Friday, August 14, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 15 August 2009

Saturday 15 August 2009

}Issues Come to Light{

First, this is Sri Aurobindo's birthday (1872). Few have even a slight comprehension of this man's life and work. The word Avatar is not to be used lightly. He was and is one, and his disciples believe perhaps the only one of the past quite-a-few centuries. (My personal opinion is that Sai Baba is also of Avatar rank but that topic is for another time. We needed at least two Avatars in the 20th century to get us through a period which could have been virtually the end of the human race on this planet. The followers of Sri Aurobindo believe that the Mother, the French woman who was his spiritual partner, was also an Avatar.)

Second, it is a difficult day. These are the sorts of difficulties which bring out character in human beings, and teach them how to lean on the Supreme rather than their own power, or to find that their only real power is That in them which is firmly linked with the Supreme. That is part of what Sri Aurobindo came to teach.

This is the most difficult day of the ||retreat third of the week extending until Sunday evening (exact times in yesterday's report).

The moon conjoined with Mars in Gemini accents that planet's squares with Saturn on one side and Uranus on the other, which are the most difficult aspects we are currently experiencing. I quail somewhat before the task of explaining what that means in simple terms. The period of it is approximately July 24 through September 2. It has a correlation with the enormous loss of jobs, or unemployment (Saturn in Virgo) and with the debate over health care (again Saturn in Virgo the sign of health and health-care services) as well as with more subtle spiritual problems (Uranus in Pisces the sign of the hidden and unexplained) as well as the mind's approach to all this through discursive reason and dialogue (Mars in Gemini the sign of the curious exploring mind).

For you personally the best approach might be to think about this period in your life so far (we are near the center of it) and consider what you have been experiencing and learning during the past three weeks. What have been the issues, and how are you dealing with them? Considering this might prepare you for the rest of this period, especially because a Dark Hermetic Epoch of two months begins Monday evening, when re-evaluations of all kinds will be the order of the day.

I did not mention that Pluto also is involved in this Grand Square, because Mars is beginning to oppose it (August 11 through September 10). This makes the period even more mysterious or hard to fathom. Who are your "secret enemies"? I do not want to stimulate paranoia, but all spiritual teachers (including Sri Aurobindo) insist that we need to face the "demons" or inner weaknesses and failures which plague us, and eliminate them. This is a good time for that. These are the real enemies, more than human beings, who only reflect them in one way or another.

Your chosen spiritual path or paths will help you with all this, of course.

Even nice people, who seem friendly, can be instruments of "the hostile forces" at times, unwittingly. Pardon me, again I do not want to encourage paranoia, just more-than-usual caution. When you feel someone is wasting your time, this is a clue.

Some individuals may succumb to a too-easy path of decadent enjoyment of trivialities or stimulants and pay the price gradually rather than suddenly.

The Solar man in you, or wo-man, is strong enough to overcome the obstacles just set forth, while the sun in his own sign is sextile Mars. This is the fortitude you need. Good influences near at hand, in your home, yard or neighborhood, could enhance it.

One who has suffered for humanity sheds his or her noble rays over the world and you can partake of them to aid and uplift you.

The sobriety of ever-ready defense belongs to those who guard us, whether advanced souls or angels. They see the danger before we do and warn us, and even try to protect us when we fail to heed the warning. (The word "try" there contains another warning perhaps.)

The beauty of special human beings is not absent from the day; it can inspire you toward cheerful acceptance of what cannot be changed and gracious attempts to change what can.

Honesty and friendship are wonderful. They reduce your burdens. Perhaps people are willing to be better friends when they suffer their limitations, acknowledging that they needn't go it alone. I would only add that, in the ||retreat third of the week, it is well to recognize the limits even of friendliness because we each have a burden to bear which probably no one else can understand fully and cannot carry for us. Yet allies are welcome.

We can indulge one another's weaknesses, to some degree, without hurting one another's resolves to do better. Such is a noble brand of friendship.

{Saturday} {Issues Come to Light}

Cosmic Piper

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