Thursday, September 19, 2013

Forecast: Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September 2013

Friday 20 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 7, Partner

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:26p PT | 9:26p ET | 1:26a(Sa) UT

He rules in his shelter while dread armies fight outside.
She searches for food to give the vulnerable wee ones.
When a harsh storm clears the air, restoring peace,
They link their arms and tumble into their hammock.

*Ease and Effort, Recovery and Rulership*

As I mentioned to a friend last night, it is always possible to look at all the hard aspects going on in the astrological universe of our solar system (for the purposes of human life on this planet we take the solar system as our adequate universe), and moan and groan about them and wring one's hands. I try to avoid that here, yet I could go to the other extreme of being overly optimistic and then failing to alert you to things which, had you been aware of them, might have actually eased your path. So I keep trying to strike a balance.

It is possible that I have not emphasized enough the Grand Cross or Grand Square (the two terms mean the same) in the heavens, involving Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, and Uranus. It has been going on since about September 12 and coincides with the conjunction of Venus and Saturn, which is hard at the emotional level. The friend I talked with said she felt people were "blaming her for everything." That is a concise summary of a part of what Venus conjunct Saturn can mean. The Grand Square, adding to this, suggests that one is fighting against too many obstacles or trying to keep too many things in order and feeling that one can never catch up. Conscious choice of priorities helps enormously.

As always, the purpose in thinking about these things is not to wallow in them and say "Oh how awful!" but to rise above them. Knowing about the astrological correlates helps to do that.

The Venus-Saturn aspect ends (by 10 degrees) on the 28th. The Grand Square will continue, because the sun will join it, replacing Mercury as he speeds forward, until the middle of October. The squares want us to be active, to get things done. It is a busy time, so calming oneself and choosing one's most important tasks is a solid part of the remedy.

You have a spending tendency and this could be fine if it increases chances of social intercourse and amity. You and someone you like may be dodging conflicts in order to be at ease with one another. Maybe that is sufficient or all that is possible.

The working man or woman may be ill-at-ease, feeling there is no escape from the treadmill. That could lead to assertion of one's "rights" in an arrogant bullish way. It is hard to say this, but probably more learning or training would be an answer.

A formal occasion is not to be avoided if it feels important. You can display yourself fearlessly among those who are trying to live civilized lives. Some will be more childlike and less pretentious than you had thought, and relax while appreciating your style.

You want to be strong and in command, to rule. At the same time you want the prerogatives of rulership: an easy life, stimulants, enjoyments which weaken you. Well, if they are moderated they need not do you in--by the Golden Mean.

Many feel neglected, or sense the lingering neglect of former days of childhood. There may be no perfect parent (other than the Supreme if one can be adopted by Him or Her). Something ceremonial may help, exalting one's hopes and sustaining faith.

Providing for yourself and those important to you may seem a battle at times. "The survival of the fittest" is not the highest rule of life--loving and giving supersedes it--yet we find we have to struggle often to meet our needs strategically.

Quickness of intellect, perceiving boons to be claimed, is a great asset. You make hay slowly through alert prudence. Stresses, strains and worries ultimately subside, and you feel a recovery of optimism and a desire to proceed forward with all you have. 

{Friday} *Ease and Effort, Recovery and Rulership*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 21 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aries, Hope-->Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 12:56a PT | 3:56a ET | 7:56a UT

/moon void-of-course until it enters Taurus at 3:34p PT | 6:34p ET | 10:34p UT

The black diamond he holds carries magical powers and 
His enemies shrink away. The sword she points to the earth
Emanates peace and the sun kisses her head. A mountain stream
Gurgles between them while eagles fish to feed their young.

\From Passionate Confusion to Poise/

The morning and early afternoon could be a time to "punt to G*d," look within yourself for meaning, meditate and relax. If you do spiritual study, this is a time for it.

Delays and disappointments could mean: Curtail your attention; place it on essentials. The world is not your enemy, but you may find yourself wishing you did not have to be so diplomatic but could use force instead. You can be resourceful if focused on what is best.

Cleverness is good, especially in your field of competence. Your public position can be one of eminence because people recognize the value of what you do. If you look toward your supporters you will not feel you have to be so defensive toward the others.

If your mind is benevolent, you will be able to relax sufficiently to get clever, inventive ideas which smooth your path and reduce conflict. You may be mostly alone in your planning but feel some support developing in the overall underlying ambiance.

Ad adversarial position toward anyone or anything could be modified helpfully by religious or spiritual attitudes which you already have or could develop through instruction. Someone who seems otherworldly and sensuously indulgent might have something of value for you.

You might be alert for someone taciturn and sarcastic who plays roles, perhaps with delusions of grandeur. Perhaps he or she has psi abilities. Yet he is eccentric, a recluse much of the time, and parts of his thinking could be terribly confused.

Will-power can be strong, if focused on one thing. This could be disastrous if that one thing is cruelty. Rather it could be providing for your future and the future of those you care about. That goes well, with Venus's increasing trine to Jupiter in water signs.

Is passion love, or love passion? Is subconscious cruelty mixed with either? These are questions during the square of Mars and Venus (September 9--October 16). Ways in which lust mingles with love, or transforms into it, are complex and difficult to understand; I don't think the psychologists are close to getting it at all. So we all muddle through. A deep side of you rises beyond such matters to a lonely strength which somehow understands what the Eternal is. Then the storms of passionate feeling subside into some level of super-understanding which might be real love, and there is a recovery of poise.

{Saturday} /From Passionate Confusion to Poise\

Cosmic Piper

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