Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Secret Treasure; Thursday's Forecast

A lot of thinking is going on. There are intellectual, philosophic or religious differences to reconcile or fight out (Mercury square Jupiter) and differences of habit and predilection which make for separation or covert repugnance or indifference even toward those important to you. Many are struggling to re-invoke health rules they have temporarily abandoned (Mars retrograde in Virgo opposed to Venus). "Oh, I have fallen off my exercise program, or recommended diet." Of course it is well to keep trying.

The moon in Gemini trine Mercury and the sun in Aquarius can be cheerfulness about everyday things, routines, job, and co-workers. It favors also business or financial moves or transactions. A happy social element, plus quick insight, lightens tasks. This may reach its peak just before the time given in the ratings.

Social life, friendship, enjoyment, personal relationships: C
Work, projects, opportunity, concentration on achievement: B
Negotiations, agreements, business, transactions, purchases: A, B*
Cooperation of circumstances, weather, traffic, conveniences: C
Sheer relaxation and liberating self-exploration: C
Spiritual seeking, worship, prayer, meditation, positive thinking: A
*Beginning at 2:31p PT|3:31p MT|4:31p CT|5:31p ET|10:31p UT
E is effete; D is desperate; C is cool; B is bold; A is awesome

Cosmic Piper

Secret Treasure

The vexed question of Bible-reading hinges on a lot of things, two of which I will mention:

1. There is a lot of false, injudicious, confused or confusing use of the Bible by a lot of groups, teachers, and preachers. Therefore those who have suffered under their direction or control as children, or later, reject the whole Bible rather than realizing that those who were interpreting it to them were, simply, wrong.

2. The Bible is only part of the world's wisdom. The teachings of the East, especially of Hinduism for me, reaching a culmination way beyond traditional Hinduism in Sri Aurobindo (and at a different level in Sai Baba), are necessary to expand or supplement the Semitic teachings of the Bible. There are also the teachings of Plato and the Neo-Platonists, often compatible with the Hindu contribution, which provide a really important supplement or complement to the Bible, as many gnostic Christian and Jewish groups and seekers have recognized.

So, to any who are interested, I must say: If you were to read the Bible, according to a good plan (I have one which I would offer to anyone who writes to me), and forget everything you heard in Sunday School, or confirmation class, or from TV or street preachers, or anyone else, and just ponder those Scriptures as if you had never heard of them before, with an open, inquiring mind and searching heart, you would be amazed at what you find.

Thus the title, "Secret Treasure." And I mean that more literally than you might surmise. Financial success (or else contentment with what one has), prosperity, fulfillment of every kind, is taught by those peculiar, obscure, disturbing, alarming, yet often comforting and illumining chapters, whether in the Old or New Testament, Tenach or Gospel, prophets or apostles. There are secrets within them which I will not tell, because you need to find them for yourself if they are to benefit you.

"There is no error in Science, and our lives must be governed by reality in order to be in harmony with God, the divine Principle of all being." "The central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power." --Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 131

Sir Real

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