Friday, September 28, 2012

Forecast: Saturday, Sunday, much of Monday, September 29-October 1, 2012

Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Saturday 29 September at 6:15a PT|9:15a ET|1:15p UT
through Sunday 30 and early Monday October 1
/moon goes void-of-course Monday 1
/at 3:33p PT |7:33p ET | 11:33p UT
until Luna enters Taurus Monday at 4:27p PT|7:27p ET| 11:27p UT

Full Moon is exact Saturday 29 at 12:51p PT | 3:51p ET | 7:51p UT

|Difficult or stressful third of this week| runs from
Sunday 30 at 5:57a PT | 8:57a ET | 12:57p UT
until Wednesday 3 October at 1:50a PT | 4:50a ET | 8:50a UT

*From Despair to Extemporization*

Here is what I just wrote to a friend: 'I am about to write the forecast for Libra-Aries. It looks horrid but I have to be gentle! "Terrible time, hopeless, stay home and mope, get drunk or watch old TV series and keep the door locked." Oh well, that would be too easy . . . '

Of course it would be horrible advice, encouraging us to succumb to our weaknesses. Perish the thought! Carry on, stiff upper lip old chap, persist, endure, try!

Anything else you needed to know?

As always the aspects and positions are complex, so that as usual one feels that writing a forecast is impossible because to be accurate one would have to cover so many possibilities that the forecast would run into page after page. I shall try to be more concise. It's a continuous learning experience for me and I appreciate your coming along for the ride.

The Full Moon gives as always heightened awareness, a feeling that "Now I am seeing what I was missing: it's wonderful." It could be depressing also, if what one is seeing is one's failures. That is why faith is essential. "Okay, I can correct that."

Dealing with secretive business organizations, or other secretive organizations, is possible with the sun-Uranus opposition focused on Pluto. Not everybody in them is your enemy, but you have to watch your step. Being a standout because of your peculiarities could be a problem. Muting those is recommended.

The Venus-Neptune opposition focused on Mars by another T-square is a "What is wrong with my friends?" aspect, or else, "Do I have any friends?" or "Now I am sensing who my real friends are, and I can count them on the fingers of one hand." Or if you feel "Now I have no friends," welcome to the club. Whatever has been controversial with people is exaggerated to a point of hopelessness, or so it seems. Therefore it could be, "Thank heaven I don't have to deal with those so-called friends."

There are helpful factors, including the good aspects among Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. There is appreciation of beauty and some good luck. You appreciate your home. Some communications are facilitated despite what was said above.

Oracle for Aspirants 

There are both passive and active dangers. The passive is too much mournfulness. The active is too much aggression. Which is a danger for you depends on your temperament and current situation. You could be too sensitive, and feel too keenly sympathetic with some whom you cannot help. Of course it is good to do what you can. Prayer should not be a substitute for more physical kinds of help but it can accompany and enhance them, and be in fact a substitute when physical help is impossible. Those who are away from you, either by death or separation, evoke in you a feeling of bereavement. This makes you feel like retiring from active connections with people who are alive and right there. If someone away from you has a health problem, you could aid through spiritual healing. As for those who have passed away, happy memories can come alive. The departed live in them as they in you.

The aggressive dangers include feeling so distraught that you lash out in anger. Quarrels and arguments may seem inescapable. Perhaps they are, but can be mitigated, modified and made safe through higher detached awareness of the issues seen from both sides. The good portion of this could be a ruthlessness intent on doing what you see as essential to your personal situation, career, mission or goal. You do not fight people but are so intent on your aims that you push them out of the way.

At the worst, all this could add up to physical fights or killing. Of course, not likely for readers of these forecasts, but for those anywhere in the world who are involved with military madness of one kind or another.

You can be alert to making do with what is around you. When people are lost, or have lost their appurtenances, they have to extemporize with whatever they can find, rejecting and choosing, rejecting and choosing. It's an adventure, not a welcomed one but a learning experience and a chance to demonstrate one's bounce-back ability. (What might the number 12 mean to you? You might keep it in mind as a clue. It turns up often in occult and mystical literature and the Bible. It's a full complementation of things, as in "a dozen.") Your spiritual seeking now is extemporization, taking what helps you from multiple sources.

Seeming loss (whether of money, things, people, a location or otherwise) is something to encompass rather than to mourn for long. At first it awakens despair. Then one sees that it is "not so bad." Then one begins to realize what it is that comes in to fill the empty place, and this is something one would not have gained without the loss. If it is not something like what one lost, it is something spiritual, such as contentment or peace.

{Saturday, Sunday, much of Monday} *From Despair to Extemporization*

Cosmic Piper

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