Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Message for Thursday 23 April 2020

Thursday 23 April 2020

\Reorienting Emergence into Lightness/

Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 10:03p PT | 1:03a(F) ET | 5:03a(F) UT

The challenging four-times-a-year hard-aspect between the sun and Saturn seems to be churning up appropriate symbols, such as, today, "A widow at an open grave."  Dr. Jones suggests that she needs to be ready to move on from "outworn experience," find her "personal aplomb" and proceed to major reorientation through self-discovery.  This would be better than emulating the "man sitting upon his heels and breaking stones with a hammer."  That would be unfruitfulness through failing to use one's abilities in a helpful direction.  (Some who are out of a job may feel they are just "breaking stones" until they find something better to do.)

The "watchdog standing guard" is trying to prevent us from going berserk through fear or anger (Luna square both Saturn and Mars).  Probity or integrity can be our guide, and then the intuitive dog stops barking.  Maybe at that point he will accompany us on "A mountain pilgrimage" which wold be our way of enveloping ourselves in "a complete harmony of all the ideals and values ever developed by man" (Dr. Jones).  This intensifies "every vision to which intelligence might aspire."  If this seems too high a climb, we can yet persevere. 

Oh, here's a mountain plateau with a large lake!  Two persons are rowing a boat.  We are ready for changes, company, adventure.  The pilgrimage is real but so is this relief of shared pleasure.  Along the shore "shellfish are groping and children playing."  Different levels and potentials of being emerge playfully, fostered by Nature's smile during these early days of a fresh lunar cycle.

{Thursday}  /Reorienting Emergence into Lightness\

Cosmic Piper

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