Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forecast for Friday 16 April 2010

Friday 16 April 2010

\Harsh Seasoning, Good Time/

This is being posted probably too late for those in the UK or Europe to read it at the usual morning time. I have been a victim (on Thursday) of the Dark or perhaps Slow Hermetic Epoch. I used the time I would have used to write the report doing complex and difficult research which I believe shall improve the reports in the future (maybe even today's).

If things seem slow and you don't seem able to keep up with even ordinary tasks, here is what I recommend during the Dark or Slow Epoch (until May 28): Pare back. Cut down. Choose the very most important things to do each day and do them, but give yourself extra space for rest, relaxation and mind-wandering. You need that during these times, for inner renewal and regeneration. Ideally, we would all be able to take a vacation during these times. Since that is not possible, we have to improvise.

On Friday it is important to avoid envy or envious attitudes, or mocking attitudes, when you feel annoyed or disturbed or betrayed by people. It is not true that everyone is your enemy or that everyone is crazy, although it might seem that way sometimes. Actually it is possible to have a good time and turn the mocking feeling into humor. People are funny.

Your thoughts are intense. You are mapping out career potentials. This is good, although at times you may feel, darkly, that all is a mess you can't straighten out. You can but it takes time.

Things which are precious in your family background need to be preserved, although you may feel incapable of doing that, or that you have betrayed your family or heritage. Perhaps you just need to pick that up in a different way, with fresh insight, as you can, and not worry about it too much.

The sense of loss of control can be devastating. Things are mysterious and you can't see how they will turn out. People seem to be disconnected from their tasks or routines so that nothing is reliable. But there is no need for stress, more for patience.

There is no shame in retreating when retreat is the best option. You can be detached from things and then, somehow, find that you enjoy doing the essentials in a calm slow easy manner.

The diversity of the people around you, and their talents, is stimulating if you tap into it as feeding your own talent-potentials. You can say and do things which get favorable attention.

When feeling out of sorts with the world, it is good to express what you think is wrong---not by being grouchy or bitchy but by a more thoughtful way of protest, encouraging those in power (who are the people, ultimately, in a democracy, or their representatives) to straighten out and fly right. (Afghanistan. Fly right out of there.)

Wit and sarcasm can be good. Witness Mark Twain. They can also be caustically cutting and hurtful, so you can use just enough pepper or harsh seasoning and not too much. People may seem confused and errant, yet with Venus sextile Jupiter, each in its own sign, there is an undercurrent of prosperity and luxury to be enjoyed.

{Friday} /Harsh Seasoning, Good Time\

Cosmic Piper

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