Friday, October 12, 2018

Message for Saturday 13 October 2018

Saturday 13 October 2018

^Honor Defended Without Rancor^

Moon in Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:59p PT | 8:59p ET | 12:59a(Su) UT

Astro-Meteorology report:  I am better at predicting the weather than you may think. Although I did not predict the Michael storm or write about it till now, it happened exactly in accord with astrological patterns I have reported here often over the past 19 years. Here is what the New York Times said about the storm's  timing (Friday's edition):

The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane near Mexico Beach, Fla., around midday on Wednesday, with 155 mile-per-hour winds. By 2 a.m. Thursday, the storm was 25 miles east of Macon, Ga., and had lost strength, with maximum winds of 60 m.p.h. At midnight, it was downgraded to a tropical storm.

A quick look at any ephemeris shows that the moon was in the Via Combusta (last half of Libra and first half of Scorpio) on Wednesday, as reported in this forecast as follows:  
Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta until 11:36p PT | 2:36a(Th) ET } 6:36a(Th) UT

[as is typical, Google and Blogspot are messing up the formatting and making it either huge or very tiny and I had to choose huge. What a mess. I am not responsible.]

The Via Combusta is considered the hardest part of Scorpio for the moon to be in (first half) which is why it is called the Burning Way. As I have indicated here frequently, that does not mean that the trouble has to be heat or fire although sometimes it is, but can be any disaster or otherwise difficult situation. Most of us got through Wednesday without suffering physical destruction of our homes or property, but we suffered other issues perhaps totally psychologically. But the ones in Florida who did suffer a physical ordeal are the symbols for us of what was going on in the AstroSphere. 

Further:  I have to crow a little about this:  I myself discovered (I have never read anything about this in any astrology book or article), years ago, that there seem to be more instances of high winds when the moon is square or opposite Mars (also conjunct). On Wednesday when the storm hit and was at its peak, the moon was square Mars all day, exact at 6:01 p.m. Eastern Time. From midday to then was probably the most painful time of the storm for residents. Then after the peak of the aspect had passed, and also the moon had left the Via Combusta, on Thursday the winds calmed down considerably (but were still quite high because by a ten-degree orb Luna was still square Mars until around noon on Thursday). Will Cosmic Piper go down in history as the one who discovered this phenomenal meteorological pattern? When will the so-called intelligentsia, the academics, and the media recognize what goes on right under their noses? Not until they start reading this blog. (Or until someone else claims to have discovered what I discovered first. I am giving it out free of charge and without recognition or salary.)

Saturday:  People are graded or graduated according to various standards. I have never been convinced that schools, colleges, graduate schools, contests and competitions ever "grade" people accurately or wisely. However, we do have a tendency to "grade" those around us according to our own criteria. This might be harmless unless we consign some to oblivion through not understanding their particular virtues and talents. 

Someone of pure intentions may suffer unfairly. Yet he or she is positive and could go on the defensive successfully. As "a cross formed of darts," he or she can dispose of enemies magically.

A sorority, fraternity, or community of friends is a good thing. People within them may be simulating or deceptive because playing roles to gain applause, but this may be harmless. Their sarcasm or semi-malicious humor is intended to be playful. 

Some things may seem to be in a state of collapse, perhaps because one has used one's time unwisely along useless trails. So then there may be "a crowd upon the beach," exhilaration through escape into a melange of those happy just to be human beings with bodies. 

{Saturday}  ^Honor Defended Without Rancor^

Cosmic Piper

Your Red Wagon, Ella Fitzgerald

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