Monday, March 13, 2017

Message for Tuesday 14 March 2017

Tuesday 14 March 2017

}Struggling Toward the Crown{

Moon in Libra   ***

At least I can say, no matter what the problems, there is more energy than in recent days, and thank Heaven for that. 

Sun square Saturn, in winter months, always brings bitter or difficult weather, as in the East of the U. S. today. I have been feeling it too in Seattle, which has for the past month been trying hard to live up to its reputation as the capital of rain, and this time of snow as well, and bitter damp cold. I attribute some of this to Neptune in Pisces, its own sign, the sign of the ocean and of oceanic elements of experience as wetness; but even more, the sun-Saturn square. When does it ease? I might say, technically but hypothetically, by March 24, or a few days earlier, maybe even near the first day of Spring next Monday the 20th. However, shortly after that we will have Venus going backward and squaring that same Saturn all the way through April. I place no bets on the weather. Let's look to the weather of our own thoughts and feelings, which we control. "We call on Thee whenever storm-clouds gather" sings Elvis Presley on Spotify as I write. And just after that, Lana Del Ray sings "God Knows I Tried." (I wonder how many others listen to both Elvis and Lana on the same playlist?)

Now the music is off (miss you, Lana) so I can get down to the brass tacks of the daily Symbols for Tuesday:

People wonder, when they try to be truthful and fair, why things go so slowly or they seem to profit so little. We need to be careful that we do not stir up wrath against ourselves unwittingly by displeasing others who are aspects of the One.

Those who traduce or slander others--which has become almost the fashion in political discourse for the past year--are in danger of minimizing themselves rather than those from whom they detract. Those who would reform others must look to themselves, or the purge they design for their enemies will turn to be their own. Being careless about their own duties adds to the degradation.

Everyone has a lonesome side and it may be evident today. "I don't fit in, so I'll be myself." Does that mean one can lord it over others? Unlikely, or if so there is a fierce term limit. Rather one ought to idealize someone whom one respects deeply. Then the crown one gains will not be a selfish delusion but one offered from Above where ideals originate.

The spirit of giving takes form even in regard to plants, birds, pets, or wild animals. Being a giver, one feels good about one's prospects; faith in one's own pot of gold increases, leading to the end of the rainbow. Fostering a gentle and amiable disposition, one manifests true beauty.

{Tuesday} {Struggling Toward the Crown}

Cosmic Piper

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