Friday, April 30, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 1 May 2010

Saturday 1 May 2010

*Calming the Surging Chaos*

This look awfully chaotic, so I hope you will do what you can to keep your cool.

Summer travel plans seem to be in upheaval. How in the world would they work out? Nothing seems feasible and yet everything seems possible. So you probably need to postpone decisions.

Thoughts, thinking, study seem confused also. Do you have a grasp of even the basic subjects of which you thought you were going to be master? Don't be too hard on yourself; no one can grasp every facet or detail of a given topic. You can do what you need to do and that is enough.

It looks like Hell Week for students who are facing finals. I am glad I am not, but feel at sea about certain matters I am studying.

How are you going to do your work at headquarters while enjoying life and youth, make it all fit together? People are getting more and more possessive when it comes to love. Venus advancing toward a sextile with Mars means there are more opportunities for relationship than you are probably aware of. But Mercury retrograde and other factors make you feel these opportunities are passing you by.

Today and Sunday are the |difficult third of the week| which has descended upon the weekends (the next 6 or 7 anyway). Not a good party weekend. Yet romantic urges turn up unexpectedly, some of them mutual.

Just facing what you need to face will make you feel so much better.

{Saturday} *Calming the Surging Chaos*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Forecast for Friday 30 April 2010

Friday 30 April 2010

*Gradual Orientation*

Bright colors, not necessarily red, go with Sagittarius, wherein the moon is positioned.

People are finding out who and what they can trust while Saturn opposes Uranus. Solid people from your past are hard to figure out so you may want to dismiss them, yet they stick with you internally at least. Correspondence is likely to be behind. You want to write that letter or make that call but don't. It is good to trust those who, before, you have decided are wise or trustworthy.

You may feel you want to retreat from participation in a lot of things, especially where disagreements are concerned, or verbal difficulties. Yet you want to share things you have discovered. So there is a back-and-forth motion. Retreat is good at times but not always.

When all else fails, there are arts, music, and entertainment to give you comfort.

What you need to do at home and what someone you like at a distance wants are two different things. So you try to reconcile them.

Unusual tastes may make you wonder at times about your sanity. People sometimes feel they are going crazy while Mercury is retrograde.

It is important to realize how to reduce the sufferings of others. Sadistic impulses in the human race need to be obliterated. It is more thrilling to help (when the help is real not imaginary) than to hurt.

Self-confidence about some aspects of career and income is helping you adapt to complex situations. You find that order at home helps you handle business also. People will listen to you when you talk about practical matters.

People are wanting to vanish into another world, or disappear, or find themselves anew amid fresh scenes. This can be done in imagination or memory or through entertainment. Someone you like who has seemed almost a possession or sidekick may turn up in a fresh and pleasing way, then disappear again.

Mental or intellectual endeavor is important.

{Friday} *Gradual Orientation*

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 29 April 2010

Thursday 29 April 2010

~Toward Justice With Compassion~

It is a day for serious judgment. You are trying to understand either legal or ethical matters, and may need to communicate your concern to those in power.

Contrary to this intention is something more sensuous and easy which attracts you. It is temptation if it would eliminate your good intentions. It could be pleasant relaxation from your noble endeavors if you contain it within limits.

The work you know you should do can get lost in self-indulgence or laziness. I emphasize this because it comes out in the daily chart in several ways. It is wise to be a little hard on yourself when you get the tiniest glimmer that you are wasting time. You'll feel much better if you accomplish important aims.

What you need to do has a peaceful aspect; it invokes peace, and you know you need to do that. There are serious matters requiring rectification if justice is to be attained. This can be done in a peaceful yet firm way if you consort with a higher power and bring down its combination of justice with peace to humanity.

There are those who insulate themselves from others' problems; perhaps from problems they themselves are causing without realizing the harshness of the situation. Your countrymen, family or neighbors may need to be alerted to things they could do to facilitate justice.

Those who have been responsible for disasters afflicting others need to review what has happened in memory. This is an act of responsibility after the fact, and is most important to the progress of the soul. Some who have been responsible for warfare come to regret their actions. How much better it would be if all could learn from such experiences how to prevent the horror of war and of injustice in any form. Pleading with those in power to reconsider could be highly effective.

{Thursday} ~Toward Justice With Compassion~

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wednesday 28 April 2010

~Stakes High or Game Relaxed~

The hearings on Tuesday in the Senate pit the financial world (Mercury retrograde in Taurus, sign of money) against government (Mars in Leo, sign of government and also the sun-sign of the President). The contentious nature of this dispute, which some regard as a political show (Senators taking the Wall Street boys to the woodshed) and others as a serious ethical discussion and prelude to legislation, is a perfect exemplification of the contentious nature of the aspect Mars square Mercury. Those who have it in their natal charts usually never cease battling. If you have not been a participant in some dispute or other, or more than one, over the past month (while the aspect has been in effect) you are a rare one.

Today, Wednesday, this particular Wall Street contention is likely to get hotter. Where it will end I shall not predict. The moon in Scorpio a money sign squares Mars and opposes Mercury. The fight is in fact over money, gain, and prestige, and some of its outcome will depend on pure chance (if there is such a thing).

Speculation is being castigated as virtually unAmerican, although it is quintessentially American, and this has a lot to do with Jupiter opposing Saturn, a karmic aspect which pulls people up short when they have behaved badly. It is an ethical aspect, or it cuts down those who refuse to listen to the voice of conscience.

Sweeter indications have to do with a gentle, kindly disposition you may encounter in some, or manifest yourself, which wants to make people, including younger ones, happy. This leads to good fortune and ease in living. It is connected sometimes with what you do at home, making your living quarters more peaceful or inviting.

The gloom many are feeling is temporary and might dissipate after the moon leaves the Via Combusta at 5:27p PT | 8:27p ET | 12:27a(Th) UT. Reviewing your life and your current position need not depress you, but is a usefully sobering prelude to an improved approach.

Snobbery sneaks up on the fortunate before they realize they are becoming snobs. It is good to guard against that and cultivate the more noble and socially rewarding virtues of community involvement and philanthropy.

Neighborly companionship is available in one form or another, even if contention and jealousy pervade it. Facing those with whom you disagree, in a friendly way, contributes to growth and felicity all around. Naivete is a pleasant quality in children and can be in adults so long as it is not stubbornness. Sports or games could facilitate it. Who wins may be important, or not. A chance to learn and grow as a child may be yours.

{Wednesday} ~Stakes High or Game Relaxed~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 26, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 27 April 2010

Tuesday 27 April 2010

~The Dignity of Friendliness~

The extraordinary is ordinary and the ordinary doesn't exist. You are trying to get yourself beyond worry, and can if you remember that this is a "crazy" time when people are going nuts over many things which just don't sort out easily. So you have to do the best you can. As said yesterday, "Nothing drastic" is a good motto.

Someone trusts you, and such a person is worthy of your respect. There is reliability in this association, which comes from the past but has elements of youthful fascination, and the possibility of long-term business partnership.

The sensual and easy-going are very tempting. You may enjoy some pleasures in a way which would disgust your more Puritan side.

There are those nearby, neighbors or family, who are lazy or careless or eke out an existence in easy ways. They may anger you at times; yet have a role in your life which could be constructive.

Gloom you face has to do with hurts, sufferings, even deliberate violence someone has suffered. Yet this has a face of regeneration and recovery, which restores self-worth gradually to the sufferer.

Those who are able to cultivate their esthetic side, perhaps well-off and insulated from the common man's struggles, are learning deeply what it is to suffer neglect, even though they lack nothing materially. Money does not buy real friendship.

By evening, you may appreciate that this Full Moon night offers something which can only be appreciated in association with those who bring out your highest potentials. Companionship of the spirit is more subtle, less effusive and more demanding than companionship of the appetites.

People veer toward the friendly, no matter what their current issues. The surprising is to be expected. Mutual respect brings rewards.

{Tuesday} ~The Dignity of Friendliness~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Forecast for Monday 26 April 2010

Monday 26 April 2010

}Give Me a Break{

When the moon leaves the |retreat (difficult) third of the week| in late afternoon, it enters the Via Combusta, from frying pan to fire---and yet really the Burning Way is not that terrible. It is a time of readjustment. You may feel lost, wondering where you are or where going, and I would recommend a vacation from decisions. Postpone them. That is not weakness at a time like this, but wise. Things should be clearer by Wednesday evening or early Thursday. Of course, you can continue with routine matters, but even then you may find you reshuffle them or do them in an "out-of-pattern" way.

When out of pattern, you may wander, enjoy music, a busker maybe, or walk or sit near water, where the contemplative life often blooms. The beauties of your surroundings and of humanity are accentuated. A bit of romance pervades the atmosphere; surprising individuals manifest it.

There's a contest in your mind between the tried and true, which involve duty, and the speculative or adventurous. The secret is to waver between them without wavering foolishly. If that is a riddle, solving it should not be too hard.

There is delight in your work, a feeling that you are soaring, even if you are dealing with some who seem to oppose your intentions or methods. The square between Mercury and Mars has forced you to choose procedures of which you are convinced, and stick to them despite opposition or indifference from others, which can be annoying or frustrating. At this point you keep on thinking and smartly revising your procedures when required, yet you are convinced that you are on the right track and so will not succumb to doubts---let us hope, although the Via Combusta is a time when doubts surface. "Nothing drastic" is a safeguarding motto.

A bit of laziness or contentment with your lot, drifting and enjoying what you can, is not foolish. Sometimes life is for enjoyment pure and simple. You will know when enough is enough.

A curious combination of work, of a normal or regular sort, and romantic relaxation is what the daily chart keeps whispering. So you are on your own to find the right medium. Dreaming of or pondering the past is good. What is necessary or important comes first, and then you may postpone secondary things for the sake of the spontaneity which lets you experience both past and present in fresh ways which enhance perspective.

{Monday} {Give Me a Break}

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 23, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 24 April 2010

Saturday 24 April 2010

\The Inarticulate Seeks Luxurious Expression/

The loss of 11 workers on an oil rig off the coast of New Orleans, the volcanic ash over Iceland and Europe (I wonder if it has gotten to North America because in my region we have had very cloudy weather which looks like particulate stuff in the sky), the 25 mine workers lost in West Virginia, an earthquake on Easter, the day the Dark Hermetic Epoch began, all are signs of this Epoch, when "things go wrong" in multiple ways. This does not mean it is evil, it means that it is asking of us a more resilient and flexible response to life than we have to employ during the Bright Epochs.

Also, these things all have to do with "the earth" in a broad sense---earthquake, volcanic eruption, oil, coal---and Saturn is retrograde in Virgo, an earth sign, while opposed to Uranus. A volcanic eruption or earthquake is almost an exact physical transcription of Saturn opposite Uranus, no matter in what signs they lie, and even more when one is in an earth sign.

I call to your attention also the |difficult thirds of the week| which I faithfully point out here to help you. Last week they were Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday two things loosened up interestingly: a spacecraft had been delayed in its return to earth, on Monday, because of weather conditions, and was finally given the go-ahead Tuesday. Just one little indication of the validity of the |difficult third of the week|. Another was the fact that airlines in Europe allowed some flights on Tuesday for the first time since the volcanic-ash imbroglio.

And now, Saturday, we have again the |difficult or worrisome third of the week|, lasting through Sunday and much of Monday until late afternoon that day. This period moves gradually earlier, so shall be hitting the weekends for the next couple of months. It means, slow down, be contemplative rather than randy, relax a bit, and let your pleasures be gentle simple ones rather than thrilling dangerous ones. You don't have to be Casper Milquetoast, but you will probably not really want to go off questing for thrilling adventures since the mode of the time is more cautious. However, the Part of Fortune in the 5th sector suggests that entertainment of some sort could be satisfying. Young people and their problems could get your attention.

The "slowdown" could be rather languorous and luxurious. You might want to laze around all day. Well, that has its limits, but to a degree it could be what you need. Artistic tastes are emphasized.

You might, through reading, gain insight into your higher and more adventurous proclivities, for they are reflected in what you read, whether of Greek gods and heroes or other striking characters. An eagerness for life can be strengthened through whatever study attracts you.

The wealth of nature is nearby at this season, so gardening or yard work could be satisfying. Giving yourself intelligently to the natural world is one with receiving from it, as ancient farmers knew, though there may be a gap in time between giving and receiving. Yet the harvest is sublimely present even in the sowing.

Halting attempts to do something you are not familiar with or are amateur at are good for you, because you do not have to be embarrassed by the inadequate result. It is a process, experiment, flowering of attempt rather than a contest.

Passive sensitivity is good as a prelude to more active attempts to improve things. It lets you assimilate your past experiences plus your imaginings of potentials so that something semi-miraculous may emerge.

You can delight in your attempts to rise above yourself, and that helps you to rise above (also) the detraction of those who do not understand what you are attempting. When you know you are okay and your agenda sound, you will not want to prolong any battle which merely drags out the process of fulfillment.

Not everything can be done at once, but you have the acumen to pick and choose. You intuit more than you articulate, yet could try articulation through inspired speech, song, poetry, or whatever is your chosen mode of expression. When things fall together in serendipitous pattern, you know all is well.

{Saturday} /The Inarticulate Seeks Luxurious Expression\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forecast for Friday 23 April 2010

Friday 23 April 2010

\Demands Within the Family/

In this fiendishly peculiar Mercury-retrograde period, somehow the Thursday forecast did not get posted here. Internet problems, interruptions, on and on. So I am re-posting it beneath this forecast.

Things may be easing up somewhat.

There is a driving strength, a determination to be the ruler of your own domain and those who serve you. This could be sadistic at worst. Better, it is an insistence on quality and an attempt to impel others toward their best efforts.

Some of what you care about is communication, and you have a healthy sense of your competence in that, so you say what you really think; of course it is wise to avoid hurting people pointlessly when you are trying to be frank. Frankness does not gain points from cruelty.

It's important to prevent the disintegration of your real objectives through impatience or wrath (Mars square Mercury). This could arise over issues which are not fairly understood by you or by the other party. Therefore it is well to endure the momentary upset, until things settle out more sensibly. This need not be after Mercury turns direct on May 12, but if it takes that long, you can be patient.

Good, foursquare work, healthy and normal, will do wonders for you, especially on things you have been postponing. Some, not all, are connected with your home, others with finances, others with study.

A lot of matters which seem imperative have their root in the invisible, that is, your connections with superphysical beings whether they are angels, discarnate human beings, Masters of Wisdom, or others. These entities are demanding, though not harsh. They want you to live up to your potentials, because that relieves some of their burdens.

When there is anger and then discussion or argument, there can be renewal. This may seem a paradox but sometimes the healthy argument is needed to clear the deck and ventilate things, so that a fresh morning may arrive.

It is good to embrace differences, to accept those who seem different yet members of the human (or smaller) family. This leads to a non-sentimental, non-clinging intimacy which helps all to manifest themselves in happier style.

{Friday} \Demands Within the Family/

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 22 April 2010

*The Resilience of Spring*

There is some danger of reaching toward what is unobtainable rather than focusing on what you can do.

Some speculations are good, others not. You are looking way into the future and hoping to get control of it. That is good. You get control of it partially through doing commonplace things in the present.

You acquire much through perseverance. Already you have obtained certain good things, centered in your home living, and can rejoice in them.

When someone misunderstands the laborious work you have done, it may be painful. You can take pride in doing your usual work effectively and conscientiously. It does not matter what detractors think or say.

With Saturn opposite Uranus, people are touchy. In a simple way, this aspect represents the old versus the new. Yet it is necessary to combine the two somehow in fresh ways. The process is hard when it requires respecting past endeavors thoroughly while still trying to update them partially.

Sensitivity is good when it opens you to the invisible realms of those who are trying to cooperate with the human race to uplift it and help it evolve.

Freshness and rejuvenation are wonderful when they lift you beyond worries. There is nothing soft or sappy in this; it is an eagerness springing up within you to boost morale.

Good things develop slowly as the Spring season gradually acquires strength, in this its second phase while the sun is in Taurus, the sign of green leaves and colorful flowers fostered by the sun's more direct rays (whatever the weather).

{Thursday} *The Resilience of Spring*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 21 April 2010

Wednesday 21 April 2010

*Ordinary Effort as Defense*

I sometimes like gold for the sign Leo wherein the moon glides today (beginning at 8:43a PT | 11:43a ET | 3:43p UT). Hyperion and Apollo are Greek gods related with Sol or the sun. Ol' Sol is gold and is also goal because the sun is the basic factor of purpose in astrology.

Gold is not a bad symbol for the day, since it appears you will determine something significant about your way of gaining income. Both thrift and ingenuity play a part in your approach to financial success.

To whom do you bow down? A human being, an organization, a guru or teacher, G*d Himself? It is well to have a meaningful hierarchy of allegiance in your awareness. When people become hard-nosed, you have to know with whose hard nose you are allied.

That can prevent serious loss. You do not know when you will be called to accounting for the life you have lived. Even if that is in the distant future, it is well to be prepared.

Work is a keynote, healthy and ordinary work, which can be either in the home or headquarters, in your profession, or in your mind if that work is study and learning. All three may be important---order in home or headquarters, simple achievement in job, focus in studies. (In the Dark Epoch we tend to get lost in side paths.)

Religious insight and prophecy are important as pointing out the purposes of G*d or the gods, as allied with your own purposes which reflect them in one manner or another. Communication with them has been called divination, whether formal as in ancient Greece (oracles) or China (I Ching) or informal as through your flowing intuition. (These reports are intended to be means of divination, for those who ponder them reflectively.)

To be alert to the unexpected is to be rejuvenated. There has been much strife or tension of late, with Mars in uncomfortable association with Mercury, the sun, and Pluto, but the upside is that through disagreement you learn more definitely who you are and what you want to achieve. This could end up as refreshing rebirth, though with a lot of noise.

Risks are sometimes necessary, though not foolhardy ones. If you are alert to that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, you will stop anything dangerous in time to prevent serious accident or upset. The warning is given, and the means of defense, if you are alert.

{Wednesday} *Ordinary Effort as Defense*

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 19, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 20 April 2010

Tuesday 20 April 2010

~Inspiration Calms Tensions~

People tend to be arrogant. They think they are rulers, and this can be women as well as men, when they are really servants. So they expect others to fall down at their feet. Most likely this does not happen, or happens only to end up as a greater problem. (Try to move about freely with people falling down at your feet.)

Disputes result in enemies, but it is possible through diplomacy to reduce strife. To preserve yourself you need to be clean in your thinking as well as your diet and habits.

The peculiarities of the Mercury-retrograde period are upon us. I reported yesterday that the |difficult third of the week| ends Tuesday morning; and today (Monday) in the Wall Street Journal I read: “European air safety authorities reached an agreement to relax flight bans caused by volcanic ash. U.K. authorities hoped to resume flights Tuesday morning”. Yes, there is a reduction of burdens at the end of a |difficult third| but this time since Mercury remains retrograde we do not know how or when the airline (or ash) problems will be fully resolved.

Disconnectedness, or disconnection, is a problem. This results in slowness and procrastination, which results in more disconnection. Without a clear vision of where you are headed, and without all the intermediary steps set out before you, all you can do is muddle through. If you do this in a somewhat nonchalant or unworried manner you may find that things are much better than if you were to be fretting every minute.

When you feel there is a mandate from on high to proceed with certain matters, you feel much stronger and more certain and happier. That is why connection with the Highest through scriptural or spiritual study is so invigorating.

The arts are significant, while Venus is in her sign Taurus, the sign of the physical and visual arts (as well as sometimes music). Classical art could be indicated since Venus is trine Saturn retrograde. The ancients have given us an amazing heritage. Greek art can be deeply reviving.

You could be deft in asserting your tastes through talents. Your excellences are not to be disparaged by yourself or anyone. What matter if they take the roundabout way to expression? Singing to yourself is another way of heightening consciousness.

{Tuesday} ~Inspiration Calms Tensions~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Forecast for Monday 19 April 2010

Monday 19 April 2010

~Creative Imagination and Dithering Shape Reality~

The day seems very mixed, as to "difficult or easy," so it is a toss-up. The moon in its own sign Cancer sextile Mercury in Taurus suggests facility at ordinary business. Technically, the |difficult or doubtful| third of the week is Sunday and Monday, ending shortly after sunrise on Tuesday.

There is some danger of trusting too much someone who is lazy or careless, and inclined to be parasitic. Such people deserve kindness but not necessarily the favors they ask in every case.

There may be questions of who is on top in a matter related to studies, or associations for learning, or spiritual groups. Who needs to prostrate before whom?

Loneliness and isolation may seem necessary in order to do some work which is extremely important. Perhaps that is true. You want to be the one calling the shots, and so the price is being abandoned by those who do not respect your position in that regard. This can be somewhat poignant, but you are determined to follow your lonesome path. Or to stare at the moon until you know the next direction in which to proceed.

I probably can't say too often that we are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch until May 28. Also, at the center of that Epoch is the three-week Mercury Retrograde period, which began Saturday at 9:07p PT | 12:07a(Su) ET | 4:07a(Su) UT, and continues until May 12. This means, take it slow, reduce expectations, and be very patient with all the delays that are likely. When you have a lemon, make a lemonade. That means more than seems, because the "lemon" can be something backward or confusing slowing you down, and the "lemonade" can be what you do when you can't do what you had planned.

Today this could mean that you feel devastated when other people seem lost or confused, or when they don't do what you think they should, and you don't know even what they intend; and so maybe not even what your own plans are if they are contingent on other matters you cannot determine.

Fortunately nice aspects of Venus and Jupiter will mellow all this, so that the "lemonade" can be quite enjoyable. Old friends may renew their contacts. (Maybe the people lying on cots in airports in Europe while the Icelandic volcano scotches their travel plans are making new, or finding old, friends amid the imposed languor.)

Whether a church deacon, officer in a Masonic lodge, Sunday school teacher, or just someone who helps others get their bearings when you can, you know what it means to try to be the sort of soul who helps others get on their feet spiritually. This you can be doing. There are older and newer ways of doing this, but the newer ones are mostly like the older when you get down to the essence of the matter.

You are deft in shaping things around you, organizing possessions. This is a good "lemonade" to make when you are at loose ends. Rather than buy new things you find fresh use for old ones. Business is creative when it re-shapes procedures without too much anxiety over the precise manner it is done, willing to wait for results before re-adapting the plan once more.

The past has its contribution; nostalgia for people gone from you could be moving. Yet an optimistic view of the future percolates through everything. You sense that mysteries are not enemies. Rather, the mysterious future will respond to your shaping of it through imagination, and through dramatic projection of your wishes in simple ways.

{Monday} ~Creative Imagination and Dithering Shape Reality~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 16, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 17 April 2010

Saturday 17 April 2010

}Past Crisis Toward Gradual Enactment{

Things are mysterious. That may not help you, except to give you the benefit of the doubt when you feel you are incompetent or incapable of dealing with a multitude of things which seem askew.

You have a goal of utility, of greenness, of summer delight, and are trying to manifest it. It requires some effort and the details of that effort are--need I repeat--mysterious. Some of the answers you do not have yet, so planning is inconclusive. You are trying to be thrifty and diligent.

A woman with whom you are dealing in connection with something highly significant, by which you will be judged, may seem to have the advantage over you and to use it in an unfair way. It is well to make sure everything is as straightforward as possible and not to bow to pressures from her which are unreasonable.

You do, however, have advantages also, feeling on top of a lot of things and getting ready cooperation from those who favor you. This has to do with business or negotiations and transactions. Some friends are rooting for you to succeed.

A problem is the uncertainties. Where is your anchor point? Is it lost? Of course you can recover it but this may take a while.

The crisis might have to do with locations, lodgings, travel, educational activities and the administration of something with a spiritual orientation. Letting some things fall temporarily, while regrasping others which are obtainable, is probably the best approach. You have a mandate to proceed, when you are oriented to the high aspirations you are trying to enact.

Pushing for something better requires some discussion, argument, or adherence to your viewpoint so you can pressure people to give you some answers rather than get off the hook continually. Old habits in people resist your ideals, perhaps, because they do not want to make an attempt to rise to something higher or better.

Still you have a practical orientation, as well as ideal, so you are pursuing success as you can, not frantically when nothing clicks, but strategically and with due diligence.

{Saturday} {Past Crisis Toward Gradual Enactment}

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forecast for Friday 16 April 2010

Friday 16 April 2010

\Harsh Seasoning, Good Time/

This is being posted probably too late for those in the UK or Europe to read it at the usual morning time. I have been a victim (on Thursday) of the Dark or perhaps Slow Hermetic Epoch. I used the time I would have used to write the report doing complex and difficult research which I believe shall improve the reports in the future (maybe even today's).

If things seem slow and you don't seem able to keep up with even ordinary tasks, here is what I recommend during the Dark or Slow Epoch (until May 28): Pare back. Cut down. Choose the very most important things to do each day and do them, but give yourself extra space for rest, relaxation and mind-wandering. You need that during these times, for inner renewal and regeneration. Ideally, we would all be able to take a vacation during these times. Since that is not possible, we have to improvise.

On Friday it is important to avoid envy or envious attitudes, or mocking attitudes, when you feel annoyed or disturbed or betrayed by people. It is not true that everyone is your enemy or that everyone is crazy, although it might seem that way sometimes. Actually it is possible to have a good time and turn the mocking feeling into humor. People are funny.

Your thoughts are intense. You are mapping out career potentials. This is good, although at times you may feel, darkly, that all is a mess you can't straighten out. You can but it takes time.

Things which are precious in your family background need to be preserved, although you may feel incapable of doing that, or that you have betrayed your family or heritage. Perhaps you just need to pick that up in a different way, with fresh insight, as you can, and not worry about it too much.

The sense of loss of control can be devastating. Things are mysterious and you can't see how they will turn out. People seem to be disconnected from their tasks or routines so that nothing is reliable. But there is no need for stress, more for patience.

There is no shame in retreating when retreat is the best option. You can be detached from things and then, somehow, find that you enjoy doing the essentials in a calm slow easy manner.

The diversity of the people around you, and their talents, is stimulating if you tap into it as feeding your own talent-potentials. You can say and do things which get favorable attention.

When feeling out of sorts with the world, it is good to express what you think is wrong---not by being grouchy or bitchy but by a more thoughtful way of protest, encouraging those in power (who are the people, ultimately, in a democracy, or their representatives) to straighten out and fly right. (Afghanistan. Fly right out of there.)

Wit and sarcasm can be good. Witness Mark Twain. They can also be caustically cutting and hurtful, so you can use just enough pepper or harsh seasoning and not too much. People may seem confused and errant, yet with Venus sextile Jupiter, each in its own sign, there is an undercurrent of prosperity and luxury to be enjoyed.

{Friday} /Harsh Seasoning, Good Time\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 15 April 2010

Thursday 15 April 2010

\Past Glories Foster a Happy Present/

When the chips are down, the traditions someone taught you---either your parents or a pastor or priest or rabbi or spiritual guide or mentor---are what you need. The notion of Holiness seems alien to the 21st century, but is not dead, for if it were our planet would be dissolved in nuclear chaos. "Holiness . . . is awareness of invisible fellowship, consciousness of immortality or cosmic consciousness. To be conscious at all times of God's presence is to be truly and effectively holy." ---Marc Edmund Jones, lessons on Leviticus (The Legalistic Message) p. 26.

Mourning a missing friend or relative may be appropriate but needs to be held in bounds, for to honor him or her is to keep on living in a worthy manner. Thereby something new is discovered about both of you---and lived.

It is amazing that when great teachers come to the earth, to humanity, they are ignored by all but a few hundred (rarely a few thousand) faithful. Such was the lot of Socrates as well as Jesus. It is the lot of some at the present day. If you are aware of one of these, you need to link to that guiding star faithfully.

Disappointment with oneself or one's life does not lead to suicide and ought not to. There is always a chance to re-harmonize what has become discord. A flash of light may dawn on you concerning a friend and your relation to her or him, which shows how any self-destructive impulses in either may be mitigated or abolished.

Attaining a higher level either materially or spiritually requires assistance from one (or more) at that higher level. This could be happening for you in a large way.

Some choose a weak or easy path of flowers. This may be inoffensive and pleasing, yet fails to manifest the soul's nascent powers. Today that easy path is there for you, and you need not deny yourself its pleasures, yet spending some time also on more manly/womanly pursuits will make you feel better about everything. When you feel you deserve the easy pleasures, they will be enhanced multiply.

Talents are wonderful, whether yours or someone else's; and a friend's talents are not to be overlooked because little can certify friendship more surely than appreciation of the friend's talents and abilities.

You have so much now! It is well to be thankful for gifts with which you have been equipped. Then you will use and share them in a way which multiplies happiness.

A bit of turmoil is inescapable when new potentials are being excavated. This is not disturbing when you remain conscious of the good things trying to come into being through the seeming chaos. If you note what has happened at the end of the day, you will see that the past is merging into a glorious present in ways of which you can be beamingly glad.

{Thursday} /Past Glories Foster a Happy Present\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 14 April 2010

Wednesday 14 April 2010

\Patient (and therefore Effective) Facilitation/

I wonder how many human beings have an instinctive sense of the sacred and of their relation to It? It seems to me that it is drastically missing. Simply because many or most institutions (such as churches) pretending to be a link to the sacred bungle that link, does not mean that there is no link available. I find it in the Scriptures. If, instead of taking their "meds," sufferers of physical or mental disorders would read the Scriptures consistently, daily, as if a doctor's prescription---even hourly if needed---they would find not temporary and delusive but real and permanent relief.

It's a day when many things could go wrong. We had a New Moon this morning (at 5:30a PT | 12:30p UT) but things are slow and difficult, as if one were homeless or looking for a home. A spiritual home is what is needed; then the material follows. It is possible to find color in the circumstances and lives of those who are "down and out" and this is the meat of many novels and stories such as those of Dickens. Yet there can be sadism and harshness in such situations.

Imagination is strong, with Jupiter conjoining Uranus in Pisces. It can veer toward the evil or the good. Nothing can be achieved by violence:

I will not trust in my bow, nor will my sword win me the victory;
for thou dost deliver us from our foes
and put all our enemies to shame.
In God have we gloried all day long,
and we will praise thy name for ever. --Psalm 44

Come and see what the Lord has done,
from end to end of the earth he stamps out war:
He breaks the bow, he snaps the spear
and burns the shield in the fire. --Psalm 46

So your dominion is strong and independent, that is, free of any need to be considering continuously your means of defense, if you are aligned with the harmonious and make up your physical world harmoniously. Then your consciousness does not attract violence.

There is an urge to be elsewhere; but where is that "elsewhere"? If strife seems the right way in a moment of despair or anger, a higher view sees you and your opponent together and knows how to bring about peaceful resolution.

If groping aimlessly for something, you know not what, your talents are trying to emerge. To let that happen you need to let contraries mingle in your sensibility. When you realize "It's not this or that; it's both," your horizon is enlarged. Then you facilitate promising, easier ways of living for yourself and everyone.

{Wednesday} /Patient (and therefore Effective) Facilitation\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 12, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 13 April 2010

Tuesday 13 April 2010

*Prosperous Choices Blended with the Noble*

I don't like to harp on the Dark Hermetic Epoch, but I hope you have noted that since it began on April 4:

25 miners were killed in West Virginia.

The president of Poland and at least 20 others were killed in a plane crash.

There is a government crisis in Thailand, with military control, and the Prime Minister's party on the brink of dissolution.

Kyrgyzstan a revolution has resulted in the formation of a provisional government and the violence continues.

American forces in Afghanistan have killed Reuters photographers from the air and civilians in a bus and America is hated in Afghanistan more than ever. (Your tax dollars at work; aren't you glad you paid? Will you now be safer if you go abroad? Or will "our boys" have put your very life in danger because as an American you will be a target wherever you go? Isn't it fun to be hated because your government is using your tax dollars to make you hated and despised?)

A Supreme Court justice has retired. (You will notice more people retiring or leaving their jobs or announcing fundamental changes during this time, up to May 28.)

All this in one week.

The "re" words are a re-liable guide to what is going on. Re-tirement, re-form, re-volution, re-vision, and sometimes blessed rest, if you can get away with it.

Tuesday should be marginally better than Monday. In fact, there can be rest during the final day of an "old moon." The New Moon comes early Wednesday morning.

Talents gestate when you let them, by being in a place in your mind where diverse potentials mingle. If there is too much pride in what you are doing you could upset things. Yet it is well to be open to fresh possibilities. You have to try before you can judge the value of the attempt.

It is well to be sure of moves you want to make, whether just going somewhere locally or planning a vacation or trip. Some of the desire could be mere restlessness; but in other cases you want to be elsewhere because something in you wants to shine like a star in a new horizon. Yet this is provisional, so that plans should be small and tentative, not big and decisive. You can achieve much at headquarters also, and with those who visit you.

There could be financial luck, or luck with purchases or entertainment. The cosmos wants you to have a good time, at least part of the day. So good things fall to you. Then you have the option of enjoying them happily, or pushing your luck to the point that you appear foolish to observers. Oh, is enough enough?

Some attempts are not worthy of you, so you could abandon them sensibly. A flush of success and prosperity can send some to the poorhouse through gambling and wasteful spending. Others will see that intelligent ideals served patiently will bring them more fulfillment than cutting to the chase of the transient.

Sometimes we need to sacrifice part of our momentary pleasure in order to do something which will advance a noble cause.

Then, back to the fun or the rest. You decide.

{Tuesday} *Prosperous Choices Blended with the Noble*

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Forecast for Monday 12 April 2010

Monday 12 April 2010

*Quiet, Adroit Bravery*

Sometimes the messages of the gods get lost in the human world. The scribes who are to transmit them argue among themselves, and get lost in side issues.

This could be a day for poetry, or song if you're a singer, or composing if you're a composer. You are fired with magnificent inspirations. Don't let the disagreements of the "authorities" about music or poetry or writing confuse you or stifle your talent. You have your own path to hew out. If the gods want to speak through you, you can't adjust what they say to human prejudice and ignorance.

You may be subject to envy. Not understanding your approach to life, nor seeing your heart, some may castigate you unfairly. Other general problems in the human scene, such as crime and warfare, may affect you so that you need to survive such evils with resilience or, perhaps, protest against them when that is safe. We do not "tell off" our congress-people nearly enough. All activists insist that letters to congressmen and senators do have an effect.

Someone who has a strange aura, not very much liked, may still be useful to you or benefit you somehow indirectly. So it is well to be tolerant.

We all want to protect our securities and investments, homes and children, and can do so if we are alert to prevailing conditions and adjust to them adroitly. During the Dark Epoch this means taking less for granted than we do at other times. Being careful does not mean being fearful.

Bravery can be quiet and inward. It is seldom bravado.

{Monday} *Quiet, Adroit Bravery*

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 9, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 10 April 2010

Saturday 10 April 2010

}Sharing for Pleasure and Spiritual Realization{

Spiritual reality is permeating this day. If you don't feel it, you can tune in to it. It is within you, but also all around you and in others. If you do not sense it in them, you will not appreciate it fully in yourself either. That is why it is so important to "love your neighbor as yourself," your neighbor being anyone near you at any time. By doing that, an act of selflessness, you open yourself to receive the ethers of goodness around you, the spirit of G*d's reality infusing you and lifting you toward fulfillment.

There is some danger of mental wandering, that is, letting your interests lead in too many directions at once so that you lose clear focus on what is most important to you.

A mission you feel deeply has to do with bringing important messages--spiritual, ethical, perhaps political (if biases do not rule your politics, or tyrannical desires to control others)--to younger or less experienced individuals. This requires the courage of your convictions if it is to be effective. Preaching is not always a mistake. Sometimes it is exactly what is needed. Conveying deeper teachings indirectly is also possible when that seems better.

Entertainment can be good, though you may at some point realize how superficial it can be. It is good only if it does not detach you, as if by force, from deeper purposes or more important interests. While having a very good time, you may also sense the futility of so many human inclinations and habits. Finding the right balance protects you.

There is a bit of the martial all around, a desire to take your stand and combat what seems wrong (Mars in Leo square Mercury and exactly quincunx Pluto). Since others feel this way too, when there are differing perceptions or opinions there can be conflict. It needs to be a learning experience for all involved if it is not to veer off into anger and hurt. Your being willing to learn can evoke the same attitude in the other.

Choosing in accord with the soul is so important during the Dark Epoch (until May 28). Instability threatens through wavering, or bad judgment (and of course one never realizes one's judgment is bad at the moment one makes a bad judgment). So it is good to remember one's previous choices, solid convictions and agendas, rather than get lost pursuing something really someone else's, or someone else's task or interest. One shares with all, and learns from all, but needs to stick to purposes one has perceived deeply in one's soul life.

{Saturday} ~Sharing for Pleasure and Spiritual Realization~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Forecast for Friday 9 April 2010

Friday 9 April 2010

}Happily Weird{

There is something spooky or weird about the day. Deal with it.

Your personal, unusual interests seem to be coming into focus.

It's important not to get lost in wild musings or speculations. UFO abductions are one example, or other so-called paranormal obsessions which turn out to be a sheer waste of time and psychic energy. It is important to separate incipient schizophrenia (to which all can be subject to varying degrees) from intelligent interest in the occult.

Contrasts of life-style are instructive. This can be across age groups. Sometimes it's young versus older, sometimes it is interest-groups spanning all ages versus other interest-groups spanning all ages. You do not need to ape someone else's interests or styles but can identify yourself with one or another set of them for the sake of living in the human world (as opposed to a cave, which is sometimes tempting during a Dark Epoch). Sometimes the contests between varying attitudes to life can break into anger or even violence (witness the absurd medieval-style wars the U.S. keeps fighting against its own interest, more dangerous than UFOs because real and viral and fatal) but, more happily, they can teach their adherents how to interact somewhat competitively with prowess and finesse, thereby learning skills of a non-violent but savvy nature.

None of this is easy but it is good to be brave. You know what you want to do in your career. You have a strong urge to do it, to keep exerting yourself. You sense that this is going to win prizes for you, or a satisfying income or way of living. Then you will be generous, steadfast and sincere, and your merits will attract a plenitude of friends and admirers.

Shopping could be a good experience, or sight-seeing, or people-watching. You are sorting things out in your mind and all this helps. Much of it is tentative, since actual spending if excessive could be wasteful. That doesn't matter; still you run into things, events, happenings and people which please you. All is hopeful even if uncertain and "weird" in a happy sense. You find or intuit a reciprocity of interests and desires in unusual or unexpected situations.

{Friday} {Happily Weird}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Forecast for Thursday 8 April 2010

Thursday 8 April 2010

}Through Demanding Trivia to Prosperous Satisfaction{

In case you don't know what the Dark Hermetic Epoch (April 4 through May 27) is about, let me narrate some of my experiences from yesterday and today (Tuesday and Wednesday):

Yesterday I made some transactions by telephone, and was misinformed about them. I had to call back twice to get, finally, correct information, and by then had wasted probably a half hour or more in fruitless bypaths. This was someone else's human error which wasted my time and caused worries I needn't have suffered at all. This is typical of the Dark Epoch (Mercury going slow and then retrograde and then slow again until this cycle ends).

Then in the afternoon I went grocery shopping. That was relatively normal. However, on the way I made a wrong turn (going a different way than usual so I didn't know the territory) and had to drive through a rocky parking lot and turn around; while doing so I saw a police car and a police officer emerging from a port-o-potty. Peculiar; not an everyday sight. When I got back on the highway and turned in to the grocery store, I used an entrance I had never used before and saw that the parking lines were going the wrong way so I had to drive to the end, turn around and come back to park. (Turning around, Mercury retrograde, that is, backward, although it is not retrograde yet but shall be before long and we are NOW in the dark or "slow" epoch). I had to turn around twice (in the other parking lot and this one) just to get to the grocery store. I was parked behind the store in a place I had never been before, not in the front. All this is trivia, perhaps, but typical of the "little things" which go backward at these times. It can be a subtle drain on time and energy.

It's not over yet. I drive home and find that someone, for the first time ever, has parked his or her car (a blue Mazda) in my officially assigned parking space. I had to park in someone else's space to unload my groceries. Then, not able to leave my car there, I talked with landlord agents and found that the police would not help on private property but I could put a notice on the car threatening it with being towed away. Then I had to park my own car in the visitor's parking section. I looked out my window an hour later and saw that the blue Mazda invader had finally left my space. I had to put my shoes back on, go back downstairs, and move my car again. All this back-and-forth conversation and starting and re-starting of my car and going in and out the building took nearly an hour of my time. Another human error (or transgression, in this case, since the "no parking" is clearly visible) of another human being causing me annoyance and delay. Again, very typical of the Dark Epoch.

During all this we were suffering strange, weird, eerie, howling winds, cold and damp, unusual for this area. Do you remember that I said during the Dark Epoch even the weather tends to be strange, off-center, unusual, peculiar, disturbing? (Not every day, thank heaven.) While I was engaged in parking and re-parking and re-re-parking my car a fellow resident (who seemed inebriated) walked past and I told him my story. He told me that these strange winds seemed like the winds of Caspar, Wyoming where he had lived, and that that city has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation, because the eerie winds make people "crazy" (in his words).

Then late at night I saw an email from a friend telling me that a meeting which had been canceled had been re-begun, all unknown to me, and that I could come that night. This I found out three hours after the meeting had ended! More bollixed connections, missed connections, lateness, procrastination, and wasted time---typical of the period.

Today I got up earlier than usual and got a lot of my routines going very well for a few hours. Then the weirdness started. I could not get online because my wireless internet service was no longer working. It is one I "borrow" from a neighbor and apparently it is being closed down. Three days after the Dark Hermetic Epoch began. So I had to get online with the dial-up service I hold in reserve. That, of course, was not working at all. I had to restart it twice before it worked as it should. And then Firefox didn't work, so I used IE for my first activities; found that cumbersome; and finally tried Firefox again and it was working. For the foreseeable future I will have to use an antiquated dial-up service without the streaming video and audio I enjoy. More waste of time, waiting for things to load.

Long story. Trivia. But I put it here to acquaint you with the type of thing you will have to navigate until May 27. It will not always be this annoying, but when it is, I hope what you are reading now will help you face it with a smile rather than with anxiety. The world is not coming to an end.

Thursday: A lot of complications need not deter you from doing what seems best. At last, when you have navigated some of these waters, you will be able to enjoy a pleasant meal with someone you like---or, if alone, it will be enjoyable; you will have invisible companions. Offer them a place at the table.

Delays and dangers give you a chance for fresh self-discovery, when you meet them as ingeniously as you can. You can be cunning in competition and look to your advantages, gaining financially or through smart transactions.

Friendly hospitality will greet you wherever you go, if you push the right buttons. You feel inquisitive and adventurous so might enjoy going somewhere you don't usually go for a meal or drink.

Gardening or yard work is on the agenda for many. Regardless of the weather (perhaps damp) this could be a day for planning it or getting it started in small ways.

Taking care of things at home, in the community, and in business is setting you up for wealth and satisfaction, as if you were king or queen of your domain. You see astutely where advantages lie, and manifest them.

{Thursday} {Through Demanding Trivia to Prosperous Satisfaction}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Forecast for Wednesday 7 April 2010

Wednesday 7 April 2010

}To Get and to Give{

While writing this forecast I saw in the New York Times:

MONTCOAL, W.Va. — The death toll from a blast at a coal mine here rose to 25 on Tuesday, federal safety officials said, making it the worst mining accident in the United States in 25 years.

Four miners were missing, and officials said it was likely they had also been killed in the explosion on Monday.

I call your attention to yesterday's report in which I mentioned that the |difficult third of the week| was Sunday and Monday this time, and that we had entered the Dark Hermetic Epoch on Sunday just before the earthquakes in southwestern North America. Then, on Monday, this unusually tragic mining disaster. During such times we need more spiritual awareness and more intelligent prayer, as well as common-sense precautions. Could astrology have prevented or mitigated this mining disaster? Perhaps, if those who might have done that had been reading this forecast.

Wednesday seems like a time for catching up with things you have postponed, in connection with job and household.

Money is at focus, whether you gain or lose. It seems you are able to manage funds wisely. It could be a good day for ordinary shopping.

A peculiar altercation involving a male, probably young, could happen out of the blue. Pride is involved, and secret passions.

Learning at the feet of a master is uplifting and practically useful. It links you with what will be helpful even for financial prosperity, at some point.

The "altercation" already mentioned could be dangerous, unless you are quick to understand what your reaction should be. Then you will endure past the psychological danger point, as someone who has learned from the sharp and peculiar, perhaps misguided, instincts of those who think with their glands. You can turn to what protects you quickly.

The panorama of life reveals facets you had hardly noticed before, and their connections. This opens your mind to riches all around. You can give in order to get, or give just because it seems fulfilling. Or you can pay, in judicious ways, for what will bring increased fulfillment to yourself and someone close to you. Your home is a center of enhanced and entrancing beauty.

Contention and rivalry are part of the picture (perhaps related to paragraphs 5 and 7) but this can be a wisdom-gambit, that is, a competition of wits which sharpens both competitors. The sub rosa sexuality involved need not be overt or dangerous.

To whom do you choose to give yourself? I do not mean that as a disturbing question, but it might be so. It is, perhaps, a day for giving; or understanding what and how you wish to give and to whom. Giving "something" is far easier than giving "oneself." The spiritually precise seeker will say that one should give oneself to God only. Others, humanists, will say "to humanity." Others, romantics, "to the beloved one." I myself say, "To God, first of all." But would G*d exclude humanity or the beloved one from Himself? It is all a matter of intelligent discrimination, when that feels natural; or of trusting the heart, when that feels natural.

{Wednesday} {To Get and to Give}

Cosmic Piper

Monday, April 5, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 6 April 2010

Tuesday 6 April 2010

\Patient Investigation Leading to Comfort/

To be noted: The earthquake in Mexico and southern California occurred within hours after the beginning of the Dark Hermetic Epoch. The Haiti earthquake, far worse of course, occurred in the preceding Dark Epoch in early January. More natural as well as humanly caused disasters occur during these times. And more peculiar weather than at other times. This has been my observation for thirty years. (I gave the times of this current Dark Epoch in yesterday's forecast and shall not repeat it here.)

This Easter quake also occurred during the |difficult third of the week| as, it seems, most human and natural disasters do. The moon was approaching the square of Saturn at the time, and that planet is at a critical degree (first degree of Libra). Saturn is the planet ruling the earth's geological structure. It is retrograde, approaching another opposition with Uranus, planet of disruption and revolution. At the time of the quake the moon was even closer to a square with Uranus than with Saturn, at "point focus" between them.

I do not predict earthquakes, but make these notes toward a future astrology which will work in cooperation with geophysicists, geologists, and meteorologists. Their skittishness about astrology is merely delaying this salutary development, bound to come about in a future generation if not ours.

I might note also that the New Testament indicates that an earthquake occurred during the crucifixion of Jesus, and this one occurred on Easter. Those who look for divine signs have something more to ponder.

Tuesday's mood should be better than Monday's. The moon in Capricorn makes people truculent, but this was worse Monday. On Tuesday, patient investigation could help you settle difficult or mysterious matters. You are in a position to be a pupil of a real master. He knows how to prevent wounds of arrogance when students disagree. So he finds ways to turn potential legalistic battles into paths of mediation and enhanced mutual comprehension. You gain security through a book, teaching, or set of instructions.

Some risks are necessary in personal interactions. True, there is danger in them, if only the danger of misunderstanding, but this has to be faced if not facing it would be cowardly. You are learning which risks are worth hazarding and which ought to be avoided. People may feel like slapping one another, or lifting the head of pride and using an advantage against someone who acted foolishly. At a higher level, this is a game of competing insights which advances the interests of all eventually.

Easier factors in the nexus make for happy social times with those close to you, familiar, either neighbors, family or semi-family, a group which feels congenial. This tones down or calms what was pointed out in the previous paragraph. People do not always want to exacerbate issues, but sometimes want to get beyond them through internal or external reconciliation. So there can be developing amity.

Security, financial and domestic, is developing in surprising or unexpected ways, if you make the leap of faith needed to perceive and take advantage of them. Easy yet ingenious ways of getting what you need or want are often better than complex and overly calculated ones. You have seen how to be prudent with your resources. You enjoy making your home and headquarters comfortable.

{Tuesday} /Patient Investigation Leading to Comfort\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Forecast for Monday 5 April 2010

Monday 5 April 2010

\From Conflict to Resolution to Pleasure/

The Dark Hermetic Epoch, lasting until May 28, began on Sunday at 8:14 a.m. Universal Time. Those of you who have been reading these forecasts for years know something of what that means, through experience. To new readers I will try to explain as we go along. In general it is a time for more internal, suggestive, indirect, reflective ways of doing things than for outward, ambitious, straightforward or aggressive ways of proceeding. It does not mean nothing can be done, obviously, but that the more ordinary or routine procedures are likely to be best, while radical changes of any kind are undesirable. Unusual and new ideas will come, but it is better to toy with them or work them out gradually than to try to implement them precipitately. It is a good time for "the inner life" of dreams, musings, meditation, insight and poetry. So if you are in a creative field, it could be a good time to create, or foster creations, but probably not so good for selling or promoting your efforts.

Sunday and Monday make up the |difficult third of the week| this time. It clears by early Tuesday morning. This is usually on the emotional plane, a fit of depression or the like, but can have unhappy physical results also.

The gloominess today is likely to lift somewhat by evening. You may feel an intensity in your work, a need to face or rise above disagreements, perhaps with one particular opponent. Why are there opponents? To teach you something, but it is hard to see that in the heat of the conflict. I might say that "crimes of passion" are likely today but that is not to frighten you. You might be on the alert though for such lurking passions in either the workplace or the family. Those in military positions are not likely to have an easy time of it. Police departments will be busy with the unexpected (which, for them, is pretty much the expected, but thicker today).

You can handle ordinary business transactions or deals well, with an emphasis on "ordinary." If you keep your nose to your business at headquarters, it can be a productive day.

Even entertainment or light conversation could have a dark side. Why do people hurt themselves, or each other? When there is a subconscious motivation toward that, it is highly important to become aware of it and root it out. Sometimes I think the violence in popular entertainment is a way we try to do that, however inadequate such informal "therapy" may be. When you hear of or suspect abusive behavior, it could be important to report it or otherwise intervene.

Seeing two opposing viewpoints is part of the "dialectic" so famed in philosophy, as in the work of Plato and Hegel. Not just seeing how they oppose each other in detail, but then proceeding to perceive what that means at a deeper level, which leads on to further insight. This may be important today whenever you run into conflicts which could have legal implications and need to be understood or mediated intelligently. The subtlety of advanced perceptions helps you get behind the immediate imbroglio and undermine whatever would be hurtful in it.

There are some indications of prosperity, or of pleasures enjoyed because of prosperity. There could even be a luxurious trend, sharing a meal or party with a workmate, even if the mood is touchy. Contentment through indulgence is normal as a reward for your work. This can remove some of the gloom pondered in previous paragraphs.

{Monday} /From Conflict to Resolution to Pleasure\

Cosmic Piper

Friday, April 2, 2010

Forecast for Saturday 3 April 2010

Saturday 3 April 2010

*Cultural Agenda*

Vista 1: Your morale is what keeps you going. It is highly important. It is dangerous only in the case of a sociopath who does not understand basic goodness or care at all about other human beings except in pretense. In all other cases, the society itself corrects whatever is excessive, such as egotism. So you can let your morale or basic confidence hold you up on the paths you have chosen. Your strategies may involve surveillance of the "enemy" who is such only in the game-like scenario of human life, not in reality. At times you may feel gloomy, even more in the evening, as if everything were pointless and life a cheat. (This, of course, spiritually, could be connected with the fact that this is Holy Saturday when Jesus is said, symbolically, to have descended into Hell before his resurrection tomorrow, Hell being the domain of Saturn [Saturn-day] and the resurrection the prerogative of the sun [Sun-day, in this case Easter]. But I derived the preceding statements from planetary positions, not from Christian tradition.) Still, there is a desire for an outing today, and that is good. You want to be in your neighborhood or community among others who are refreshing themselves through changeful adventure. Your morale contributes to this and is boosted by it.

Vista 2: You may be apportioning all the things you want to study. We all have a desire to know more and to be more cultured or conversant with the world's treasures of music, art, and poetry. Each does this in his or her own way but today you might sit down and ponder what you want to read, study, listen to, view, or experience. There is so much to choose from that making some plan or other might help, although such plans are always subject to revision or else they wouldn't be much fun. You might visit a library, unless you are allergic to paper and ink, preferring virtual books in metal, plastic and electricity. A three-dimensional art gallery might be as interesting as one on the Internet, maybe?

You have set up certain patterns which function automatically in your life, and they delight you. They are your habit-substratum. With these as a basis you adventure into the world of other human beings. Such settled patterns also give you a basis for skills, which you develop through the diligence which produces something of which you are proud.

Even non-Christians might be subconsciously aware of the mood of grief, or sadness, which anciently and properly accents the two days preceding Easter. The mother of Savitri in Sri Aurobindo's epic poem says that the sufferings of others are harder to bear than her own. Such suffering leads to internal spiritual reorientation. Then it does not result in loss of aplomb.

Vista 3: It is well to prevent catastrophes resulting from impulse. One can become headstrong, argumentative and angry before one realizes what has happened, and precipitate more painful experiences than one needs to go through. "Don't go there" is a true admonition to many of our burgeoning desires to interfere where we don't belong. On the other hand, pusillanimous timidity is not smart either. Watchful self-restraint can lead to thrilling results when you wait for the right moment to encounter or embrace someone or something which excites you. Consciousness of others, of their inward thoughts and motives so far as you can sense them, is not invasion of privacy when it is needed to protect you from treacherous instincts they may not even know they harbor. This is not paranoia when based on aplomb. It can lead you on to better experiences with those who are genuine, kindly, full of heart, content with their position in the world and friendly with Nature and humanity. We need that sort of restored confidence in basic goodness.

{Saturday} *Cultural Agenda*

[As usual, no report for Sunday. I hope you have a happy Easter and one brimming over with the spiritual meaning of the day, at least at certain moments.]

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Forecast for Friday 2 April 2010

Friday 2 April 2010

*Important Choices through Self-Command*

As a serious Christian (of the esoteric sort as exemplified in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel, Mary Baker Eddy and Charles Fillmore) I have to note that this is the day we commemorate the sufferings of the Saviour. It is therefore always a sober day for me regardless of the astrological aspects. But I will act as if a semi-pagan while writing this report since the astrological aspects go on no matter what sacred or non-sacred holidays we observe.

Story 1: As a strategist, you sense what is best for you financially and are able to make quick choices when shopping or otherwise engaged in providing either nourishment, clothing or entertainment for yourself or someone else. Your judgment is likely to be "on" at least today, although the Dark Hermetic Epoch begins Sunday (no connection with Easter except by chance) when it will be harder to make straightforward decisions (for almost two months). So today and tomorrow could be the right time to wrap up any major decision-making in connection with the nest two months, or through the end of May. Today you may have many things firmly in hand in connection with education, learning, teaching, young people and international affairs. When it comes to the roles you play, you are impressionable and deeply influenced by what goes on around you. Household matters may be of importance and you could sense what needs to be done there to make things better.

Story 2: You may enjoy entertainment at home. A colorful atmosphere there heightens naive or childlike delight in living. Something you do well earns regard, trophies, or smiles of appreciation. Any improvements you make in procedures stem from your morale, which has been boosted by recent successes. An erotic trend can hardly be ignored, regardless of how you handle it---on the prudent and chaste side, when it heightens your consciousness without leading to self-indulgence---or on the more libertine side. Sexuality, since Adam and Eve, evokes consciousness in multiple ways but also leads to perils. There is a hopeful feeling in the air, connected with the returning Spring no matter what the weather may be. The glories of nature are soon to make their reappearance (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway).

Story 3: Will versus desire is an old story. You may need to come down on the side of will in order to prevent disasters at home or in the community. You know how to find and get what you need, and that has an almost magical feel. You will be loyal to those who have been loyal to you. You can pounce upon what is ready to be seized. Even then, you may feel separated from people or somehow adrift, without the exact support group you would like to have. You acquire what is useful, helpful or pleasing, and can enjoy this whether alone or gathered together with some who share your interests.

{Friday} *Important Choices through Self-Command*

Cosmic Piper