Friday, December 30, 2022

Message for Weekend of December 31-Januay 1, 2022-23, and More about the current Hermetic Epoch

Weekend of December 31-Januay 1, 2022-23; and More about the current Hermetic Epoch

Saturday: Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:45a PT | 7:45a ET | 12:45p UT

until it enters Taurus at 9:10a PT | 12:10p ET | 5:10p UT

Sunday: Moon in Taurus

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Tuesday afternoon

It might pay you to review what was said last weekend about the Hermetic Epoch of December 12 to February 7 . Here is more:

As for moods, they might depend more on daily lunar and other changing aspects, but for the Epoch as a whole things look quite comforting, with Venus and Mars in a trine, and Jupiter between them sextile to both. Voila! Many hopes may be fulfilled. This was already evident to me, in some small and some larger ways, a couple days after the Epoch began. 

However, through the whole Epoch Mars is either retrograde or moving very slowly, and as I said in a recent report, will be at 8Gemini9 for the first 23 days of 2023, symbolized by "a quiver filled with arrows," keyword Preparation. 23 arrows for '23? We'll try to see what that means as the days go on. 

Yes, a time of preparation, and this is a hint that a Dark or Slow Epoch can be better for both review and gradual preparation than for highly assertive and expectant direct action. The Charubel symbol for the same degree offers further light: "A labyrinth, situated in the heavens, and a fine silver thread suspended from it to the earth." "He or she will engage to do what the majority of mankind would have no patience to do, with a talent for propounding and solving conundrums, enigmatical problems, or any given theorem requiring solution." What are your areas of specialized thought, inquiry, and planning? You might succeed in these remarkably, even if direct use of your the solutions you attain is not possible yet.

The chart for the whole Epoch is both "cardinal" and "objective in function" which suggests we will be focused on relatively clear and cogent procedures and plans which will have a real effect in the outer world. 

Politics? Republicans take control of the House but not the Senate and it is too early to estimate much of anything about the 2024 Presidential race. "A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country" could be anyone who gains either notoriety, celebrity or dignity, and of course more than one individual. 

Venus is at the Sabian degree "a performer of a mystery play." The individual and the world are interpreted to each other in very subtle ways.

Neptune at the degree "spiritist phenomena" shows that we are aware of the potentials of personal immortality. It is not a mistake to think about or imagine one might be in partial contact with the "dear departed." 

"A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south" requires decisive basic allegiances. There are competing demands for attention which can be mediated. There could be the inception of something interesting which "will bring an individual's efforts into a cohesive pattern." 

"A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude" is "dramatizing effectively the basic characteristics and potentials of self." 

"An old man attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries" is trying to share "the ultimate substance of selfhood." He revolts against the inertia of those around him, which "threatens the very core" of their selfhood. 

He may be the same individual as "a man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience." "The self assimilates itself to its own higher vision and so achieves an outer selflessness." This is serenity.

{Epoch of December 14 to February 7}

Cosmic Piper

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