Saturday, August 3, 2013

The BHE Begins this evening (Saturday)

In the forecasts I have been saying that the Bright Hermetic Epoch, lasting until October 1, begins today, Saturday August 3. That is correct, but it does not begin until late in the day, as I just found out by more precise calculation. It begins approximately at

             4:36p PT | 7:36p ET | 11:36p UT Saturday August 3.

I mention this because this morning and early afternoon, although I am feeling somewhat as if I am in a new beginning, my mind still seemed hanging on to old patterns as if I were attempting to pull out of them, like a butterfly from its chrysalis. So I checked the time more carefully and found that indeed the BHE is not quite with us . . . but may be by the time you read this and shall be Sunday definitely.

A complicating circumstance could be that we are in the final days of an Old Moon, which tend to be lethargic. The New Moon comes Tuesday afternoon-evening, so after that full-blown plans for a new Epoch might be more easily begun. Actually to be safe I would say that Thursday August 8 might be the first day of a clearly new era for most of us. 

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. :)

    At the rate this weekend and today went...I'm willing to wait for Thursday.

    There seems to be some over-trying to be there already, as if everyone around me knows a new air is arriving.
