Sunday, August 18, 2013

Forecast: Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 August 2013

Monday 19 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues 

}Resurgent Destiny{

A group of children rest around a campfire. A house-proud woman
Lights a candle deftly placed. A star gleams above the lake beyond
The field where a farmer's plow lies helpless. He has taken to mining,
Seeing himself enthroned. He grips his partner's hand. What glimmers?

I hope you are seeing some of what the Bright Hermetic Epoch means (August 3 through September 30). This week and next, while Mercury moves closest to the sun (from our geocentric perspective), are the center of it. I always suggest at these times that we look into our current processes, formulas, methods of living. We all have them. We work them out based on past experience, intuition and guesswork. Your guesses and intuitions are more likely to be right at this time, and you can verify them with a clear mental perspective, scientific in a sense, which is likely to yield accurate results. Therefore it is a good idea to think out "What are my conclusions as to the best way to do x, y, and z?" It could be investing if you are an investor, pitching if you are a baseball pitcher, dancing and training if you are a dancer, practicing if you are a pianist, working on a new type of engine if you are a mechanic. You are developing methods. At present, they are likely to be mostly correct, or at least closer to the best than they have been in the past Dark Hermetic Epoch. So I recommend writing them down, maybe this week and next especially. "These are my tentative conclusions about how to do these things." Then you can refer to them when things get more confusing in the Dark Epoch beginning for two months in October. This can involve scheduling also. We tend to work out schedules for ourselves, daily or weekly or monthly or . . . (I myself put some things on an every-other-day schedule.) You are probably getting real clarity as to the ones which work for you.

On Monday, intelligence is blessed, has wings. You could fly high and long with fine perceptions of all-over, life-long, world-wide trends or principles, and use them also practically to ensure your well-being. Concern about possible loss can impel to ways of gain.

You have learned from experience, and can estimate and measure possibilities accurately. You get indications of the trend of events in connection with interesting people as well as career and income. An amiable quality bubbles up even if people are worried about some things. 

Your home is important to you and you want to be proud of it, so can make inroads into caring for it as you would like, making it more pleasant and serviceable. While doing that you may think melancholically about those who are gone from your world and how you could please them in spirit.

Goodwill sustains people when they feel insecure. One does not want to leave this life looking back on things one has done to spoil good will among friends, relatives and associates. The peculiarities of people can be an avenue to increased rather than decreased mutual sustaining, a handshake.

You sense your destiny, what you were ordained to do. This has a miraculous quality. Yet it is hard! That is why you feel you need to do it; if it were not difficult you would not have that mission instilled in you. It helps others manifest values which your life-position can embrace and enhance.

No matter if it seems some of your tools are missing, or damaged, or you need to get them back in shape. You can (introductory paragraph). If some opportunities are gone, or never came up, others shall appear. That might be sooner rather than later, while you keep on mining for treasure. 

{Monday} {Resurgent Destiny}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:32a PT | 10:32a ET | 2:32p UT

/moon goes void-of-course exactly at the Full Moon, 6:46p PT | 9:46p ET | 1:46a(W) UT
until it enters Pisces at 9:44p PT | 12:44a(W) ET | 4:44a(W) UT

While he and she relax on the couch, outside a laborer shovels and sweats.
A reformer asks for a higher wage, better conditions; a linguist revels in 
Multiple wordings, scholars' delights. Aura'd in red, walking the street,
Some seek thrills, tipple toward bars; then clench fists, get back to work.

}Full Fortunate Moon{

The Full Moon grants expanded consciousness. This involves watchfully building one's career and income, for one is shrewd in detecting solid potentials. At the same time there is a tendency to live for thrills and pleasures, with resulting instability. Mysterious mutual attractions are likely. 

Many of your ideals may be personified, in yourself, someone you admire, or both, because admiration is a way of tapping into the admired one's qualities. Traditional, simple ways of going about things, if they are beautiful or satisfying, open a door to expanded consciousness.

There are reformers who care about those who perform manual labor. Minimum wages in many places are completely unfair. Others like to keep delving into their work, handling every detail to perfection. Somehow such work becomes interesting and enjoyable under the Full Moon's rays. 

Remarkable possibilities are afoot. Language is alive. Knowledge is fascinating. A versatile idealist is a sincere friend. His or her ambitions may be attained through serendipity as well as dedication. People seem to be living more than one life. There can be peace and concord; entwining unity. 

The luxurious repose which is available has limits, because something in you is not content to rest beyond a reasonable point. You are ruthlessly determined to succeed at something definite. So after you indulge yourself, you get back up and attend to aims steadily and competently.

There are times when one realizes one would not be happy without work. Effort in mature years is a fountain of youth; in younger years, a fountain of self-government and self-respect. True, one would wish to have great gain and fortune from this. It could happen. The cosmos is not stingy. 

{Tuesday} {Full Fortunate Moon}

Cosmic Piper

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