Thursday, October 11, 2018

Message for Friday 12 October 2018

Friday 12 October 2018

^Worries Releasing?^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon is void-of-course (in most zones, see yesterday's data)
until it enters Sagittarius at 2:54a PT | 5:54a ET | 9:54a UT 

I am disappointed that I haven't heard from more (only two) saying, "Yes, how true, that square between Mars and Venus, lasting for weeks and still there, explains, or at least clearly indicates, the long-lasting feud about women's issues and the Blasey-Kavanaugh mess." I am glad at least two individuals "got it." I suspect that some don't like this because they think it implies that Kavanaugh is not to blame for any of it, just the planets; or others, that Blasey and the Democrats are not to blame, only the planets. But of course that is not what astrology says. Astrology indicates what Aristotle called "formal cause," something unknown to contemporary physicists (unfortunately). It is independent of material cause (whatever happened on that day in 1982) and final cause (the ethics involved in the women's movement and Kavanaugh's position on issues which would affect the Court's decisions). It just shows the timing of things and is never an excuse for wrong ethics.

It was "the time" for these questions to hit the public consciousness in a big way, and even, to make it more definitely clear to even harsh critics of astrology, Mars was and is in Aquarius, Kavanaugh's sign, and Venus in Scorpio, Blasey's sign. (Probably; we only know she was born in November so there is a chance she is Sagittarius. She did not give out her birthdate and Scorpio individuals are often secretive.)

Anyway, to me the astrology of it ought to calm us down a little, helping us to take our stand, whatever that is, amid the raging conflict and wait, wait, wait. I am not going to predict the final outcome of all this for women, men, or the Court. That is a slow process. But it can be said that the second half of October should be calmer than the first half, for that long-lasting square (long because Venus and Mars have both been moving slower than usual and Venus is now retrograde) will be receding. It is still there big-time, but as I have said before it may lessen beginning on the 19th if not sooner.

Friday:  I have had arguments with people who claim that spirituality is good and religion bad. I say that religion is just structured or (sometimes) institutional spirituality, and can be good or bad depending on whether it helps the individual to grow spiritually. There are symbols for both a priest and a rabbi today, suggesting that formal religion may be relevant.

I know what helps and does not help in all religious approaches and discussions.

Cruelty is a strange phenomenon, ultimately very bad for both the victim and the perpetrator. Are we really aware of all the subconscious cruelty in ourselves? I don't think so, as evidenced by the "taste for cruelty" in (it seems) 80 per cent of shows on Netflix. There are levels of human evolution and each of us stands on some step on the ascending stairway.

I eliminate even slight vestiges of cruelty from my consciousness. 

Someone well-known or famous may inspire you. She or he has been subject to much suffering but has vanquished puny foes and is now respected and appreciated. 

It is good for me to get ideals from someone I admire, and live them happily.

Is it possible we are going to get back our sense of humor? It has been tough to joke about anything in recent weeks, with everyone on edge. Maybe today there will be some jesting which might seem malicious at first but is really just ironic, someone wearing a mask to unmask his own or someone else's hypocrisy, or to suggest "We are all imperfect so let's get over our hypercriticism." At best this could be shared camaraderie as in "a fellowship supper" or friendly gathering.

Personality comes out in me and all in surprising, humorous ways and I am delighted.

{Friday}  ^Worries Releasing?^

Cosmic Piper

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