Sunday, April 5, 2020

Message for Monday 6 April 2020

Monday 6 April 2020

}Burgeoning Romanticism{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:30a PT | 9:30a ET | 1:30p UT
until it enters Libra at 2:17p PT | 5:17p ET | 9:17p UT

We have a beautiful set of symbols for the day.  Let's take the worst first:  "A battlefield where two contending armies are in deadly conflict."  Charubel gives a stern warning with this, that we need to watch our conduct or "come to grief."  What could help is "A council of ancestors." That is ultimately wise reliance on our antecedents, or antecedence.  Within our conscience, memory and even past-life awareness (usually subconscious) we can receive timely warnings to protect us and keep us on a safe path. It is good to feel the reassuring presence of relatives and friends, even if they are gone from this world. 

The rest of the symbols are positive, even beautiful and romantic. Those who are ill, and medical workers, will not be feeling the "good vibrations" in exactly the same way as the rest of us (fighting the "battle" of the first paragraph) but they may participate in mood at least.  "A man and woman standing hand in hand look with affection toward each other."  This is amity and friendliness, possibly "success through the intervention of some female friend."  "A wide, open seascape with distant sailing boats" shows someone "gentle but irresistible" who has a taste for travel, and interests in distant lands.  He or she is "yielding, but cannot be reduced."  This picture fits Luna's Grand Trine with Mars and Venus, a one-day phenomenon happily confirmed by the symbols.  It might be stronger after Luna enters Libra (time above) but should be felt during the earlier void-of-course period too.  A virus cannot kill love.  

The nectar continues, in an aesthetic vein, with "A violinist playing."  This accompanies refined tastes, a generous disposition, fine perceptions and intuitions.  "A troubadour stands with one foot on the ledge of a rock, his instrument slung at his side.  He listens to the music of a cascade falling at his feet."  Well, it would be safer to listen to a busker on the street than go into a concert hall, certainly.  Symbolically this is said to show harmony, Bohemian habits, a love for the beautiful, music, art, poetry.  A roaming life, and strong imagination.  Shall we find such heartening romanticism in this Monday?  Even if only in what we watch and listen to online?  I await your report. 

{Monday}  {Burgeoning Romanticism}

Cosmic Piper

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