Monday, November 15, 2021

Message for Tuesday 16 November 2021

 Tuesday 16 November 2021

^Sober Choice, Advantage, Triumph^

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 0:26a PT |  3:26a ET | 8:26a UT (until Thursday afternoon)
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:52a PT | 10:52a ET |  3:52p UT
until it enters Taurus at 6:19p PT | 9:19p ET | 2:19a(W) UT

The 8-hour void-of-course period plus the |difficult third| require self-defense from contrary, hurtful influences.  This should be done without intense anger or upset but with patience and fortitude.  'A wolf standing upon the carcass of a horse' could mean that some will try to snatch an advantage in an avaricious or cunning manner.  Probably one does not want to be either the wolf or the carcass, but rather to be patient under duress (horse), while yet avoiding predators, and savvy when it comes to gaining an advantage if it won't hurt anyone (wolf).  

Making choices can be enjoyable, even during a v-of-c period, if one is calm, avoiding anything extreme.  'A man inspecting horses' is a good judge of them, or of any convenience, technological tool or servo-mechanism, or of any possible purchase or commitment. One can investigate, measure, estimate and validate whatever comes up for consideration.   One may not want to criticize, or be criticized, yet estimation and discrimination are useful.

There could be the flavor of 'an embassy ball' to some interactions, given the continuing close sextile between Mars and Venus. You and someone you care about could be poised for party-like times together.   More soberly, there is 'a white flag unfurled, bearing a red Maltese cross.'  There is nobility, and pure intention, working through suffering to eventual triumph, 'vanquishing every puny foe.'  

{Tuesday}  ^Sober Choice, Advantage, Triumph^

Cosmic Piper

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