Thursday, August 13, 2009

Forecast for Friday 14 August 2009

Friday 14 August 2009


We have Prime Time until the ||retreat third of the week begins at 1:35p PT | 4:35p ET | 8:35p UT. That will last through Saturday until Sunday at 4:17p PT | 7:17p ET | 11:17p UT (just slightly over two days). The ||retreat phase is moving gradually back, away from the weekend toward Thursday-Friday by the second half of September.

You may care more about fussing with things or straightening them out than about sheer pleasure. You want things to be ship-shape, especially in connection with money and career. So you are not to feel guilty if you wonder "Why am I not up for weekend entertainment?" Probably most others are not up for it either, even if they pretend otherwise.

You enjoy a process of discovery, perhaps involving armchair travel or study. When social life seems moot, you tune to artificial or virtual social life, which has its value through the printed or virtual page or other venues.

Those who pioneer toward fresh ways of doing things catch your interest, even if this is potentiality rather than actuality (as in a movie or book).

The sun's opposition with Jupiter suggests paring down your expectation of work or job benefits, or gains through superiors, or even approval when there are disagreements about approaches or methods. Whether taking a back seat or riding in a side car, you may gain through silence, or very discreet communication if any. Maybe no one has the final answer to certain issues, or at least it is better to be humble about that, awaiting a time when your ideas will be better appreciated.

Someone you revere who is a superb teacher or spiritual guide, or a philosopher whose comprehension is vast, could help you when nothing else seems to be cooking. The intangible can be a fertile field when the tangible is barren.

The transcendent brilliance of such an individual puts to shame the shallow pretensions of others whom you see through.

A taste for problem-solving could be a strong point. Your success in sharing the answers you attain is spotty, since many will think you are merely pretentious. When you feel no one understands, you clam up.

You can recognize rivalry and opposition as part of a process toward deeper understanding and prowess; but while they last they seem disruptive rather than helpful. The word "seem" has been well-chosen. The clash of ideas or ideals is productive of more adequate ideas and ideals, as in Hegelian dialectic.

Whether finances and career seem bleak or healthy, a bright spot is honest friendship, if you trust a bit to the process of it rather than pull back timidly. Someone will be more unselfish and sympathetic than you think. She or he feels buffeted by circumstances, as do you, yet wanting to communicate in a way which reassures you that friendship is intact.

Kindness and affection blend with a sort of pioneering weirdness or individuality, scientific or scientistic, getting at things through knowledge-magic while sharing in family-like style.

{Friday} {Depth}

Cosmic Piper

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