Monday, August 31, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 1 September 2009

Tuesday 1 September 2009

}Past Irritation to Persistence{

The moon in Aquarius, moving toward a conjunction with Jupiter tomorrow, gives us Prime Time all day. This does not mean everything is peachy but that you can at least move forward with your plans without major trip-ups, most likely.

One part of you wants to avoid the public and pursue private interests. You might luxuriate in your house or garden, or if at work in your "office" or specially individual space. Certain privileges which belong to you make you feel on top of things, more so than yesterday afternoon when the moon was void of course.

Your reading and interests could turn toward the unusual, remote, archaic, or occult. You may feel you are as qualified as anyone else to be an authority on certain things which make intuitive sense to you.

You can let go of some worries when you have dealt with them to the best of your ability. Trusting is all right. When you have put the ball in someone else's court, you can wait for the next move rather than get flustered or hurried. People have a lot of worries and that could account for their slowness or awkwardness in dealing with you. You might need to just let it go for now, when it comes to anything tricky or tardy; although, since we have Prime Time, if your intuition tells you to call or write someone, go ahead.

Imbroglios related to your work, home, or money may seem irritating when the details get tangled. How could this possibly take so long to get straightened out? you may think. In accord with the previous paragraph, it would be wise to restrain your frustration and anger especially if it could result in insulting someone.

Your convictions are essential in your personal program, because they both inspire and correct whatever you may be trying to do. Spiritual study is always a good move, even when it might seem futile; that could be because you are relying too much on human judgment and not enough on the Divine. Twenty minutes of studying a Scripture or spiritual text could save you hours of chasing yourself in circles.

You want to rely on friends, yet are suspicious. That is not entirely a mistake. No matter how well-intentioned they may be, they could depart from what you consider correct action and so disappoint you bitterly. Of course it does no good to wail or complain about this, so it is well to recover from disappointment as readily as you can and focus on your own energetic or creative activities, which a friend may not agree with or understand.

The ardor you feel when trusting to your spiritual guidance could save you from depression and link you with an ideal agenda which will work out in time no matter what the current confusions.

{Tuesday} {Past Irritation to Persistence}

Cosmic Piper

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