Monday, December 5, 2022

Message for Tuesday 6 December 2022

 Tuesday 6 December 2022

}Star with Royal Beauty Bright{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until 11:03p PT | 2:03a(W) ET | 7:03a(W) UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:03a PT | 2:03p ET | 7:03p UT

until it enters Gemini at 12:10p PT | 3:10p ET | 7:10p UT

0 Long-term: I have mentioned how the zodiacal year beginning March 20, 2023 looks milder and happier than the current year. As for the Hermetic Epochs, about two months long, the one beginning on December 12, next Monday (until February 7), looks happier than the current one winding down, even though it shall be a Dark or Slow Epoch. People have been frustrated all over the world by politics, tyranny and sometimes violence, or the effects of shameless greed and sometimes malfeasance. I don't want to be Pollyanna but I believe something better is on the way, if we accept and work with windows opening.

1 Tuesday: "The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality" could mean it is wise to keep up with exercise and activity to preserve the body's fitness. Yet "the head of mentality" can also be something salutary such as the development of over-all vision and "spiritual or eternal fellowship," appreciative sister-brotherhood. 

2 People who seem like actors or mimes may resemble "a mask representing the face of a hound," a friendly creature who is kind and sympathetic. To express or invoke Christmas cheer we sometimes have to put on an act until the felicitous spirit takes over. 

3 "A large telescope pointing heavenward" could be literal for for those involved in astronomy or space exploration, or it could refer to study of astrology for those drawn in that direction. Charubel says it might  also indicate the gift of clairvoyance.

4 "A man is standing alone in a dark and gloomy valley. A ray of brilliant light comes direct from the heavens on the crown of his head." "This denotes one who will have a mission to execute; a cyclic man, not a time man; one who lives a life beyond his day; not always understood." The "dark gloomy valley is maybe the end of the year, and the "ray of light" the increasing solar radiance once we pass the Winter Solstice on the 21st. And then the Star of the Magi.

{Tuesday} {Star with Royal Beauty Bright}

Cosmic Piper

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