Thursday, January 9, 2014

Forecast: Friday 10 and Saturday 11 January 2014

Friday 10 and Saturday 11 January 2014

Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Taurus; Foci in 4, Foundation--5, Pleasure and 9, Comprehension--8, Regeneration

\The Bull and Goat of Persistence/

The struggles you have been going through, most likely, I am going through also. That is why this report and tomorrow's may be truncated and posted very late. I had a tough day today (Thursday), yet a good one--good in that some things worked out, as I suggested in the forecast for Thursday, tough in that it took struggle, effort, a shuffling of things and papers and people--all day. I am trying to write these reports late in the day and have another important meeting to attend before I can finish them. 

As for the report for Wednesday titled "Retaining Sanity," I think most people did have to go through such a fight to retain their poise. A gentleman I was supposed to meet that day for business could not meet because he had the flu. Other things went wrong to the point that I felt nothing was working for me. 

As I had pointed out in the forecast for Thursday, things went better for me then but still through stress and strain. That was bearable because at least there was definite measurable progress.

It is true that those whose horoscopes are not afflicted at all by current aspects but receive good aspects are not suffering as much. I know one such individual. He seems on an even though somewhat boring course. That is rare. Most are struggling with all kinds of "pressures" from outside, to use a vague enough word. That is the Grand Square in cardinal signs. 

Friday: That stressful pattern is releasing a little now, what with the sun and Venus forming sextiles to Saturn, which help. However, today remains in the |difficult third| of the week. You can take care of important business--Luna is in good aspect to the sun and Venus very early in the day and trine Mercury later--while feeling an undertone of urgency.

You are aware of much more than is possible at present. This can be inspiring if you keep believing that it shall be done. You may be able to work to help someone who is simple and friendly to get through the day and have a pleasant evening with or without you. 

"A boat landing washed away" is one of the symbols, which reflects the feeling that we can't get done all we need to do. Some may use this as an excuse to relax too much and rely on others' endeavors.

Someone with a happy disposition and good will is good for you even if in the background--a "secret friend." Someone else is ruthless in commanding things and people, determined to win at all costs. The question is how much you can cooperate with him or her, and how.

There are tendencies to eat more than is necessary. If this eases the suffering of the stressful things you have to face, fine, up to a point. "Comfort food" is what it amounts to. Much deeper things are going on for those who can attune themselves to them--alchemical transformations, but the ordinary uninstructed unillumined human being does not know what that is all about. 

Arduous labors, when necessary, can be faced and accomplished. You can use old materials, whatever is at hand, even waste materials for your purposes (which is one facet of alchemy). When one thing is impossible, something else is possible. That is a key to the peculiar nature of the day.

{Friday} /The Bull and Goat of Persistence\

 Cosmic Piper

Saturday 11 January 2014

Sun in Capricorn; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 5, Pleasure and 8, Regeneration

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET | 10:59a UT until it 
enters Gemini at 4:27a PT | 7:27a ET | 12:27a(Su) UT

}Reminiscent Alchemy{

Oh wow, this is getting hard. I went to the important meeting and it is now 11 p.m. in my time zone and I do, like other human beings (oh, I sometimes forget I am Cosmic Piper) need to sleep regularly. I shall try to say something coherent about Saturday.

I wish you could pursue your deepest, most living and entrancing spiritual dreams and hopes during this time. The cosmic forces will aid you in that.

You will see the indicator Pleasure above. Yet life is not all Pleasure, thought we wish it were. We have to pay for it. Such is the universal decree, or so it appears to me and many others who have earnestly sought an escape from that! 

Oh yes, I have sought an escape! And if I found it, could I convey it to you? Some say the Escape is Surrender! Interesting wisdom for those who grasp it . . . 

At the external level, you may be subject to indecision. Do this or that? Neither makes sense? You might learn something from animals, who somehow decide what to do without thinking. 

You might look back on your past, relax a little, retire from the worries of life. You need a break from them. Be what you would be if you were retiring into some Golden Years. People try, even if they are insincere, to live good lives. They don't know how to be sincere and noble, maybe, so they appear charlatans, hypocritical. Yet lovable!

You can speculate, reach for the stars, drill for oil in your back yard. If things look rosier than they are, enjoy the illusion while it lasts! You can also be a good person who joys in real rather than false work. Voila!

People want too much and eat too much, yet they also want to understand life and many have spent fortunes searching for esoteric knowledge. You can spend the fortune of your consciousness on that, rather than money, and gain it! 

There is renovation for those who learn the lessons of the past, and especially of their own past, their youth and blooming maturity. If you look back on that with an eye which attempts to find the eternal essence of it, you will be invoking effervescent immortality within your personal alchemical retort. So may it be!

{Saturday} {Reminiscent Alchemy}

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Too interesting! I am in the flurries of moving this week. ALL week. I was thinking of letting my landlord know I would retain possession for another two weeks - to the end of the month. He informed me however that he has a new tenant. Hence the outside stress, but also - - -

    "A boat landing washed away" is one of the symbols."

    Too interesting for me not to comment.

    Thankyou Piper. As always.
