amusing them. Those who conclude their lives having done something they consider worthy of respect are blessed.

No one stands alone, though it seem that way. Your particular eminence is not the same as anyone else's, yet it serves as a landmark for others as surely as anyone's if you are true to the depths in yourself. Then you are stalwart and secure in the midst of differing, contrary attitudes and opinions, and will be looked to as a source of stability.

{Tuesday} /Impregnable Fortress of True Self\

Cosmic Piper


  1. I just find it amazing that the job I interviewed for on Oct 1, last day of Bright Herm.Epoch was offered to me and I accepted during the Dark finally beginning to work it's way into my working day. Thank you for letting me know to be patient. I've worked with these folks before so it was a smooth transition, just long. And the only one fussing was the one person I'd not worked with before. What an interesting several weeks this one has been.

    Hope all is well for you as well.

  2. PS: NaNoWriMo(.org) challenge is picking up and getting easier too. Just in time to finish the month on a high note. (Note to self - best be done writing before sobering third, Saturday, just to make it easier)
