Friday, April 23, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 24 April 2010

Saturday 24 April 2010

\The Inarticulate Seeks Luxurious Expression/

The loss of 11 workers on an oil rig off the coast of New Orleans, the volcanic ash over Iceland and Europe (I wonder if it has gotten to North America because in my region we have had very cloudy weather which looks like particulate stuff in the sky), the 25 mine workers lost in West Virginia, an earthquake on Easter, the day the Dark Hermetic Epoch began, all are signs of this Epoch, when "things go wrong" in multiple ways. This does not mean it is evil, it means that it is asking of us a more resilient and flexible response to life than we have to employ during the Bright Epochs.

Also, these things all have to do with "the earth" in a broad sense---earthquake, volcanic eruption, oil, coal---and Saturn is retrograde in Virgo, an earth sign, while opposed to Uranus. A volcanic eruption or earthquake is almost an exact physical transcription of Saturn opposite Uranus, no matter in what signs they lie, and even more when one is in an earth sign.

I call to your attention also the |difficult thirds of the week| which I faithfully point out here to help you. Last week they were Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday two things loosened up interestingly: a spacecraft had been delayed in its return to earth, on Monday, because of weather conditions, and was finally given the go-ahead Tuesday. Just one little indication of the validity of the |difficult third of the week|. Another was the fact that airlines in Europe allowed some flights on Tuesday for the first time since the volcanic-ash imbroglio.

And now, Saturday, we have again the |difficult or worrisome third of the week|, lasting through Sunday and much of Monday until late afternoon that day. This period moves gradually earlier, so shall be hitting the weekends for the next couple of months. It means, slow down, be contemplative rather than randy, relax a bit, and let your pleasures be gentle simple ones rather than thrilling dangerous ones. You don't have to be Casper Milquetoast, but you will probably not really want to go off questing for thrilling adventures since the mode of the time is more cautious. However, the Part of Fortune in the 5th sector suggests that entertainment of some sort could be satisfying. Young people and their problems could get your attention.

The "slowdown" could be rather languorous and luxurious. You might want to laze around all day. Well, that has its limits, but to a degree it could be what you need. Artistic tastes are emphasized.

You might, through reading, gain insight into your higher and more adventurous proclivities, for they are reflected in what you read, whether of Greek gods and heroes or other striking characters. An eagerness for life can be strengthened through whatever study attracts you.

The wealth of nature is nearby at this season, so gardening or yard work could be satisfying. Giving yourself intelligently to the natural world is one with receiving from it, as ancient farmers knew, though there may be a gap in time between giving and receiving. Yet the harvest is sublimely present even in the sowing.

Halting attempts to do something you are not familiar with or are amateur at are good for you, because you do not have to be embarrassed by the inadequate result. It is a process, experiment, flowering of attempt rather than a contest.

Passive sensitivity is good as a prelude to more active attempts to improve things. It lets you assimilate your past experiences plus your imaginings of potentials so that something semi-miraculous may emerge.

You can delight in your attempts to rise above yourself, and that helps you to rise above (also) the detraction of those who do not understand what you are attempting. When you know you are okay and your agenda sound, you will not want to prolong any battle which merely drags out the process of fulfillment.

Not everything can be done at once, but you have the acumen to pick and choose. You intuit more than you articulate, yet could try articulation through inspired speech, song, poetry, or whatever is your chosen mode of expression. When things fall together in serendipitous pattern, you know all is well.

{Saturday} /The Inarticulate Seeks Luxurious Expression\

Cosmic Piper

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