Friday, August 30, 2013

Forecast: Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2013

Saturday 31 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Cancer, Patience; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:08p PT | 8:08p ET | 12:08p UT

~Destiny's Hand~

As I write on Friday, it is obvious that the all-day moon-void-of-course of Thursday made a lot of sense. For me, it was a day of confusion and struggle and worry--about personal matters as well as the Syrian situation, to which I gave an enormous amount of attention. And it is obvious that David Cameron of Britain needed an astrologer! He convened the House of Commons to get approval for military action against the Syrian government on a day when the moon was void--not smart, from an astrological perspective. Actually I agree with the verdict of the British House--that it is too early to decide on a military approach--if ever--to dealing with the internal matters of Syria, which are like a can of worms trying to feed on one another. How can anyone intervene in that intelligently? Almost anything of a military nature would make it worse. Such is my judgment. It appears to me that Parliament sensed, correctly, that on a void-of-course day it would be absurd to make some definitive decision. I applaud them. 

Meanwhile, other aspects, including a Grand Cross in cardinal signs, are very hard right now. I felt this as a deep sense of worry on Thursday. On Friday I feel somewhat better. I hope you also. I shall not detail the current hard aspects as a tale of woe but proceed to a "focus" (I am starting to like that word better than "forecast") for Saturday:

People can get together and form associations with alacrity when some deeper issue seems to pull them together. Good people believe in success for one another and foster it in gracious ways.

Events and their causative feelings diverge from the ideal when people are careless and become perverse or weirdly selfish in ways one wouldn't have foreseen. They can get agitated pointlessly, or try for something illegal or immoral without considering principle or consequence.

A normal attempt to provide for oneself and those dependent is a good thing, though deflected through side issues which seem all the more compelling the more pointless. You want to be everything to everyone and could benefit by defining that role more precisely. 

People may want to be playful but not sure how, so attempt humor awkwardly. This would not do much to remove the sense of stagnation and ill-smelling mire. It may be necessary to do some hard things through labor or serious effort before one can feel ready to enjoy anything.

People can feel better about themselves by modifying the way they present themselves, as in hair style. Trimming and shaping is going on. But something deeper is left unchanged by these superficial maneuvers (though they be mood-lifting). The soul wants to know its destiny.

Someone who has a quality of rulership may be your friend. This person has a side which will never give in. That could be "selfish" in a superficial sense--or selfless in the sense that it is just who he or she is; and what his role in the world has to be by destiny's decree.

Maybe we could go back to paragraph 3 for the conclusion . . . 

{Saturday} ~Destiny's Hand~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 1 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Cancer, Patience; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon void-of-course until it enters Leo at 5:02p PT | 8:02p ET | 12:02a(M) UT

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week all day

~Essential Foundations~

Not all is as it seems. Some who pretend to great wisdom and discretion may be mere charlatans. Others who are fatherly or parental and kind to a younger generation may be the true saints of the age. 

Someone dedicated to a heritage may be your true friend regardless of disagreements along certain lines. A rabbi, priest, pastor, or guru could be your link to freedom from inconsequence. With that influence you can guide yourself through a multitude of war-or-love episodes. 

Conservatism can be wonderful; maybe because we are in a holiday mood. Trust the past. Lean on it. Let it support us. It is easy. At worst, this can, in any nation, be jingoism, but it need not be. Let each nation have its own comfortable traditions to keep it at peace with others.

The holiday mood also brings out a sense of fun, relaxation, enjoyment, spending--perhaps too much, but one can always save after one's indulgence if not before. (Dangerous comment.) People want to be other than themselves, or let themselves meld into the Other or others.

Not everything is smooth; far from it. There are intense tensions. Mars has difficult aspects. But there is a sense of morale, which could come out in argument but need not erupt in real hostility. You want to be who you are without pretending otherwise, and be respected for that. 

Retreating to some position where one can rest in the assurance that there are solid, dignified, good, competent individuals governing the world, or maintaining its ideals through religion and spirituality, could be a wonderful satisfaction.

Whatever your religion, or lack thereof, it is important today. By "religion" I do not mean churches, synagogues, mosques, and their pastors, rabbis and mullahs. I mean your personal relation to G*d developed through a tradition such as (for me) the Bible both Hebrew and Christian.

Some individuals whose lives have been shaped in such a tradition--the Dalai Lama is one, or Sai Baba, or Martin Luther King--are influential beyond what anyone knows. When we include Jesus, the Buddha, and Sri Aurobindo, it is true that our lives are merely facets of their lives.

(I leave it to female readers to call up female saints, teachers and exemplars who have had a similar destiny and impact.)

{Sunday} ~Essential Foundations~

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Jingoism=extreme patriotism with aggression overtone.

    Aha. Now to use this three times today in a sentence. Hmmm.

