Sunday, July 22, 2018

Message for Monday 23 July 2018

Monday 23 July 2018

^Winners and Losers Celebrate^

The sun entered Leo Sunday at 2:01p PT | 5:01p ET | 9:01p UT
Moon in Sagittarius

Very important people in the world's development toward "something better" may not be recognized during most or all of their lifetimes. You may be aware of such an one before "the world" is. 

Some seem awkward while learning to be themselves, but develop dexterity in time. If you look back over the weekend you will sense how some, through having a wonderful time, developed more social awareness and poise. Yet today there is a sort of primitive power trying to express itself in self-respect whenever it feels threatened (Mars retrograde squaring Uranus and the sun squaring it from the other side). This ought not to be violence but could be firmness.

Losing one's temper is not good, but facing an opponent calmly and honestly could bring conflict out into the light, preparing it for resolution. High intelligence and useful information are available to both sides.

The sun in the first degree of the Lion's sign indicates someone free, strong, ambitious and jealous of honors. (A certain prominent person in everyone's awareness was born with Leo rising and Mars therein.) He or she is subject to praise and flattery (a key to dealing with her or him) but, says Sepharial, "unless the heart be kind, will be a mere pompous tyrant." Still, such individuals, even the one you may have thought of, as representative of the Sun, center of our system, and born in a "fixed" or stabilizing sign, may be pivots around whom the world has to revolve for the worse or better. This is the idea of the king, of monarchy. Reviled or adored, he, or she the queen, sets the agenda.

Your life is blessed with at least one individual who is innocent and harmless. She or he acts from the heart and favors you with unquestioning love.

The definiteness of the fixed T square with Uranus at its center, including Mars and the sun, is coming out in politics. People take their sides and are firm in their positions. Yet there is something festive in this. People relish being in opposition to someone they regard as a familiar enemy, even a "frenemy." It is as the performance of "a mystery play." All are heroes in their own eyes. Yet in and through the conflict and self-glorification are sociable and humane feelings toward those on both sides. Persons mutually advantageous to one another are brought together, and surprising sympathies make this something like a party celebrating a sporting event.

{Monday} ^Winners and Losers Celebrate^

Cosmic Piper

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