Thursday, August 27, 2009

Forecast for Friday 28 August 2009

Friday 28 August 2009

*Muddling Through Duty Toward Harmony*

The |retreat| third of the week is aggressive today, with the moon (in Sagittarius) square Saturn and Uranus. It is mitigated to a degree by Luna's sextiles with Jupiter and Neptune. But I would be very aware of signals that the universe is not "with you" in connection with certain plans or activities. When in doubt, leave it out.

People are looking for principles and methods they can rely on (the current planetary pattern displays Fixed Natural Disposition according to the methods of Marc Edmund Jones) yet they are willing to balance differing methods against one another without bias (seesaw-shaped configuration). There is a desire for an esthetic element in everything, with Venus in Leo the planet of oriental appearance while Mercury sextiles it from Libra. You can shape your world in balance with others who are trying to shape the world in their own ways, without coming into harsh conflict.

The sublime and the mysterious combine to uplift you. This could be unusual art work or music. The way you approach it is indirect and wavering, uncertain and intuitive.

You want to fiddle with things to make them work. This is all right, even if experimental, so long as not dangerous. There is adventure in using possessions or tools to impose your will on your environment. Most likely it would be better to confine yourself to things you've worked with before or feel you understand thoroughly.

Beyond the modern and post-modern is the transcendent, that which is true in all ages yet comprehended by few. It might be "beyond words," yet words as well as art and music can hint at, even embody it partially to eyes that see or ears that hear. It is well to scotch presuppositions or biases which could interfere with such perception in yourself.

Isabel Hickey says that muscle spasms and trouble with blood circulation are possible while Mercury is square Mars. The underlying cause of such things, psychosomatically, is probably anger, sarcasm, resentment. Perhaps someone has done you wrong; yet fretting and fuming about it could just do you more wrong. You have magical powers which would be diminished by using them to hurt anyone. So you can face the supposed enemy in your mind and send a blessing, which will redound to your benefit.

Someone who has partially withdrawn from the world may help you to get at hidden causes of loss, that is, habits you need to conquer. One purpose of monastic orders throughout history, in every culture, has been to cut through the ordinary presuppositions of the human race so that internal liberation is possible. This is specially important during the |retreat| third of the week.

Mars in Cancer opposed to Pluto in Capricorn can be trouble with parents for young people, or with authorities for anyone. This could be concerning a friend or love. Someone apparently does not approve your choice of friend or companion, or your style of erotic attraction, as it were. It is hard to say nothing about this, but whatever you say could backfire. Repressed emotions bubble toward toil and trouble. Ought you to be ashamed, or ought the critic to be ashamed? Please don't get me involved in this!

A tendency toward self-indulgence is evident, and I do not want to be the judge of that for you, so you can be the judge as to when you have had enough or when you need to pull away. At minimum, I would say, remember your duties and do what you can to fulfill at least the more important ones, so you will feel whole within yourself and able to appreciate whatever else life offers.

{Friday} *Muddling through Duty Toward Harmony*

Cosmic Piper

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