Sunday, November 10, 2013

Forecast: Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 November 2013

Monday 11 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 4, Foundations

Moon on course

Her heart feels betrayed and bitter. Her anger
Erupts. She sees the sun rising over the ocean
And a man collecting debris along the shore. 
A prophetic voice within summons her to triumph.

~Peaceful Centering Conquers Upset~

It looks like a non-blue Monday. Pretty smooth. Whatever you have been working out in your mind and struggling with is taking on a form which feels right. We remain in the Dark Hermetic Epoch and in fact the center of it, the Mercury Retrograde cycle. At its best this means discerning and relying upon the best of the past, what you have learned, the loyalties you have formed. They comprise good examples in your mind. You may wish you could put forth minimum efforts, and let your previous doings carry you forward, but this is not a good idea. Instead you could make slow steady progress with projects, including simple ones at home as well as at work. On the emotional side, it is well to be on guard against anger, fractures in relationships, a feeling that you are mistreated and consequent jealous or envious moods which could upset everything.

Something in your spiritual life is uplifting to a high degree (Mercury trine Neptune and Jupiter trine the sun). Exploration and discovery are favored. In accord with the Dark Epoch, the "discovery" could be rediscovery or deeper discovery of truths and paths with which you are already familiar. A man's or woman's religion or spiritual superstructure or philosophic awareness can become deeper and more real without changing essentially. An old path is re-lighted. Aha! Now I see what that means. Then it becomes a song in the heart. You can also see into people and their motives, and be a prophetic voice helping them, if that is without egotism which would turn them away. Real power lies in understanding.

Financially, it appears that you are aligned with a path of peace which can reduce worry. You think about your home and community and ways you can "exploit" or use it. This is progressive. It could become petulant in its immature stages, when you feel you need to say "No, not this; my way is the right way!" Such explosive insistence (moon opposite Mars) could be helpful if aimed properly and without giving too much offense. Some individuals may seem treacherous. Are they secretly malevolent? If such thoughts go too far they are paranoia, but if moderated wisely they could warn you to avoid certain connections which would sap your energy. Or, if they seem unavoidable, you can "fence" within them, defend yourself as in a game.

There is underlying strength and good sense (Saturn sextile Mars). Scientific or other research could go well. You see how to moderate a desire for travel so that you do not get giddy about it. It is well to beware of resentment. You feel some have thwarted your designs because they do not understand them (Venus septile Saturn). Don't most of our friends seem sometimes "friendly enemies"? The way you respond to these feelings determines much of the day's trend. If you avoid intemperate anger, explosion and upset you will be making friends, at least internally, with those who seemed against you. Then you are on a path of peace (paragraph 2 again).

{Monday} ~Peaceful Centering Conquers Upset~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Sun in Scorpio, Creativity; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:35a PT | 9:35a ET | 2:35p UT
until it enters Aries at 11:40p PT | 2:40a(W) ET | 7:40a(W) UT

The moon's rays divide, pointing in two directions,
While a buffalo snorts and paws the earth. 
Children amused at him dissipate his worries.
A lofty-minded eagle scorns a high red flag.

~Flimsy Slings and Arrows Vanish~

An interesting question--worth considering today--is whether we are better off alone while the moon is void-of-course or in social situations. We are definitely not better off making business decisions, in general, although preparatory research for such decisions can go well. I have had some good experiences in groups lately while the moon was void-of-course. It felt as if everyone was leaning on everyone else for support! Since they were getting no support from the moon and planets! However, circumstances are different on different days and you might do well alone on a void-of-course day. It can be good for lonely thinking and questing so long as one does not get too sidetracked.

Saturn's biquintile with Uranus is nice. It helps us feel that our unique qualities and hopes fit in with the general scheme of things (Uranus with Saturn). Something you do which manifests your own original self is getting some support from others, not dramatically but reassuringly. Choice within transitions is important--you can use finesse in dropping something in favor of something else. We might feel we are "scraping the bottom of the barrel" in some regards--just getting by. Yet such outward squalor could be complemented by spiritual riches, a lofty capacity to seize upon life and savor its inexplicable transcendent essences. 

The sun's trine with Jupiter is optimistic. You feel you are free, able to stand on your own, with a contempt for anything which would pen you in. Of course, real freedom requires respect for the freedom of others, which is "why" the sun is also conjoined to Saturn. (The "why" here is in terms of Final and Formal Cause, not material and efficient cause, in Aristotle's terms.) You sense your own lofty excellences. You establish them within your home as well as your career. Therefore you are singing to yourself, and joy in others' singing.

The push toward control of yourself is intense while Uranus and Pluto remain in their long-lasting square. In the more immature, this is an attempt to control others. In a paradoxical manner, self-control leads to control of others, while trying to control others first leads to loss of self-control (as in imprisonment). Major issues can lead to outbursts, in order to mobilize your inner resources and secure independence for yourself. Revolutionaries want to bend the world to their vision of what is best. You may succeed in that if you first bend your own manifold energies in the best honest direction. Children catch on to the hypocrisy of adults. They might be the perfect revolutionaries. You could enjoy and learn from them.

Do you feel you are on a ship which has lost its sails, abandoned to the winds, seeking a harbor? Of course it is not all that bad. With faith, and within solitary musings, you rise beyond the level of doubt to that of security, based on the perspective each human soul is born with if it refuses to surrender to the world's flimsy slings and arrows. Erupting anger rising from frustration ultimately dissipates when a better basis for hope is found. We are in that process.

{Tuesday} ~Flimsy Slings and Arrows Vanish~

Cosmic Piper

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