Monday, September 9, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September 2013

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 3, Communication

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:22a PT | 5:22a ET | 9:22a UT

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week ends at 2:52p PT | 5:52p ET | 9:52p UT

Moon enters Sagittarius (no longer void-of-course) at 11:37p PT | 2:37a(W) ET | 6:37a(W) UT

~Devised or Fortuitous Redemption~

My prayer as I write is that what I record will be helpful to those who read. And I have to acknowledge that anything I would say which would guide or tempt anyone away from the Lord Christ Jesus would not be helpful! He is the Saviour from sin and illness and all suffering. His words, all of them, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are supremely important. They will guide anyone who accepts and ponders them in faith to whatever spiritual and practical paths may be best for that individual. Without a doubt.

I believe that astrology can be helpful, but it is not the Saviour. Here is a story of how it can be used, involving the moon being void-of-course, as it is all day today:

Years ago I was living in an apartment next to a mental patient and alcoholic who played very loud music at inopportune hours of the day and night. I had tried repeatedly to request politely that he refrain and put it at a reasonable level or use headphones, to no avail. One night when it was bad, a Sunday when the "weekend party" excuse had no validity, I noted that the moon was void-of-course. I debated in my mind whether to call the police. I had observed that when the moon is void-of-course, sometimes things end. It could be a friendship or romance--in those cases, usually the ending is temporary yet seems fatal at the time. People make the decision to end something, such as a job, at those times, not usually with good sense. On the other hand, "taking out the trash" is good at those times, cleaning up. I thought, "Maybe I will get rid of this problem if I call the police." 

So I did. It worked! After they came and warned about the noise, they checked his record and found he had outstanding tickets for jail-worthy misdemeanors. They carted him off to jail and my problem was gone--for a week or two. 

Months later, however, this void-of-course solution proved to be perhaps not so good. That neighbor and others in the building took a dislike to me, for reasons I do not fully understand--one of them perhaps that, at a quiet, reasonable level I would read from the Bible in my apartment and they could hear it passing by in the hall--the acoustics, as usual in low-rent places, were horrible. Pagans, they did not take to Bible-reading. 

Anyway, they trumped up charges completely untrue and presented them to the landlord, who asked me to leave. I could have fought the decision, but decided it was hardly worth it--I could find better housing elsewhere, most likely.

And I did, but not without a lot of trouble. So: The conclusion is, although you can "end" something when the moon is void-of-course, it may not always be in your ultimate best interest to do so. And yet, in this case, I do not really know. Perhaps what I did to ease an intolerable situation was the best that could be done under the circumstances.

Now, consider what is happening this time the moon is void-of-course (all day Tuesday) while in the sign Scorpio, sign of death among other more friendly things, such as "justice" (as indicated above). Our President is going to make his big pitch, in a speech to the American people, for military action against the regime of Syria. He is "calling the police." Is it smart? I leave that to you. In this case, he wants us, the voters, to be the police, and threatens that if we don't want to do that he will do it on his own. I am not going to state my position about this; I already have. I am pointing out that it will be extremely interesting to see what happens because this attempt of the President could go one of two ways:  1. Because the moon is void-of-course, his attempt may fail, and the American people may decide against his prompting. Of course, they may do that while Congress, unrepresentative, goes along with his plan. I myself hope that his "pitch" will fail. 

Or, 2. perhaps he will succeed, but his military plan, launched under the aegis of the moon void-of-course, will be an ultimate disaster, as perhaps my "attack" on my unruly neighbor turned out to be. I am not making a prediction. It is just interesting to see how things go in the light of astrological correlations. And to learn from that. Astrology is nothing if not a continuous learning process.

BULLETIN: I wrote the above before seeing that a new proposal by Russia for international monitors to secure Syrian chemical weapons has been welcomed by the Syrian regime. This may change the whole situation, and the President may or may not speak Tuesday as he had intended. In the latter case one lesson would be: Presidents, get astrologers, or read Cosmic Piper, and do not plan major speeches while the moon is void-of-course!


A military band marches past a field of corn. Soldiers are cheered on by military cadences, but who cheers on the farmer? Oh, huge subsidies! I forgot. Well, my grandfathers did not get them; they worked hard, and I look back on them fondly.

A secret law enables her to levitate objects. More things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of! The history of parapsychology is fascinating. Has anyone watched the old TV series "It's a Miracle"? Very inspiring; on DVD and available from Netflix.

With no guardian, she studies three books for orientation. Books and self-education may be doubtful parents, yet less demanding or scolding. One wonders if uninstructed thought can achieve much. Descartes thought it could; I would like to think so.

Insisting on his beliefs, he is chained; but breaks his bonds and with them disables his enemies. The one who suffers silently because he does not fit, if not a sociopath or criminal, may find his way to triumph at last.

A robust country man rears orphaned children. Somehow children transcend all their parents, guardians, and disciplinarians. The latter even if rugged may do more good than is evident on the surface if they are sincere and well-intentioned. 

She squares what she studies with the public good and exerts her influence. The Information Age can be wearying, no? What solidity of squared fact brings multiplying trivia into order? Perhaps a serious goal of improving the lot of a class of individuals?

He sleeps along a road endangered by mountain lions and punk boys, then plays his recorder. The tramp may seem indifferent to everything, putting himself in danger for the sake of self-indulgence, yet display deft talent which redeems his existence.

{Tuesday} ~Devised or Fortuitous Redemption~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity; Fortuna in 3, Communication

Moon on course

*The Better Way Revealed*

Meditating next to ears of wheat she lets the sun light her thinking. To be useful is to become enlightened, later if not sooner. Nourishing the world physically can lead to nourishing it intellectually. Hopes attain a realistic level through communication.

He ponders blankness and walks through mud. Only a portion of what is possible is revealed to thought and perception, so one must proceed through hindrances as if only partially prepared. 

Sightseers wandering from a bus find a nest of unfledged birds on the ground and place it higher up. People feel in sympathy with everything when on vacation, and manifest goodwill toward strangers in unusual circumstances. Friendliness soars.

He wears a red triangle, struggles to restrain his temper, and wins through negotiation. The less arrogant approach is the more successful in negotiation, and negotiation is preferable to fighting. 

On the anniversary of an international debacle, they care for those orphaned. Some enjoy watching others fight; thus we have boxing and wrestling. When they enjoy watching a war, they are perverse, demonic, and wrong. The victims need support.

A lioness studies the forest and, tail erect, runs to protect her cubs. Intellectual competence in learning has practical results as courage within any field thoroughly understood. At last anyone expert tries to utilize knowledge for human or animal welfare.

The nomad armed, ready to provoke a fight, ponders dew on the field and desists. Fear brings on hysterical defense which becomes offense. When the situation becomes less frightening, there is rejuvenation of the spirit and readiness for peace.

Let us hope that the moon's grand trine with Mars and Uranus in late afternoon and evening may bring positive results in international negotiations as well as in your personal living. 

{Wednesday} *The Better Way Revealed*

Cosmic Piper

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