Friday, September 13, 2013

Forecast: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2013

Saturday 14 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Aspiration; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:18p PT | 7:18p ET | 11:18p UT

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week begins at 6:06p PT | 9:06p ET | 1:06a(Su) UT

Flowers bedeck the garden where he receives the bravery award.
He knocks over a wine glass during the toast. A wind arises.
Curtains and gowns flutter; a pickpocket is arrested. Lightning
Flashes as he hurries out to the port and his readied yacht. 

\Well-Considered Adventure/

Health seems solid or improving as efforts are made to keep it up. You aspire toward recognition through effective discrimination. Giving yourself a reward for what you've achieved could turn to loss if you went too far in an incontinent direction.

Adventuresomeness accompanies irritability and impatience. A yard, garden, or flowers could please you although while there you think of endless possibilities to explore. Discovery comes through study and travel, especially if well focused.

Out-of-the-way or down-and-out people interest or attract you. You inspire confidence in them. Things are stabilizing at the spiritual level. That is welcome, because outwardly there has been relentless, restless, sharply focused activity for many days, with a Grand Cross in cardinal signs. 

Innate intuitive powers come out at any time, in any context. You need them because indiscretions or vices imprison you, karmically, causing you to learn lessons needed. This is not necessarily painful; can even be pleasing. Flashes of lightning illumine the past and potential future. 

When one door seems locked, another opens. Judgement, stamina, and reliability are available with Saturn's sextile to Pluto. When separated from outward parenting or guidance, you can parent yourself, and rove where you choose, because your judgment is likely to be on.

A subjective visionary tendency is connected with things you read, hear, or learn through media. It could unfold into something interesting or into a grandiose failure. Your intelligence is not questioned, but needs to be held to the immediately doable rather than allowed to go berserk.

You could be doing well with something mechanical; whether physical, as actual machinery or technology; or mental, as clear mental schemes, diagrams, scientific, philosophic or astrological models. There is a perception that anything can be done with the right plan or matrix.

There can be free companionship, in your home, someone else's or a community center. People want to hang out together but are restless, so anything can happen. When some get free and rash, even wanton, they upset the apple cart, which might be amusing at first--but someone has to clean up. 

{Saturday} /Well-Considered Adventure\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 15 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

/moon void-of-course until it enters Aquarius at 5:06a PT | 8:06a ET | 12:06p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Tuesday)

At the lawn party the adopted child turns aside 
To build a mound of stones. He puts an abandoned
Baby bird on top. Beneath he scatters mustard seed. 
A rustic astrologer observes, and casts his horoscope.

}Within Solitude, Unfolding Hope{

Depression and frustration can cause people to blame one another and become argumentative. You may have beautiful images in your mind which people are unable to live up to. That is depressing, and the result can be actions and words which bring punishment from the scorned.

A competitive streak can be useful: It impels you to use your mind and skill to accomplish something impressive. You may connect with someone from a rural background who has much worldly wisdom. You may learn from him even if you disagree radically on certain matters.

As Venus joins Saturn and squares Mars, we find ourselves either lovelorn or in serious disagreement with the loved one. Children or other young people can help by their presence or influence. There is a belief that money could cure problems, so ambitions are harbored jealously.

Some of those ambitions may be furthered in intriguing ways whether or not there is applause from anyone. You may slip into easy paths, then recover by remembering what you want to attain. The path of a pioneer is not easy but can bring flashes of enlightenment to those simpatico.

You can face tough stuff without any assistance, even if you are estranged from family or feel outcast by society. Your own reserves of strength are enough if you are attuned to the Highest. Being unsocial and lonely is not entirely your fault. Perhaps a lone phase is necessary.

Reforming oneself is essential before reforming the world. Or the two processes can go on concurrently. While your inner essence unfolds, you represent things to others which they do not understand. If all would study astrology, the natal charts of their friends, all would go much better.

A social side of the day need not be spurned, despite what has been said about necessary aloneness. People want companionship, no matter how edgy. Sometimes it is built up small step by small step. Being interested in what another is doing is one way. If even this is impossible or goes haywire, a focus on your own development could be the best course.

{Sunday} {Within Solitude, Unfolding Hope}

Cosmic Piper

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