Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Message for Wednesday 8 April 2020

Wednesday 8 April 2020

~Cold Moods, Yet Pulling Together~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is most intense today, exact in the afternoon, and lingers until about noon on Thursday
< moon remains in the Via Combusta until Thursday afternoon
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:51a PT | 8:51a ET | 12:51p UT 

until it enters Scorpio at 1:18p PT | 4:18p ET | 8:18p UT

Above are "triple witching" indications for the day.  It probably will not be easy for most of us.

"A man on the ground with his throat cut" is the most brutal symbol, and we can imagine how it might apply to some who are ill, but we need to keep our faith in better outcomes.   Charubel says we "are advised to do all in [our] power to fortify the soul, and to pray to God for help and guidance."  "A child born of an eggshell" suggests neatly the sort of feelings one has when lying in bed recovering from an illness.  The child is oneself at a delicate stage of rebirth; the eggshell is the discarded virus or other obstacle.   What is essential remains as the nucleus of a new life.  You might imagine or visualize this as happening for someone who is ill.

A restless feeling keeps us thinking of various strategies for business or job, or for home change, preservation or improvement.  Many of course are struggling with rent or mortgage, roommates or other household situations.  "Two men fighting a duel over a casket of jewels" suggests colorfully a "do-or-die" approach to protecting and enhancing one's finances.

But this does not have to be totally competitive; rather the path of cooperation is recommended by "A house-raising," an attempt at common enterprise when neighbors and friends depend on one another.  Helpfulness is a result of good will won or offered.  We are fulfilled through one another's fulfillment.  Generosity can extend to other than the human species without being denied to humans who also need it, "A young girl feeding birds in winter."  If a Saturnine mood does not feel generous or cooperative, we can try nonetheless and find that benevolence boomerangs.

{Wednesday}   ~Cold Moods, Yet Pulling Together~

Cosmic Piper

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