Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Message for Wednesday 31 March 2021

 Wednesday 31 March 2021

~From Fussing Clumsiness to Earned Triumph~

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 5:02p PT | 8:02p ET | 12:02a(Th) UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:30p PT | 8:30p ET } 12:30a(Th) UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 11:00p PT | 2:00a(Th) ET | 6:00a(Th) UT

Challenge:  The impatience of the long-lasting Saturn square with Uranus could take form as 'an unsuccessful bomb explosion.'  Dr. Jones sugar-coats the danger as 'exemption from the normal penalties for unsocial results of a hapless initiative.'  But I would not count on that!  Vanity and petulance could result in fuming and fussing if not explosion.  But impetuousness, if moderate, could be harmless.  Or it could lead up to 'a broken pitcher lying upon the ground with spilled fruit around it.'  Impractical pursuits add up to virtual impotence.  One should look, for lasting benefits, to the Eternal, which is implicitly ethical.

Process:  'The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality' suggests aging, or else reversing aging by insisting on health together with mentality.  We develop other powers than merely animal ones as we mature, but this does not have to result in impotence but rather enhanced power through 'effective orientation of selfhood in an over-all vision.'  We can 'live the lives of all men in imagination and appreciation.'  Great native powers, says Charubel, sometimes bring painful trials during one's younger days.  Malignant outside influences seem to attempt an eclipse of genius.  However, 'slowly this fog clears away, and the triangle becomes a bright blue, imbedded in gold.'  There is an emphasis on patience while the mist of doubt or misfortune disperses.  

Blessing:  Holding to the Eternal requires reverence, devotion, and secret (basically unshareable) study.  The symbol is 'a square containing twelve small squares, resembling the breastplate of the Jewish high priest.'  He is said to be 'capable of mighty deeds as a magician.'  At a more secular or humanistic level, 'a man at the summit of a mountain illumined by the setting sun holds a staff in his right hand, in his left a crown.'  One moves from obscurity to prominence as the reward of enduring effort.

{Wednesday}  ~From Fussing Clumsiness to Earned Triumph~

Cosmic Piper

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