Friday, March 19, 2021

Message for Saturday 20 March 2021

 Saturday 20 March 2021

}Vernal Strength as Promise of Realization{

Moon in Gemini
Sun enters Aries, the Vernal Equinox, at 2:39a PT | 5:39a ET | 9:39a UT

Challenge:  Though the sun has entered the Ram's sign, we have as a symbol 'two men striving to hold a mad bull with ropes about his head,' and the head is ruled by Aries.  Charubel says this is 'a self-willed person who will have his own way.'  Mercury square Mars can be a fracas or disagreement, but not necessarily; the 'two men' controlling the problem could be 'seeing both sides of an issue' which would quell the anger.  Charubel gives for the first degree of Aries 'a man plowing in the midst of a boundless plain' who has 'individuality and originality; ambitious of being the first [Aries the first sign] in everything. Very jealous of a rival; not an agreeable companion.'  But as plowman he prepares the way for later developments.  

Process:  There are softer influences; Sol and Venus sextile Pluto suggest tolerance or interest in others' obsessions, so that there are 'fireworks exploding in mid-air above a crowd' or ephemeral popularity which fades with the fading colors.  Yet we go back again and again to experience those evanescent splendors.  The Sabian symbol for Aries' first degree is surprisingly feminine, 'a woman rises out of water; a seal rises and embraces her.'  The seal might be in this case the masculine phallic energy of Aries.  The keyword Realization suggests that we know at some deep level what the coming annual circuit of the zodiac shall be for us.

Blessing:  If the burst of energy makes us uncomfortable, there is 'a woman of pleasing appearance offering a glass of some fluid to a child.'  There are those who are kind and sympathetic, benevolent and inspiring.  They may be the secret support of the more active and assertive ones, represented by 'a strong man standing, dressed in skins, or heavy, loose, coarse material--the shoulders almost bare.  In his hand he bears a club.'  This is Signor Borelli's symbol for the first degree of the Ram sign.  The strength and passion of this figure can 'sustain much labor and perform great acts' by force of character and endurance.  We are 'well-equipped for the struggle of life in its practical aspects.'

{Saturday}  {Vernal Strength as Promise of Realization}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  Many astrologers ancient and current have used the Vernal Equinox as the beginning of a new year and set up charts for that exact moment to foretell its course.  I have tried this repeatedly over the decades and have been disappointed with the results.  However, people's minds work differently and if an astrologer can work well with such a system, fine.  So far, for long-range outlooks I prefer the calendar months, which, as I have detailed here, seem to be amazingly accurate when used with patient contemplation.  I have not so far found a system which seems to outline the course of a coming year.  (I have tried many hypothetical systems, even the new moon of Aquarius each year which is the beginning of the Chinese New Year.)  

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