Thursday, February 3, 2011

Forecast for Friday 4 February 2011

Friday 4 February 2011

~Anticipatory Excitement Mellowed by Confidence~

The mysterious is likely to erupt, and you welcome it. The paranormal seems almost normal. A fluidity of understanding grants reality to the improbable without pain or tedious examination. The improbable yet real are facts, which every investigator of the paranormal knows. Today you may be aware of some of them.

The sun's conjunction with Mars is restless impatience. I was wondering this morning why I felt that way about so many things, a generalized impatience, and then an impatient look at the day's chart awakened me to what is happening with this aspect. Yes, impatience in a big way, as in Egypt where the demonstrators feel they have to stick with their principles (the conjunction is in Aquarius, a fixed sign) no matter what happens, because "the time is now" for change. If you feel that about something in your life, you may be going through the mild agony of "How do I get this done right now?" I will not promise it can be done soon, yet since we are in a Bright Hermetic Epoch (till March 18) and now in the first half of a lunar cycle (until the Full Moon of February 17), this might be the time to start acting insofar as you can. There may be forces holding you back, of a semi-legal sort, so negotiation may be needed.

Fanning a flame of inspiration can lift hopes high, perhaps with allies. Practical accomplishments are essential also, while the Mars-sun conjunction trines Saturn. Much can be done behind the scenes which feels like a response to orders from On High. Love is in the air: with uncertainty and trials, which test love, and keep you rolling to catch up with every new development. (As in Egypt, the trials of which are a symbol for what is happening with the rest of us in this synchronous solar system.)

Yet there is a desire for peace and harmony, fortunately. When men have trouble manifesting it, women can womanifest it, and that is wonderful. (Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times pointed out such an incident, when two women in Liberation Square in Cairo calmly confronted angry pro-Mubarak forces and induced them to turn away and let them be.) The exploitation of semi-criminal elements by Mubarak or his henchmen is a sad turn of events but it seems unlikely the world will be fooled by it. You may be aware of someone in your own life who pretends to represent the high values of a culture or institution yet has questionable motives. Courage is good, if combined with discretion, when meeting such elements of obstruction.

Sexual forces are being sublimated, while Mars and Venus are in an octile (semisquare), for there is no normal or easy outlet for them. When sexual proclivities are held back, higher tendencies toward universal love start to flower. At the same time, you need to attend to your fundamental interests, represented by Mars's trine with Saturn. This includes some kind of negotiation or honest bargaining with some who seem opponents. The ups and downs of the process need not deter you. The port ahead will come into closer view before long if you persist.

Today could be a day when ambassadors or diplomats manage to get some sense into the head of Mubarak or his advisers. Some kind of intertwining negotiation or compromise seems possible. If not, that will not be the first time an astrologer's hopeful prediction has failed to come true (which might be why most astrologers give dark predictions, so as not to appear foolish). But we must keep our hopes up. No one knows exactly what is going on behind the scenes. There is inflexibility, yet a realization that change is happening. This is true in connection with some issue in your life also. You can take your stand, when you are sure internally that it is right, and await events confidently.

At a more superficial social level, this could be a pleasing Friday, with smooth entertainment and shared pleasure.

{Friday} ~Anticipatory Excitement Mellowed by Confidence~

Cosmic Piper

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