Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Message for Wednesday 10 October 2018

Wednesday 10 October 2018

~Other's Help or Self-Help~ 

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta until 11:36p PT | 2:36a(Th) ET } 6:36a(Th) UT

Those who perceive what is going on in other minds may without realizing it slander someone, intending only to paint an accurate word picture. One sees into others' obsessions and craziness. Yet there is a desire for friendliness, amity and hospitality. 

Ouch, you see that in me? Have an hors d'oeuvre. 

Popularity could be as quick-fading as a fireworks burst. People are hurting from perceived injustice or rejection and so will turn from one to another repeatedly to find maybe someone who is pleasing. That might be you but only briefly. Nevertheless you can rely on your spiritual or invisible inspiration to keep you poised and even ecstatic.

You have pain? Me too but there is invisible help.

Those who have gone too far with drink or drugs may be rescued, or rescue themselves. Does one eliminate these or other hindering habits through accepting someone else's drill and discipline, or by devising one's own? Either way may work but ultimately one is responsible for oneself. Courage in facing the world's demands could lead to safety.

Coach, I need you but not every minute.

Life puts people under arrest when they forget too long that there are consequences for behavior legitimately disapproved. To prevent this, one might listen to a real teacher, guru, pastor or wise one who has a flair for awakening the public to higher consciousness, appealing to their better selves through impressive dramatization.

Yes I can live the way you make so appealing.

{Wednesday}  ~Other's Help or Self-Help~

Cosmic Piper

P. S. There are potential outbursts or bombshells in the daily chart, with Venus still square Mars exactly (exactly!) and Mercury opposite Uranus exactly-exactly! today. Let's watch our speech, curb our tongues, sense what people are suffering, and be tolerant. The good side of all this could be breakthroughs into something novel, fresh, invigorating (though demanding mentally and emotionally). 

P. P. S. I too get weary of all the self-improvement lingo, but the current aspects seem to require it. And it has something to do with Venus being retrograde, giving us a tendency to look deeply into ourselves especially in regard to human relations and how people see us.

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