Sunday, January 19, 2014

Forecast: Monday 20 January 2014

Monday 20 January 2014

Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Virgo; Foci in 8, Death and Regeneration, and 5, Offspring and Pleasure

/moon goes void-of-course at 12:56p PT | 3:56p ET | 8:56p UT

\The Adventure of the Ordinary-to-Extraordinary/

One factor is "the struggle for existence," which is pronounced. It includes financial records or accounting. Another is remarkable pleasures which can happen no matter the other pressures.

You are capable of drifting into or ascending into a good position. This is with the aid of someone with a religious or spiritual orientation such as a rabbi, pastor or guru. 

Someone older who is gathering together the fruitage of a lifetime, in actuality or in consciousness, could be helpful to you. Likewise someone artless and youthful, simple and innocent. The varieties of humanity across the generations can be pleasing no matter what the minor ordeals you face.

Dreams and visions are wonderful and help you get through the day's pressures. When the void-of-course begins, they could persuade you to drop everything. It would be wise to finish ordinary business or routine as much as possible. Then you can burst forth into something fresh and free, or try your hand at something new.

There is glory and adventure in the scholastic life, whether for junior or advanced scholars, children in grade school or doctoral candidates. New worlds to explore, mentally if not physically. And there is the heritage of the wise ones on whom one can depend to straighten out one's orientation to all this knowledge, and one's sense of values. On that one can rely.

{Monday} /The Adventure of the Ordinary-to-Extraordinary\

Cosmic Piper

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