Friday, April 24, 2020

Message for Sunday 26 April 2020

Sunday 26 April 2020

}Through Oppositions and Dialectic to Peaceableness{  

Moon in Gemini

Mercury in Aries (a sometimes belligerent sign) square Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn can be argumentative and we have the emblem "Two men engaged in a fight" showing, says Charubel, "one ever ready to oppose anything and everything."  Rather than fisticuffs it would be good for them to settle things through honest competition, as in "Two men running a race." Sometimes such "argumentation" is just internal dialectic within one's consciousness.  Moon with Venus in Gemini conduces to seeing both sides of a disagreement.  

There can be a playful tendency, "A youth throwing coins into a cup as if in play."  This could be self-amusement while not heeding what others are doing, a sort of cavalier indifference.  That would be dangerous if there were something like "a forest fire" requiring remedy, but since that fire is "quenched," apparently we are alert enough to awaken to concern for the future and escape from escapism long enough to solve crucial issues. 

There are mental powers and keen aspirations, so that it is possible to aim at a result and advance toward it like "a flying arrow."  This would bring out and make practical the independent, original force of the sun's conjunction with Uranus.  There is also a more peace-bringing ritualistic tendency, "A man standing on two swords (forming a cross on the ground), with a scepter pointing heavenward."  He is "confiding in the higher power" in order to bring about peace.  He has conquered the warring tendencies of the two swords representing the bitter fight of paragraph 1.  Such individuals wherever they reside and however they work are the salvation of the planet.

{Sunday}  {Through Oppositions and Dialectic to Peaceableness}

Cosmic Piper

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