Monday, April 5, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 6 April 2010

Tuesday 6 April 2010

\Patient Investigation Leading to Comfort/

To be noted: The earthquake in Mexico and southern California occurred within hours after the beginning of the Dark Hermetic Epoch. The Haiti earthquake, far worse of course, occurred in the preceding Dark Epoch in early January. More natural as well as humanly caused disasters occur during these times. And more peculiar weather than at other times. This has been my observation for thirty years. (I gave the times of this current Dark Epoch in yesterday's forecast and shall not repeat it here.)

This Easter quake also occurred during the |difficult third of the week| as, it seems, most human and natural disasters do. The moon was approaching the square of Saturn at the time, and that planet is at a critical degree (first degree of Libra). Saturn is the planet ruling the earth's geological structure. It is retrograde, approaching another opposition with Uranus, planet of disruption and revolution. At the time of the quake the moon was even closer to a square with Uranus than with Saturn, at "point focus" between them.

I do not predict earthquakes, but make these notes toward a future astrology which will work in cooperation with geophysicists, geologists, and meteorologists. Their skittishness about astrology is merely delaying this salutary development, bound to come about in a future generation if not ours.

I might note also that the New Testament indicates that an earthquake occurred during the crucifixion of Jesus, and this one occurred on Easter. Those who look for divine signs have something more to ponder.

Tuesday's mood should be better than Monday's. The moon in Capricorn makes people truculent, but this was worse Monday. On Tuesday, patient investigation could help you settle difficult or mysterious matters. You are in a position to be a pupil of a real master. He knows how to prevent wounds of arrogance when students disagree. So he finds ways to turn potential legalistic battles into paths of mediation and enhanced mutual comprehension. You gain security through a book, teaching, or set of instructions.

Some risks are necessary in personal interactions. True, there is danger in them, if only the danger of misunderstanding, but this has to be faced if not facing it would be cowardly. You are learning which risks are worth hazarding and which ought to be avoided. People may feel like slapping one another, or lifting the head of pride and using an advantage against someone who acted foolishly. At a higher level, this is a game of competing insights which advances the interests of all eventually.

Easier factors in the nexus make for happy social times with those close to you, familiar, either neighbors, family or semi-family, a group which feels congenial. This tones down or calms what was pointed out in the previous paragraph. People do not always want to exacerbate issues, but sometimes want to get beyond them through internal or external reconciliation. So there can be developing amity.

Security, financial and domestic, is developing in surprising or unexpected ways, if you make the leap of faith needed to perceive and take advantage of them. Easy yet ingenious ways of getting what you need or want are often better than complex and overly calculated ones. You have seen how to be prudent with your resources. You enjoy making your home and headquarters comfortable.

{Tuesday} /Patient Investigation Leading to Comfort\

Cosmic Piper

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