Monday, March 13, 2017

Goodbye, or Hello, or Whatever . . .

Monday, March 13, 2017  10:12 PM

I am wondering if there is anything left for the human race. I am not sure there is. Perhaps our planet is ready to be dissolved?

I have struggled since 1999 when I got my first computer to write daily "forecasts," now called "messages," based on astrology, and it appears that out of the billions of human beings on the planet, to whom they are all available for free, there are approximately five who care to read them and think about them.

I had said that I would write them even if no one but G*d and myself read them, and I did that for many years (it is now almost eighteen years). (Eighteen years happens to be the period of a complete cycle of the zodiac by the moon's nodes.)

I shall continue to set up the daily charts, as long as G*d allows me to have a computer, program, and a printer which prints them, but it appears nobody else is worthy of them but G*d and myself, so those are the only two who will read them.

I shall post here, for the ghosts who might visit this site, some other musings, either astrological or non-astrological, in case anyone cares. I doubt it.

I think that the human race has perhaps passed its peak? Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

I find that out of the billions of people on the planet only a few thousand care to study the writings of Sri Aurobindo, and less than a hundred (the actual figure) care to study the writings of Marc Edmund Jones, and these are the two most intelligent individuals who lived on this planet during the twentieth century. So it appears that humanity is finished.

We could maybe just watch TV series for the rest of our lives--I just watched two episodes in one of them--and wait for the end of the human race, however it comes, either with a bang or a whimper.

Do you have another plan? I would be happy to hear it.

I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I do not know what He has in mind for the human race. Perhaps he is as weary of it as I am? Can the blood he shed continue to save us even when we no longer believe in it, or in Him? I doubt it. His blood will not cover us unless we read, study, and ponder His words. I do that every day. Do you?

What then is your own personal plan for the salvation of humanity?

We need to keep studying and thinking, and only the deeply spiritual teachers and writers are worthy of study. Among them are the writers of the Psalms (there are 150 of them) and the writers of the four Gospels: Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John (there are 89 chapters). Studying them every day might be your own individual salvation.

I have studied many other teachings and systems. Among the writers I might recommend are: First, Sri Aurobindo. Mary Baker Eddy. Charles Fillmore (an esoteric Christian who founded the Unity movement). Hegel the supreme philosopher. If you were to begin with those, you would probably be led to others who might help you. Some of them I shall not mention because I believe no one can find them through a recommendation from someone else. It has to be an individual discovery.

As for Marc Edmund Jones, whom I mentioned before, very few (one out of ten million) are able to read or understand him.

The same is true of Hegel, of course. It was said in his day that only three individuals on the planet understood him. I doubt that it is any more than that in 2017.

So, watch your TV series and movies. Maybe that is all you are capable of. I do it almost every evening, and feel ashamed, and yet I also get some thrill and some illunination from doing so. Every human being, including the authors and directors and actors in the TV series and movies, has some intuition or awareness of the Supreme and of His plan. It is masked of course. Even I have some insight and intution, perhaps. That is why I shall continue to write and post here even if no one reads. As for the daily forecasts, perhaps they were too strictly bound in system and formula to be helpful and this more liberated method of just saying what comes to be will be more helpful to you, me, and all. Or not. Let me know.

Do I talk as if words alone were our salvation? Perhaps that is because I was born with Jupiter in the sign Gemini. If you get your salvation from something else--working, giving, counseling, talking, sharing, instructing, taking care of a famly, dancing, performing music, listening to music, hatha yoga, athletics, finance and philanrhopy, or whatever--may that salvation be real for you. I get it mostly through study and thinking and meditation.

So we all have different paths, and that is a given. I knew that when I started writing the daily forecasts in 1999. I had hoped that I could articulate something here in the daily "forecasts,' recently re-christened as "messages," which might appeal to anyone in any walk of life or of any background or predilection. Perhaps I was actually doing that, and nobody except five people in the world told me that I was doing it. I don't feel that five is enough, I am sorry to say. Maybe I am greedy? I want adulation? Maybe I am a great sinner. Only G*d knows about that.

Anyway it seems that a wholly different approach is needed, and that I am beginning today. It will be more wordy. I am a thinker and the only way I know to communicate my thoughts is the English language. If you can read that and choose to do so, you are welcome and I would be happy to hear your responses to what I am impelled to say.

I have to say a lot, and then more, and then a lot more, because the Truth is infinite, and we are all beginners in approaching it. So let us be the Fool and the innocent child and the Nowhere Man.

Hugh Howard Higgins
(formerly Cosmic Piper)

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