Monday, March 20, 2017

Message for Monday 20 March 2017

Monday 20 March 2017

\Roused Toward Self-Reliance/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn   
|Karmically difficult or sobering third|of this week continues (through Tuesday morning)
** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:39a PT | 6:39a ET | 10:39a UT   * / |
until it enters Capricorn at 8:32a PT | 11:32a ET | 3:32p UT  ** |

People are trying to determine and be who they are in no uncertain terms. They want to know what portion of their world they actually rule, and how best to do it.

Individuality and originality are emphasized. There is something you do which you do better than anyone else. You are positive, with strong will, and do not let anyone disparage you. Nevertheless, you may seek some comforts by easy ways, and so appear lassitudinous. 

Even, you may feel you lack energy and want to just sleep away the hours, until you realize inwardly unlimited potentialities to actualize. That rouses you. But then you may sense that your projects are likely to collapse. Inward reliance on your Self is essential.

You want to confide in a higher power, and may do this almost ritualistically, by standing on the ground and looking up to the heavens. Then there can be semi-erotic excitation, naive creativity flowing from the world to you through novelties of human relationships. That is not enough: your strength is real if you enlist in self-determined labor. 

The exhilaration of human contacts is not absent, yet is somehow felt as competitive. Conditions you need for success may seem absent, yet something keeps sustaining you. People may seek quarrels, whether they realize they are doing that or not. It is better not to become a victim of your own rashness. Let people wear their anger out so it doesn't touch you. Fellowship is at hand if you give something to others to prime the pump. 

{Monday}  /Roused Toward Self-Reliance\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Christopher Bertish, who just crossed the Atlantic In March 2017, he completed the first solo, unsupported stand-up paddle board (SUP) crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. He did it while supporting charitable organizations (Wikipedia), was born July 11, 1974, with four planets in water signs, the sun in Cancer (water sign) exactly (less than one degree) trine Jupiter in Pisces (water sign), sign of the ocean, and Jupiter in its own sign makes it very strong. The exact trine with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, is very favorable. A photo of him on his small boat in the Atlantic is fascinating. He must love the ocean in order to do that. It's not my thing at all, but that is why people have different horoscopes. 

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