Sunday, September 15, 2013

Forecast: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September 2013

Monday 16 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 5, Pleasure

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:20a PT | 4:20a ET | 8:20a UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 8:16p PT | 11:16p ET | 3:16a(Tu) UT

}Steadiness Uncovers Treasure{ 

Her mind was on her beauty and her youth. 
No parents left, only kids and pigeons. 
She felt she couldn't move: a marble statue.
But something always turns up: maybe lotto.

Somebody pushes you into something pleasant, if you are willing to be pushed. It makes you first happy, then somewhat alone. Did he or she steal from you, or you from him or her? Maybe neither, even if it appear otherwise. 

You could have fun at home, then wonder if it has gone too far. Feeling resentments could make you upset or angry. Maybe what you resent is partially or totally imaginary--misunderstanding. There are better ways to deal with it than smoldering disaffection.

Mental accomplishments can be solid, with Mercury exactly sextile Mars. You know you are the best at something you care about. You may not feel up to travel, which is fine, for you could be unlucky with it, but you are able to study and learn in unusual ways to your heart's content.

Venus conjunct Saturn "chastens the love nature through suffering" in the words of Robert DeLuce. You can inspire confidence in those you care about through a positive attitude (though you may not feel like it). Being involved in their problems may seem daunting, yet satisfying ultimately.

Machine-like precision in your work pleases you and gives you strength. This could make you somewhat solitary. You are capable of clearing away doubts from the minds of those who don't take to some aspect of your agenda, although they seem unfriendly. Partnership is cool even if reliable.

"Slow, steady, and responsible" is the motto of Saturn sextile Pluto. Aggressive or warlike options have been tried and seen as less effective than the long slow pull. Still, you keep pushing, as well as pulling, when someone wrongly gets in your way. You overcome any absence of parental guidance.

(We claim that the Supreme One does not offer parental guidance, yet how do we know the fault is not our own failure to listen? The contact has to be made through faith, after all, as both Hebrew and Christian scriptures indicate, together with the Hindu, where it is called sraddha.)

Careless speech can be a problem with Mercury square Jupiter, as well as making promises you won't keep. Things unfold from deep within and cannot be enforced by obligations carelessly assumed. A light touch with people is better. You could look for the beauty in them: everyone has it.

Constructive faculties of the mind are emphasized with Mars trine Uranus. The genius in you has come forward in its semi-secret domain. You have studied the past, and your own past, to learn something wonderful. This will secure treasure for you. Will it be material, monetary, mental, emotional, spiritual? It could be all, though on a day like this faith is required to keep believing.

{Monday} {Steadiness Uncovers Treasure}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

/moon void-of-course until it enters Pisces at 6:59a PT | 9:59a ET | 1:59p UT

The officers being trained spruce up their uniforms and 
Aim at mock targets while warned against subversion.
Afterward two chat and confide, talk about women,
Make fun of gambles. The moon rises. Something good coming.

~Is the Process as Good as the Goal?~

There can be expansion of consciousness, and creativity if connected with spirituality more than materiality. Trying to do something out-of-pattern to gain financially could be more illusion than reality. Disciplining one's skills and manner of self-presentation is a better approach.

The mind sees surprising connections which are hard to communicate. Foreign or alien imbroglios could be obsessive in a negative way. It is better to learn from those with different backgrounds than to submit to their influence in a compulsive manner.

Self-pity can go with hardness and detachment. You have been hurt and don't want to be again. If you care for those closest to you you will be doing well, provided you do not expect immediate appreciation. A hidden mystical rapport with all may be replacing or supplementing personal love.

Concentrating on specific objectives would be your way of opportunity, rather than getting lost in projects which are more inspirational and impulsive than practical. However, someone ironic, joking and mimicking could illuminate your hopes and options in a delightful manner.

Prudence with money is a way of compensating for the absence of other perks or love relations. People who are close to you are reliable, because you would not tolerate the insincere. There can be conviviality and good feelings with those you trust deeply, though they suffer painful moods.

A push toward the speculative, that which you merely imagine as a real opportunity for gain, could be disastrous. If it seems indefinite, it probably is a waste of time. You need to give plans time to grow. Yet you could concentrate on specific targeted objectives successfully within limits.

What you want to achieve is doable with the skills you have and are developing. You don't have to procrastinate. However, you could aim in too many directions and waste your ammunition. You are finding your way gradually within a welter of  partly comprehended opportunities.

{Tuesday} ~Is the Process as Good as the Goal?~

Cosmic Piper

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