Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wednesday 28 April 2010

~Stakes High or Game Relaxed~

The hearings on Tuesday in the Senate pit the financial world (Mercury retrograde in Taurus, sign of money) against government (Mars in Leo, sign of government and also the sun-sign of the President). The contentious nature of this dispute, which some regard as a political show (Senators taking the Wall Street boys to the woodshed) and others as a serious ethical discussion and prelude to legislation, is a perfect exemplification of the contentious nature of the aspect Mars square Mercury. Those who have it in their natal charts usually never cease battling. If you have not been a participant in some dispute or other, or more than one, over the past month (while the aspect has been in effect) you are a rare one.

Today, Wednesday, this particular Wall Street contention is likely to get hotter. Where it will end I shall not predict. The moon in Scorpio a money sign squares Mars and opposes Mercury. The fight is in fact over money, gain, and prestige, and some of its outcome will depend on pure chance (if there is such a thing).

Speculation is being castigated as virtually unAmerican, although it is quintessentially American, and this has a lot to do with Jupiter opposing Saturn, a karmic aspect which pulls people up short when they have behaved badly. It is an ethical aspect, or it cuts down those who refuse to listen to the voice of conscience.

Sweeter indications have to do with a gentle, kindly disposition you may encounter in some, or manifest yourself, which wants to make people, including younger ones, happy. This leads to good fortune and ease in living. It is connected sometimes with what you do at home, making your living quarters more peaceful or inviting.

The gloom many are feeling is temporary and might dissipate after the moon leaves the Via Combusta at 5:27p PT | 8:27p ET | 12:27a(Th) UT. Reviewing your life and your current position need not depress you, but is a usefully sobering prelude to an improved approach.

Snobbery sneaks up on the fortunate before they realize they are becoming snobs. It is good to guard against that and cultivate the more noble and socially rewarding virtues of community involvement and philanthropy.

Neighborly companionship is available in one form or another, even if contention and jealousy pervade it. Facing those with whom you disagree, in a friendly way, contributes to growth and felicity all around. Naivete is a pleasant quality in children and can be in adults so long as it is not stubbornness. Sports or games could facilitate it. Who wins may be important, or not. A chance to learn and grow as a child may be yours.

{Wednesday} ~Stakes High or Game Relaxed~

Cosmic Piper

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