Monday, April 26, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 27 April 2010

Tuesday 27 April 2010

~The Dignity of Friendliness~

The extraordinary is ordinary and the ordinary doesn't exist. You are trying to get yourself beyond worry, and can if you remember that this is a "crazy" time when people are going nuts over many things which just don't sort out easily. So you have to do the best you can. As said yesterday, "Nothing drastic" is a good motto.

Someone trusts you, and such a person is worthy of your respect. There is reliability in this association, which comes from the past but has elements of youthful fascination, and the possibility of long-term business partnership.

The sensual and easy-going are very tempting. You may enjoy some pleasures in a way which would disgust your more Puritan side.

There are those nearby, neighbors or family, who are lazy or careless or eke out an existence in easy ways. They may anger you at times; yet have a role in your life which could be constructive.

Gloom you face has to do with hurts, sufferings, even deliberate violence someone has suffered. Yet this has a face of regeneration and recovery, which restores self-worth gradually to the sufferer.

Those who are able to cultivate their esthetic side, perhaps well-off and insulated from the common man's struggles, are learning deeply what it is to suffer neglect, even though they lack nothing materially. Money does not buy real friendship.

By evening, you may appreciate that this Full Moon night offers something which can only be appreciated in association with those who bring out your highest potentials. Companionship of the spirit is more subtle, less effusive and more demanding than companionship of the appetites.

People veer toward the friendly, no matter what their current issues. The surprising is to be expected. Mutual respect brings rewards.

{Tuesday} ~The Dignity of Friendliness~

Cosmic Piper

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