Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday 23 March 2017

}Good Fortune with Rich Variety{

Moon in Aquarius   ***

Good luck is evident. It could be marvelous. You are aware of your own considerable powers. Wealth and fame are yours in some way fitting your place in life. 

You might be constantly on the move, seeking goals or friends. You may see some as fanatical or obsessive, yet there is love and enjoyment. Balancing pleasure and duty is not hard. You move toward someone or someone moves toward you while strolling together through the world's lanes of wonder. 

The conditions required of you are not terribly hard, so it is good to carry them out rather than give them "a lick and a promise." Your mind-set is clarified by a materialistic or realistic view of things, sensing what is what and what is not in no uncertain terms. The woods in Spring are full of unexpected budding or thriving treasures. 

At times you will work with others, or they for you as if you were the superior one, although there could be resentment or trouble because of the disparity in position, one or the other seeing the other as officious. Yet a variety of people is good for you. You focus also on other living things, plants or animals, caring for them to help them flourish. People want to display themselves toward one another--their bodies, talents and personalities.

{Thursday}  {Good Fortune with Rich Variety}

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, the very fact that one reads your messages is an intrinsic appreciation of your work and commitment, you should not worry either one shows that appreciation with a like or not.
