Thursday, April 1, 2010

Forecast for Friday 2 April 2010

Friday 2 April 2010

*Important Choices through Self-Command*

As a serious Christian (of the esoteric sort as exemplified in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel, Mary Baker Eddy and Charles Fillmore) I have to note that this is the day we commemorate the sufferings of the Saviour. It is therefore always a sober day for me regardless of the astrological aspects. But I will act as if a semi-pagan while writing this report since the astrological aspects go on no matter what sacred or non-sacred holidays we observe.

Story 1: As a strategist, you sense what is best for you financially and are able to make quick choices when shopping or otherwise engaged in providing either nourishment, clothing or entertainment for yourself or someone else. Your judgment is likely to be "on" at least today, although the Dark Hermetic Epoch begins Sunday (no connection with Easter except by chance) when it will be harder to make straightforward decisions (for almost two months). So today and tomorrow could be the right time to wrap up any major decision-making in connection with the nest two months, or through the end of May. Today you may have many things firmly in hand in connection with education, learning, teaching, young people and international affairs. When it comes to the roles you play, you are impressionable and deeply influenced by what goes on around you. Household matters may be of importance and you could sense what needs to be done there to make things better.

Story 2: You may enjoy entertainment at home. A colorful atmosphere there heightens naive or childlike delight in living. Something you do well earns regard, trophies, or smiles of appreciation. Any improvements you make in procedures stem from your morale, which has been boosted by recent successes. An erotic trend can hardly be ignored, regardless of how you handle it---on the prudent and chaste side, when it heightens your consciousness without leading to self-indulgence---or on the more libertine side. Sexuality, since Adam and Eve, evokes consciousness in multiple ways but also leads to perils. There is a hopeful feeling in the air, connected with the returning Spring no matter what the weather may be. The glories of nature are soon to make their reappearance (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway).

Story 3: Will versus desire is an old story. You may need to come down on the side of will in order to prevent disasters at home or in the community. You know how to find and get what you need, and that has an almost magical feel. You will be loyal to those who have been loyal to you. You can pounce upon what is ready to be seized. Even then, you may feel separated from people or somehow adrift, without the exact support group you would like to have. You acquire what is useful, helpful or pleasing, and can enjoy this whether alone or gathered together with some who share your interests.

{Friday} *Important Choices through Self-Command*

Cosmic Piper

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