Sunday, March 21, 2021

Message for Monday 22 March 2021

 Monday 22 March 2021

~Notable Personages~

Moon in Cancer

Challenge:  There are two possible paths leading to trouble.  One would be wrong use of the Mercury-square-Mars aspect, symbolized by 'a man rushing along on horseback, sword in hand, to meet a company of armed men.'  This shows 'more courage than discretion' and leads to trouble through rash acts.  It could be hastiness, nagging, or disputes.  Or it could be quickly settling some matters requiring sharp thinking.  The other problematic path is represented by 'a man in a dark room at a table with books, papers and mathematical instruments scattered around promiscuously,' in other words, rather scattered and ineffectual intellectual interests which bring no benefit even if brilliant.  One might rather play with these multifarious interests or studies in a casual way to shore up one's true, direct path of destiny.  

Process:  Mars's other major aspect is a trine with Saturn, showing perseverance and earnestness, symbolized by 'two men turning the handle of a crane to lift a large stone.'  Whatever tools you need are available, with Mars in Gemini, Mercury's sign, and they can lift your prospects even if you work mostly at home (perhaps with another person virtually or actually).  The sun conjoined to Venus in Aries suggests 'a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country' which could be Biden, Trump, or other politician or some non-political personage who gets publicity.  He might exploit and also be exploited.  Or it can be yourself in your broader role.  'The self'can be 'dramatized as a focus for group actuality.'  

Blessing:   Cancer can be a humorous sign, and with Luna there we have 'a comedian entertaining a group.'  We may play self-expressive roles which release both ourselves and others from inhibitions.  Though Aries is a male sign, the degree wherein the sun is today is symbolized by 'a woman sitting in a chair as if conversing with someone.  Her hands are folded on her lap; her face has a pleasant smiling expression.  She is loosely habited in a Grecian robe, her neck and arms bare.'  This degree has been highly significant to me in past experiences.  You may be blessed to spend time with 'a lover of peace and harmony who has many friends on that account' and could be helpful to you.  

{Monday}  ~Notable Personages~

Cosmic Piper

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