Friday, August 30, 2013

Forecast: Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2013

Saturday 31 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Cancer, Patience; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:08p PT | 8:08p ET | 12:08p UT

~Destiny's Hand~

As I write on Friday, it is obvious that the all-day moon-void-of-course of Thursday made a lot of sense. For me, it was a day of confusion and struggle and worry--about personal matters as well as the Syrian situation, to which I gave an enormous amount of attention. And it is obvious that David Cameron of Britain needed an astrologer! He convened the House of Commons to get approval for military action against the Syrian government on a day when the moon was void--not smart, from an astrological perspective. Actually I agree with the verdict of the British House--that it is too early to decide on a military approach--if ever--to dealing with the internal matters of Syria, which are like a can of worms trying to feed on one another. How can anyone intervene in that intelligently? Almost anything of a military nature would make it worse. Such is my judgment. It appears to me that Parliament sensed, correctly, that on a void-of-course day it would be absurd to make some definitive decision. I applaud them. 

Meanwhile, other aspects, including a Grand Cross in cardinal signs, are very hard right now. I felt this as a deep sense of worry on Thursday. On Friday I feel somewhat better. I hope you also. I shall not detail the current hard aspects as a tale of woe but proceed to a "focus" (I am starting to like that word better than "forecast") for Saturday:

People can get together and form associations with alacrity when some deeper issue seems to pull them together. Good people believe in success for one another and foster it in gracious ways.

Events and their causative feelings diverge from the ideal when people are careless and become perverse or weirdly selfish in ways one wouldn't have foreseen. They can get agitated pointlessly, or try for something illegal or immoral without considering principle or consequence.

A normal attempt to provide for oneself and those dependent is a good thing, though deflected through side issues which seem all the more compelling the more pointless. You want to be everything to everyone and could benefit by defining that role more precisely. 

People may want to be playful but not sure how, so attempt humor awkwardly. This would not do much to remove the sense of stagnation and ill-smelling mire. It may be necessary to do some hard things through labor or serious effort before one can feel ready to enjoy anything.

People can feel better about themselves by modifying the way they present themselves, as in hair style. Trimming and shaping is going on. But something deeper is left unchanged by these superficial maneuvers (though they be mood-lifting). The soul wants to know its destiny.

Someone who has a quality of rulership may be your friend. This person has a side which will never give in. That could be "selfish" in a superficial sense--or selfless in the sense that it is just who he or she is; and what his role in the world has to be by destiny's decree.

Maybe we could go back to paragraph 3 for the conclusion . . . 

{Saturday} ~Destiny's Hand~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 1 September 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Cancer, Patience; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon void-of-course until it enters Leo at 5:02p PT | 8:02p ET | 12:02a(M) UT

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week all day

~Essential Foundations~

Not all is as it seems. Some who pretend to great wisdom and discretion may be mere charlatans. Others who are fatherly or parental and kind to a younger generation may be the true saints of the age. 

Someone dedicated to a heritage may be your true friend regardless of disagreements along certain lines. A rabbi, priest, pastor, or guru could be your link to freedom from inconsequence. With that influence you can guide yourself through a multitude of war-or-love episodes. 

Conservatism can be wonderful; maybe because we are in a holiday mood. Trust the past. Lean on it. Let it support us. It is easy. At worst, this can, in any nation, be jingoism, but it need not be. Let each nation have its own comfortable traditions to keep it at peace with others.

The holiday mood also brings out a sense of fun, relaxation, enjoyment, spending--perhaps too much, but one can always save after one's indulgence if not before. (Dangerous comment.) People want to be other than themselves, or let themselves meld into the Other or others.

Not everything is smooth; far from it. There are intense tensions. Mars has difficult aspects. But there is a sense of morale, which could come out in argument but need not erupt in real hostility. You want to be who you are without pretending otherwise, and be respected for that. 

Retreating to some position where one can rest in the assurance that there are solid, dignified, good, competent individuals governing the world, or maintaining its ideals through religion and spirituality, could be a wonderful satisfaction.

Whatever your religion, or lack thereof, it is important today. By "religion" I do not mean churches, synagogues, mosques, and their pastors, rabbis and mullahs. I mean your personal relation to G*d developed through a tradition such as (for me) the Bible both Hebrew and Christian.

Some individuals whose lives have been shaped in such a tradition--the Dalai Lama is one, or Sai Baba, or Martin Luther King--are influential beyond what anyone knows. When we include Jesus, the Buddha, and Sri Aurobindo, it is true that our lives are merely facets of their lives.

(I leave it to female readers to call up female saints, teachers and exemplars who have had a similar destiny and impact.)

{Sunday} ~Essential Foundations~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Forecast: Thursday 29 and Friday 30 August 2013

Thursday 29 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 10, Honor

/moon void-of-course all day

He has lived a lot, has summed it up, feels insecure--
While gazing into the dark northeast. Only the Highest
Can know and judge. The world is ill, needs remedies
And hope. What has he done? More light!

}Honor Review{

It would be endlessly tiresome to moan here about every disaster which happens, and find astrological correlations. A skeptic could say that it would be possible to find some correlation always because there are always disasters and always some "bad" or difficult aspects. I believe that serious statisticians with no bias would find that there are statistical correlations with certain types of disasters corresponding with certain aspects, although the complexity of the research would be deterring. Some century it will be done, I believe. Meanwhile we can see this week that the opposition of both sun and Mercury with Neptune, the planet of chemicals and of good as well as bad use of them and of medicines and of alcohol and drugs of all kinds, licit and illicit, corresponded exactly with the world's upset over the heinous use of chemical weapons by factions (who but the government?) in Syria against their own people. I have seen this correspond also with some sad and illness-yielding drinking by those inclined thereto, and most likely many are suffering from overdoses of licit or illicit drugs. Here is a case where obviously Neptune cannot be blamed for this, only the wrong use of Neptunian energies or Neptunian formal causes. A deeper level of spiritual quest and prayer is an obviously better use of them. As I have mentioned, extra rest may be needed during these times. The sun-Neptune opposition, by 10-degree orb, lasts through September 5.

Studying number symbolism, the I Ching, occult systems, or secret wisdom of any kind could be a strong card today. A fullness of mental resources can be turned in any direction. Mercury is exalted in the sign Virgo. Hegel, Blavatsky, and Sri Aurobindo were born with it therein.

With the moon void-of-course, deciding what is possible and what not is essential. The usual is safer. If basic work is done and you want to enjoy, continue being careful (especially of alcohol and drugs) even while enjoying some things fortuitously yet remembering major goals.

Trimming some things back can be fortunate. That can be clean-up, or laundry, or removing things which are in the way and no longer useful.That could make you more ready for contacts with gracious, successful individuals whose good fortune could rub off on you.

I certainly hope that the United Nations and the Western nations concerned about Syria will hold off decisions, for they could make wrong ones. This is a day for only modest, careful communication, at the personal level also. People need to be at arm's length and have elbow room.

They need to avoid infection, whether of disease or dis-ease. Many ponder what "the end of life" means, the period late in life of summing up and reviewing. It can be scary. What have I done with my life? remains a good question. And what sanction do I have for what further activity?

You may sense that you have done a lot, multifarious things, and that is well. But is there some large thing you wanted to do, left undone? You have enormous reserve forces which can bring you honor along any line your aspirations direct. It is partly traditional and partly original.

{Thursday} {Honor Review}

Cosmic Piper

Friday 30 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Cancer, Patience; Fortuna in 10, Honor

/moon void-of-course until it enters Cancer
at 4:34a PT | 7:34a ET | 11:34a UT

He would love to call in sick, pretend infection,
Or nail a manifesto to the boss's door. 
He could ride his horse with flowing mane,
Map out territory, establish a colony. Sometime.

~Contemplative Poise as Basis~

It's possible to accomplish most anything dear to your heart. You feel proud of your efforts. There is more than meets the eye to many of your projects or interests. It may seem that you could not possibly handle all of them, and yet you proceed nobly and gallantly.

Making peace with oneself is possible when in a relaxed mode of recollection. You may recall things you have done which were silly or inconsequential, perhaps foolish because restless and inconsiderate. Now you know better and can bring realizations to a calm focus.

You have personal rights over your home and headquarters, and can be meticulous in maintaining them. Housekeeping can be a fine art; no two do it the same. Someone you admire because of gentility, good taste and success shares with you this sense of dominion over work-space.. 

Contemplating natural beauty is reassuring. The world is good to us when we accept its best and finesse the rest. You could slip into feeling insecure about things which need not take your concern. Whatever needs to be corrected, for your protection, will become evident naturally.

When feeling out of sorts it is not necessary to retreat into ineptitude. You could give yourself excuses for avoiding people or perhaps some mental work. True, you may need a retreat to gain a deeper sense of who you are. Thus you can regain poise and proceed, aware of destiny.

Planetary stresses and strains involving Uranus suggest that you could be too arrogant in rejecting or despising something old and established. It may be hard to see this in yourself. After making peace with existing systems, you can proceed with your own resourceful speculations. 

{Friday} ~Contemplative Poise as Basis~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, August 26, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 August 2013

Tuesday 27 August

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Taurus, Peace-->Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 3:51a PT | 6:51a ET | 10:51a UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:59p PT | 6:59p ET | 10:59p UT until it
enters Gemini (ten minutes later) at 4:09p PT | 7:09p ET | 11:09p UT

A siesta is a power nap, a refuge from confusion: deeper peace.
Then tools and preparations take the stage for the man of 
Watchful gain. Assistants joke and laugh, mimic secretly;
He laughs himself at them and him. Then looks beyond.

} Interest in Life Supports Refined Connections{

A light, curious attitude can be refreshing. You observe; you feel you are a cat watching everything either with purpose or no purpose. It is all interesting. Action is not always required. You can recuperate gently, withdrawing from hubbub into rest and inner timeless renewal.

Yet you have a lot to do, and a multitude of individuals depend on you to fulfill a public duty. You may wonder if they deserve this, yet your star of destiny keeps calling. You have social links with well-off,  artistic or musical, refined people, perhaps through marriage or distant partnership.

Pregnancy or childbirth could be difficult for some. Something negative in the atmosphere may be restful but also hurtful unless there is sufficient activity and alertness to keep things vital. Turning your mind to anything you feel like doing could restore vitality and aliveness. You can.

Habits can be disciplined through awakening interests in matters which keep you wanting to be efficient. You want to be a friend to those who deserve your friendship. This benefits yourself. You are careful, watchful and shrewd in attaining eminence and prosperity.  

You know what has worked in the past and you won't abandon it. This is loyalty to a heritage. You have a sanction to rely on that which is eternal in yourself and others. Beyond definition, it upholds you when things look dark. We know more in our souls than our minds can put in words.

A lighter side of things can be flattery, coquetry, wit, mimicry and mockery. This allows people to take themselves and others less seriously so they can recover from too-heavy burdens. A theatrical talent bubbles up even while you are connecting with solid lucky potentials of material gain.

{Tuesday} {Interest in Life Supports Refined Connections}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 10, Honor

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:46p PT | 12:46a(Th) ET | 4:46a(Th) UT

She didn't want a game-show choice, just a chance for someone new,
And here was someone old. Not embarrassing, more flattering. 
But whose attentions will prevail? This one does not give up; nor 
That, and she wants both. Art and music maybe forge the choice.

}Pleasurable Connections with Impressive Individuals{

A smooth day promises harmonious achievement. You may enjoy music. Something about your work is circular, circling back to an approach you used before, then back to a present approach. You are fit as a fiddle for your career or profession and are appreciated within it.

Studying the mysterious could help you settle your mind on something real and potent. Through such interests you could be linked with someone of high rank who has a good position and is somewhat famous. A partner who is poetic and inspirational enhances your own version of success.

What you aspire toward is real and attainable, though you might go too much in circles in trying to reach it, and get lost in side issues which amuse rather than achieve. You are capable of so much, and can enjoy demonstrating your abilities almost casually. Such versatility is impressive.

Some of the insecurities you feel may be imaginary. It may be hard to separate paranoia from reasonable caution. You can gravitate to unusual pleasures and share them with someone you love, or someone you enjoy, whether an old or new acquaintance. There are party opportunities.

There could be an insistence on your own way, on what you want. You want it now and everyone has to go along with it, or else. Your desires are imperative. This could be effective. It would be more so if you are linked to your deeper self which sees into the immortal trend of events.

Are your sure who your partner is? How many of us are at this period in history? If so, no problem, although you may spend time with someone else as well. If not, you may be pulled in two directions and feel equally drawn to both individuals. Good fortune is possible through both.

{Wednesday} {Pleasurable Connections with Impressive Individuals}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Forecast: Sunday 25 and Monday 26 August 2013

Sunday 25 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:03a PT | 6:03a ET | 10:03a UT
until it enters Taurus at 6:14a PT | 9:14a ET | 1:14p UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues

He primps before a mirror; she laughs at his vanity; suggests a skullcap.
They need not struggle--the road looks long and inviting. Such ease.
What is the quest? Knowledge beckons from way down paths which 
Diverge. A bridge is building on one; the other sprinkled with gold dust.

\Maintaining Good Fortune/

As I write I feel a somewhat "sloggy" quality to the time, even reflected in weather, and this has to do with the sun and Mercury opposing Neptune (exact now, close for a few more days). I have noted that this coincides with a "sleepy" time when one would rather drift and dream. It can be morose or just contemplative. One wants to "knit up the tangled sleeves of care." But this should not prevent us from continuing with our forward press in the world--in projects, whatever they be, for the Bright Hermetic Epoch remains at its peak and today Luna gives us smooth aspects except for the opposition with Saturn, which is emotionally hard but can be good for work.

The long, hard pull is encouraged. We tend to fall away from effort. Of course if you choose Sunday as your Sabbath, you have a reason to abstain. Yet escaping from hard conditions is possible only through building appropriate channels of opportunity.

Whatever is fortunate for you could lull you into too much ease. You do not have to slave-drive yourself, but at least an intellectual quest for understanding is very good now, promoting your best interests in a versatile, knowledge-gaining manner.

There could be an emphasis on beauty and art. You could make something, create something, use your hands to form something reflective of love. The details of it take form surprisingly when you give your heart to it.

Hopeful experiment plays into research of things which seem essential to you. Some of this may be for sheer knowledge and understanding, and some for practical purposes, ways of managing or increasing prosperity, which you can do successfully.

When contradictions appear, you can reconcile or balance them. It is not always necessary to arrive at absolute or inflexible positions about things, only to make effective judgments after considering both sides. Then you can rule your world accordingly.

The superficial, foolish, self-flattering side of human beings might make its appearance. Some cling to their vanity as an evasion of anything requiring dedication. Yet just a little of the latter can lead to fortuitous gain and success beyond one's expectation.

{Sunday} /Maintaining Good Fortune\

Cosmic Piper

Monday 26 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues until Tuesday afternoon

Is a new continent forming to the west? An old one in your mind?
The country ways of country folk in fields of gold renew inheritance.
A marble pillar is the man who gave his life for wealth, yet in his gaze
A star sparkles above spring flowers as well as autumn leaves. 

\Ancestors Alive/

There does not have to be constant turmoil and upset. There are so many potentials to activate that you might find yourself unsure which way to go. You want to do something original. At the same time there is enchantment through beauty and daydreaming, childlikeness.

Scientific perception and invention are possibilities, with a continuing Uranian emphasis and the sun joined to Mercury. Machinery or chemicals might become interesting. There are poetry, fine sensibilities, and links with an artistic or refined family line through marriage or partnership.

Genius calls to you through someone notable. He or she seems able to do anything, juggling life, displaying cleverness. You might discover something by going west of your usual location.

Do you know someone rural, or did you grow up in such a setting? Anyway, you could connect with or get media information about someone simple but solid and straightforward like the best of country folk. That is an inspiration in your quest for fulfillment and reasonable gain.

A conservative background is an asset. Some depart from their "boring" ancestry for fresh adventures, yet return at some point to the proved values of their old families. An elderly woman or man may ponder reality beyond this lifetime, self-assured in the darkness of the unknown.

There is always hope for those who have made a bad match. It had its purpose. So does solitariness, when that is appropriate. Some turn from the bitterness of failed relationship and find solace in the quest for wealth. Rare is the one who escape's Midas's destiny, rich and also loved. 

{Monday} /Ancestors Alive\

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Forecast: Friday 23 and Saturday 24 August 2013

Friday 23 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

/moon void-of-course until it
enters Aries at 12:14a PT | 3:14a ET | 7:14a UT

The whole tribe gathers; then white folk with them;
Tension dissolves into colorful clothing, glad feasting.
A sphere in the sky reflects stars above, faces below.
The shaman speaking in two tongues transmits treasure.

*Fortune Supports a Smooth Drive Forward*

As I feel it, we are in the midst of a real push toward getting on top of things. This may not be easy but at least it is not terribly confusing. Quick decisions are often the easy part. Things which seemed murky or too complex (in the Dark Epoch which ended August 2) become simpler, or one is able to disentangle what works from what does not work. Then of course there has to be follow-through, which is dynamized by the Grand Square now forming (Venus, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter) in cardinal signs. That means, Full Steam Ahead! Mercury and the sun are now in Virgo, a sign of method--your methods are being developed and perfected! This has already been discussed in connection with the Bright Hermetic Epoch, the center of which we are enjoying. I hope you realize this, and make your current methods a landmark for yourself, this week and next, perhaps writing down the practical formulas you have discovered to be working for you in every area of your life. This could include diet, work, exercise, methods of study, and methods in your particular art, craft, skill or profession.

There is a sweetening factor beginning today! The harsh septile (tri- and bi-septiles) pattern among Mars, Saturn and Uranus has ended with Mars pulling out of the picture; and at the same time Mars joins in a quintile and bi-quintile (pleasant, lucky) pattern with Venus and Neptune. This could be an elixir of hope manifesting in sweetened human relations as well as breezy optimism about work and study.

Friday: There is an emphasis of interpretation, understanding, cultural interests which intersect in amazing ways to reveal enlightening facets of everything created by humanity as art or literature. 

Sociability and adaptation are wonderful. They lift all beyond a narrow selfish focus in both work and pleasure. You sense how your profession or career is related to the joys and interests of others. Your use of language is facilitated serendipitously.

Perceiving truth is wonderful. It can be happening for you. Whatever your field of observation, you sense how all things reflect one another in ways mutually revealing. Yet you care also about the manual, physical details needed in your area of effort.

The social and the self-interested are finding a mutual harmony. You appreciate the life of your superior in work, and he or she yours, while you navigate the waters toward a definite success for yourself. You are watching carefully for exact ways to it. 

You can sense how old traditions and beliefs of an alien culture can benefit your own. This could be a Native American tribe, an East Indian cultus, or a culture which offers another perspective on how to live. It helps you learn to rule your own world.

The Grand Square gives energy but could evoke too much aggression. We do not have to knock people over to get our own way. Although you want to get that way, Mars's good aspects suggest that the true path is fortuitous and serendipitous

{Friday} *Fortune Supports a Smooth Drive Forward*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 24 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 8, Regeneration

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week begins at 11:01a PT | 2:01p ET | 6:01p UT
continuing through Sunday and Monday (longer than usual)

The prison's iron girders comfort in a strange way;
No need to struggle past their solemn grey restraint.
He had an elephant once; a castle on its back in which
To ride. He'll ride again. This poverty tips the scales to certain gain.

*Careful and Calm, Competent and Resolved*

The first two paragraphs of yesterday's report remain as pertinent now as then. 

The day, however, is less exuberant and more subtle, mellow, or mildly downcast. There could be reticence and withdrawal. You know something deep in you is readying to come out, but exigencies accompany the process. Safe competence is a key.

Fortunately you are mentally equipped for whatever happens. You are strong and coolly courageous because sagacious, and wanting to be responsible in aiding anyone dependent. The brilliant side of you is confident but somewhat other-worldly.

What are we going to do about the evil in the world? We can study spiritually, and pray. That is the most powerful medicine, antidote or weapon known to me. Knowledge of a deep sort can vanquish whatever evil forces may be lurking here or abroad.

A cold and mathematical approach to some things is appropriate. One has to get the numbers right, in budgeting or investing. A kingly cure for poverty is available, if one is watchful enough to note what is advantageous and what not. 

Perhaps not everything can be perfect, yet you strive for solid value. After deciding carefully between two possible choices, you can proceed with confidence and determination, ruling your world with your resolve. 

Those imprisoned, or secluded for other than criminal reasons, can develop an inner peace, even a singing of the soul. You know someone who is doing or could do this. There is love in the most unlikely situations. Then good fortune could not be far behind.

{Saturday} *Careful and Calm, Competent and Resolved*

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Forecast: Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 August 2013

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 7, Partner

(Moon on course)

He scored high on the qualifying test, jumped in the pool and
Encountered a mermaid of temptation. Oh joy! Oh Thrill! Oh loss!
A brewing storm reflected lightning-dagger upset, mild regret.
He opened a book to learn; he studied circling, twining graphs.


The triple septile among Saturn, Mars, and Uranus--two bi-septiles and one tri-septile--has been going on since Wednesday August 14. It lessens somewhat today, the harsh bi-septile between Mars and Saturn having ended (by the two-degree orb allowed). It has been most notable on the world stage in the violent events in Egypt, as well as a multitude of accidents. I do not wish usually to point out tragedies, we all see enough of them in the news, but this set-up is very similar to the one on 9/11/01 when in fact the same three planets were involved in a septile pattern. For most of us this has been a kind of ferocious assault on our problems, a determination (in a facilitating Bright Epoch) to get things under control despite apparent opposition. So it has been for me, at least. I believe we may start to see, today, some positive results of our efforts--not without possible pitfalls, indicated below.

You are qualified for some things and you know it. You are willing to prove that. You are shrewd in protecting your own interests.

A lot that you need to do involves getting rid of obstacles. This could be perceived as destructive by some, so it is well to be careful. Knowledge is yours, along special lines. You do not have to prove that by being obstreperous or arrogant. Your moods vary but you can win.

Contradictions you have borne are connected with your individual destiny, which is unique. You have sunk low, then climbed out of dark spaces to rise high. You continue the process. It can include a need for manual labor, putting multiple details in order, which facilitates your hopes.

Falling into complaining would be a mistake. People might see you as indolent, complaining rather than working, whether that is fair or not. Rather than contrast your lot with others', you can work shrewdly toward wealth and acclaim. There is a time for that, probably now.

There can be intensification, which might appear as crisis. Rather than glory in it (and make it worse) you can rise above it. You want to be strong and decisive, and can do so. Steadiness leads to supremacy. You can be ruthless about what you care about.

There is a spicy side to the day, Venus forming a quintile with Mars. The Fall of Man and Woman! The semi-nakedness of desire could be embarrassing or scandalous. Or delightful, yet I have to warn against what could go awry. Material gain may be more worthy of your attention.

{Wednesday} ~Intensity~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday 22 August 2013

Sun in Virgo, Assimilation; Moon in Pisces, Love; Fortuna in 7, Partner

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:39p PT | 9:39p ET | 1:39a(F) UT

In the growing storm the villagers dance and feast. 
A girl with downcast face mourns Uncle Charley. 
A teenage couple are tied by friends in ribbons.
In the rain a union organizer finishes the wine.

~Turmoil Does Not Frustrate Hope~

Because of difficulties and possible violence in the chart for last Friday, I titled the report "Circumspection" as a mini-warning. I did not want to do this but felt compelled by the nature of the chart and some of the degree-symbols. I said: "Indications of possible violence, hurting or thoughts of death are not fate but a clue that you can calm yourself to appreciate the eternal . . . "   Wondering what the "violence" indications might mean--Egypt of course was obvious--I said "I do not understand the human race's apparent need for warfare and killing. . . . Some indications today suggest that you might consider or try to comprehend the impulse to wound or destroy, in people in general or someone in particular, even in someone you love." Now it has come out that on Friday an Australian in Oklahoma was killed senselessly "for fun" by three teenagers. This is just one confirmation of what the chart was hinting at. (I am not sure why this killing is coming out in the media on Tuesday rather than Friday or the weekend, but the Guardian newspaper confirms the crime happened Friday.) I am happy to say that I had a good Friday afternoon and evening with a friend. The "danger" did not go beyond our being careful in our conversations about certain touchy topics. There was tension in many individuals, I noticed, in many strangers in places of entertainment. I wondered why they were so tense as if ready to "go off" at the wrong word or gesture. And so for most of us these "violence" warnings are not exactly moot but very subtle. Only for the depraved or savage, such as those teenagers, or for those in a war zone, are they to be taken literally . . . Whether the victim Chris Lane would have been helped by reading the forecast is a question. Perhaps not. He apparently did nothing to make himself more than ordinarily vulnerable to depraved killers. Yet I am compelled to give out some of these veiled warnings, to be true to my vocation. For most readers, what they suggest is to be more spiritually aware and prayerful, which is a protection against evil of all kinds. 

Thursday: It requires finesse to make decisions quickly. Options may split down the middle in such a way that you have to give a little to one and a little to the other. It is good to be a guardian of oneself, one's home, friends and career. The ordinary requires mindfulness.

A partnership or friendship is sincere and gives you much no matter what the complexities. You may be thinking of two individuals specially important to you. You may consider travel, visiting, learning, gaining knowledge, using language in a way to promote concord as well as success.

There is concern about those who do the work of the world. Manual labor is essential and deserves good pay and benefits. You may hear or read about someone who stands up for the rights of labor. You may attend to the physical-labor side of your career to perfect it.

A colorful side of the day includes gala clothing, yours or someone else's, and sociable pleasures; festivities including unusual eating. You are also considering your own welfare, watchfully serving yourself for the sake of a rise toward eminence. 

The turmoil which is likely has multiple sources. Some involves peculiar love-attractions; some derives from a conviction that you can be lucky rising up in the world, which is not wrong; but your choices might put you in the middle of a storm. You can rule yourself and your domain.

There could be sadness. There is some mourning at all times, for those who have been victims or who have passed on naturally, but you might be specially sensitive to it. Still, despite melancholy, someone from beyond might be giving you luck in regard to material advancement.

{Thursday} ~Turmoil Does Not Frustrate Hope~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Forecast: Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 August 2013

Monday 19 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues 

}Resurgent Destiny{

A group of children rest around a campfire. A house-proud woman
Lights a candle deftly placed. A star gleams above the lake beyond
The field where a farmer's plow lies helpless. He has taken to mining,
Seeing himself enthroned. He grips his partner's hand. What glimmers?

I hope you are seeing some of what the Bright Hermetic Epoch means (August 3 through September 30). This week and next, while Mercury moves closest to the sun (from our geocentric perspective), are the center of it. I always suggest at these times that we look into our current processes, formulas, methods of living. We all have them. We work them out based on past experience, intuition and guesswork. Your guesses and intuitions are more likely to be right at this time, and you can verify them with a clear mental perspective, scientific in a sense, which is likely to yield accurate results. Therefore it is a good idea to think out "What are my conclusions as to the best way to do x, y, and z?" It could be investing if you are an investor, pitching if you are a baseball pitcher, dancing and training if you are a dancer, practicing if you are a pianist, working on a new type of engine if you are a mechanic. You are developing methods. At present, they are likely to be mostly correct, or at least closer to the best than they have been in the past Dark Hermetic Epoch. So I recommend writing them down, maybe this week and next especially. "These are my tentative conclusions about how to do these things." Then you can refer to them when things get more confusing in the Dark Epoch beginning for two months in October. This can involve scheduling also. We tend to work out schedules for ourselves, daily or weekly or monthly or . . . (I myself put some things on an every-other-day schedule.) You are probably getting real clarity as to the ones which work for you.

On Monday, intelligence is blessed, has wings. You could fly high and long with fine perceptions of all-over, life-long, world-wide trends or principles, and use them also practically to ensure your well-being. Concern about possible loss can impel to ways of gain.

You have learned from experience, and can estimate and measure possibilities accurately. You get indications of the trend of events in connection with interesting people as well as career and income. An amiable quality bubbles up even if people are worried about some things. 

Your home is important to you and you want to be proud of it, so can make inroads into caring for it as you would like, making it more pleasant and serviceable. While doing that you may think melancholically about those who are gone from your world and how you could please them in spirit.

Goodwill sustains people when they feel insecure. One does not want to leave this life looking back on things one has done to spoil good will among friends, relatives and associates. The peculiarities of people can be an avenue to increased rather than decreased mutual sustaining, a handshake.

You sense your destiny, what you were ordained to do. This has a miraculous quality. Yet it is hard! That is why you feel you need to do it; if it were not difficult you would not have that mission instilled in you. It helps others manifest values which your life-position can embrace and enhance.

No matter if it seems some of your tools are missing, or damaged, or you need to get them back in shape. You can (introductory paragraph). If some opportunities are gone, or never came up, others shall appear. That might be sooner rather than later, while you keep on mining for treasure. 

{Monday} {Resurgent Destiny}

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Aquarius, Truth; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week ends at 7:32a PT | 10:32a ET | 2:32p UT

/moon goes void-of-course exactly at the Full Moon, 6:46p PT | 9:46p ET | 1:46a(W) UT
until it enters Pisces at 9:44p PT | 12:44a(W) ET | 4:44a(W) UT

While he and she relax on the couch, outside a laborer shovels and sweats.
A reformer asks for a higher wage, better conditions; a linguist revels in 
Multiple wordings, scholars' delights. Aura'd in red, walking the street,
Some seek thrills, tipple toward bars; then clench fists, get back to work.

}Full Fortunate Moon{

The Full Moon grants expanded consciousness. This involves watchfully building one's career and income, for one is shrewd in detecting solid potentials. At the same time there is a tendency to live for thrills and pleasures, with resulting instability. Mysterious mutual attractions are likely. 

Many of your ideals may be personified, in yourself, someone you admire, or both, because admiration is a way of tapping into the admired one's qualities. Traditional, simple ways of going about things, if they are beautiful or satisfying, open a door to expanded consciousness.

There are reformers who care about those who perform manual labor. Minimum wages in many places are completely unfair. Others like to keep delving into their work, handling every detail to perfection. Somehow such work becomes interesting and enjoyable under the Full Moon's rays. 

Remarkable possibilities are afoot. Language is alive. Knowledge is fascinating. A versatile idealist is a sincere friend. His or her ambitions may be attained through serendipity as well as dedication. People seem to be living more than one life. There can be peace and concord; entwining unity. 

The luxurious repose which is available has limits, because something in you is not content to rest beyond a reasonable point. You are ruthlessly determined to succeed at something definite. So after you indulge yourself, you get back up and attend to aims steadily and competently.

There are times when one realizes one would not be happy without work. Effort in mature years is a fountain of youth; in younger years, a fountain of self-government and self-respect. True, one would wish to have great gain and fortune from this. It could happen. The cosmos is not stingy. 

{Tuesday} {Full Fortunate Moon}

Cosmic Piper