Thursday, December 29, 2022

Message for Friday 30 December 2022

Friday 30 December 2022

^Unfamiliar but Rewarding Country^

Moon in Aries

In case you are not up to speed (or rather down to speed), Mercury turned retrograde Wednesday (until January 18), and since Tuesday the 27th (and through Saturday, New Year's Eve), Mars stationary (seeming not to move at all from our perspective) has been at the degree "An airplane falling." And what has happened? From today's Wall Street Journal, main headline: "How Southwest Airlines Melted Down": "Prepares to REstart regular flights" and so on. Thousands of people grounded because of weather, and also, in Buffalo, 39 people died in fierce snowstorms: Fallen airplanes (or cars), I am sorry to say. In my own case, yesterday afternoon I felt very weary and needed rest, whereupon someone knocked on my door twice, upsetting me, and then a good friend knocked and I was so weary and harassed (fallen airplane) that I just had to send him away. Then my mood fell even further. Today I spent two hours (almost) waiting for computer issues to clear, REstarting twice; that had all the earmarks of a "fallen airplane." 

And so if I say "Happy New Year" I must also say, don't be surprised if New Year's Eve is chaotic or wearisome in some ways. What's going on now could prepare you for that.

Further: The "Hardy Tree" in a London cemetery fell. "The Hardy Tree was its name, although the tree knew the story it heard told about it by its many visitors was not entirely correct. Many visitors, and there were many, would stand in groups with someone up front talking loudly about how the Hardy Tree came to be." Further, Russia launched a fresh missile barrage across Ukraine. Fallen missiles are as bad as fallen planes.

Also, the symbol "An airplane falling" was itself fallen, because I had decided that I didn't want to REpeat it every day, so I used the symbol for Jupiter instead in the Wednesday report. That was a mistake. And so for the whole 23 days of Mars being stationary, turning direct, at 8Gemini9 I will be REpeating the symbol "a quiver filled with arrows" every day. 23 days of Preparation (the keyword) for 2023! Life and astrology are amazing. 

Friday: Yes, "an airplane is falling," but this could mean "the capacity of man to plunge into experience with a complete disregard of consequences, or to act in full independence of those sustainments which his fellows have accepted as limitation." (Marc Edmund Jones, Sabian Symbols)

Emerging from the wreck, one might find oneself in "A stretch of broken country with a fringe of woodland" indicating Rusticity, and "a nature rugged and natural in its expression, wholly devoid of the superficialities and polish of conventional life." He or she might seem "ungracious and uncouth" to some but "none will question his sincerity and genuineness." Being close to the soil, or cultivating it, could be more fortunate than "flying so high with some guy in the sky." "Gruffness of expression veils a kind and ingenuous nature." 

Mercury stationary, turning backward, remains at the degree "a field of ripe corn; the reapers at work 'neath the beams of the Sun." Fortune smiles with abundance in large or small but encouraging ways.

By nightfall, or sooner, one might resemble "an owl sitting in the moonlight." One has become "wise and prudent, patient and self-possessed." "Where others see nothing he will discern many indications of the trend of events." There could be "deep philosophical speculations and abstruse studies." "Occult" means "hidden" and one may center one's life and work in "things that are hidden from the common eye." 

{Friday} ^Unfamiliar but Rewarding Country^

Cosmic Piper

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